Title: breakfast and musicals…
Pairing: KyuHenYeWook (OT4) + Ddangkoma
Genre: fluff
Rating: G
Type: Drabble
Summary: Ryeowook’s special breakfast is only given to those who will be starring in a musical
A/N : just a random fluff that crossed my mind…
breakfast and musicals )
Comments 12
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hahh thanks dear^^
and oh henry, he's so cute. XD
well seeing a picture of ddangkoma and how big it is now~~ ahhh... i just want to hug koma XD
any way.. that henry part.. can't get over chance's tweet about him XD
does singing opera on the shower counts?
*raises hand* I vote for yes :3
*wants a special breakfast too*
thank you dear for reading^^
we can talk to Wookie for the breakfast XD
this was adorable, and wookie is totally pimping it. having yesung, kyuhyun, and henry...:)
but he made a special breakfast for all of them, how cute!
lol! henry singing the shower!
hahah just crossed my and i need to write it.. hahah and yes Wookie is really pimping his otp's^^
and i justt can't get over Henry's opera in the shower^^
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