Title: a place in my heart
Author: Jhengchie
Pairing: Hanchul, Eunhae, Hyukchul, Hanhae [girl! Donghae and HEechul]
Genre: friendship, angst, fluff
Rating: PG-13
Type: Multi-chaptered
Summary: Heechul wants everything but couldn't get any since Donghae unknowingly had them.
Warning: Character death, violence
A/N: made it more fluff
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Comments 4
I'm soooo excited can't wait for the next chapter update soon ^_^
the story had some major 360 turn.. but i hope i can still stay on the original plan..
thanks for reading and i'l try to update soon..
[so many fics to do.. deadlines..]
XD Bitchy Chullie. It suits his personality alot~
i'm not really very confident with this series but thank you for taking interest ^^;
i'll try to make it such that it can meet your expectations ^^;
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