User Info

Sep 08, 2009 22:50

♥ Character Information

Name: Verudo Duragun
AKAs Veld Dragoon, Professor Micheal Paladeen
Age: 66
Personality: Veld took over as leader of the Turks when he was quite young and his loyalty to the unit is absolute. He views the Turks as a family, and reacts as anyone would expect him to in that regard. He expects his people to do their absolute best and he does not tolerate failures if he feels that the failure could have been prevented. The goal is to get the job done, and if this means that they have to use less than moral measures, so be it. Veld evaluates Turks on their mission completeness, not their hang-ups.

He comes across as gruff and has been described as “scary” by other characters. Veld does not tolerate shenanigans or tomfoolery if it obstructs work. He uses the rules to his advantage in that if he dislikes or disapproves of an order, Veld will follow it to the letter and not a syllable more.

While Veld comes off as unrelenting, it’s more of a very low tolerance for people that show no common sense. He also tends to dislike people who are born wealthy and has a secret longing to have been an intellectual or a college student. He dislikes people that waste things such as money or education.

Strengths:Veld is an extremely gifted materia user. He lost his arm when he was younger at a job and has been using a prosthetic with materia implants for well over a decade. Even though he is older, Veld has been a fighter in some aspect all of his life. He is not above cheating to win, and will do so if it benefits him. Veld is also fond of explosive devices. Above all else, Veld is extremely clever and he has mastered the skill called “fake it till you make it”. He is brutally honest with his people and would never do anything to deliberately put them in danger.

Weaknesses:Despite his skill set, Veld is much closer to 60 than he is to 20 and he knows it. He’s not as limber or as fast as he used to be and tends to favor distance fighting if at all possible. He knows that he is not as strong as most SOLDIERS and will not attempt to bite off more than he can chew in most instances.

Veld has a short temper for the most part, however, and has allowed his admittedly warped sense of justice and family to get him into trouble on more than one occasion. He will throw punches if prodded enough. He also has a mouth on him and does not know when to shut it every now and again.

History: (A great deal of this is going to be made up, as there is not a lot of canon to go by. I’m using the back-story that venefica_aura and I have pretty much relied on for all of our fanfic and RPs.)

Verudo, despite appearances, was very firmly Wutain and considered it his heritage. He didn’t recall how he got to the island, or why, but that didn’t matter. His first memories were there. He grew up with obviously adopted parents in a small fishing community. Understandably, Verudo got extremely bored with this and lied about his age to join the army at 16. It was one part rebellion and one part a way to earn some honor and stop being seen as a Gaijin.

Verudo did accomplish his goal for the most part, however ShinRa’s forces were more than his country expected and his company was taken in as POWs. Despite his lack of ability to speak common, there was a mixup at the prison and he was let go. He ended up falling in with a Wutain street gang, but it was brief and he was more of a package boy than an actual member. During a run he ended up making a mistake and falling onto the hood of a car belonging to a woman who was the leader of an elite ShinRa company called the Turks.

She took Verudo in and became the first person that he actually considered a maternal figure. Because of her tutelage, Verudo joined the Turks and ran up the ranks at an amazing speed. He also adopted the name “Veld” as he found that his given name was very difficult for Midgar people to pronounce.

(From here on out, back-story is from canon, courtesy of Gunshot Romance)

Verudo and President ShinRa never exactly saw eye to eye. Verudo’s Turks were important, however, and Verudo’s performances were always beyond reproach. Verudo used this pull in their relationship to save his Turks from a suicide mission that involved AVALANCHE. The bargain for that, however, was that Verudo used up all of his “favors” and he didn’t have the ability to make ShinRa angry again. ShinRa had been very firm in stating that Verudo’s life was forfeit if he crossed the line again.

Verudo wasn’t worried about that. He was not going to allow his family to come under harm if he could prevent it. The loss of his daughter and wife due to a communication error in Kalm left Verudo reserved and distant. He was not going to allow anything to take family from him again and there would be no middle ground in the matter.

After the Zirconiaide incident Verudo is presumed dead. Tseng reported that he had assassinated the former Turk leader. This, however, was very far from the truth. Verudo took his ailing daughter back to a small university city outside of Costa Del Sol. He assists the Turks mostly through research and advice, though he could be called back to action if the need was extreme enough.


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