New Layout

Jul 07, 2008 04:34

I put up a new layout last night. It features my latest obsession... Twilight. I'm still undecided whether I prefer the header in B&W or color, so I may or may not be switching it back and forth over the next few days. Also, I'm hoping to edit my user info page soon. It badly needs to be updated.


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Comments 4

padabee July 7 2008, 13:33:02 UTC
It's lovely :D


chiffonwings July 7 2008, 14:11:27 UTC
Thank you! :)


reesa_grimm July 19 2008, 00:35:58 UTC
I like your new journal layout. And I do like the black and white. =)


chiffonwings July 19 2008, 04:28:39 UTC
Thank you! :)


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