Pride & Destiny - Chapter 3

Sep 17, 2014 19:09

Author: chickinwhite
Pairing: Kahlan/Cara
Rating: PG 17
Word account: 4800
Summary: End of Season 1 - And the beginning of an unexpected future for two sworn enemies, who have to learn to have faith in each other while trying to survive in a hostile world...
Disclaimer: Nothing of LotS belongs to me (such a pity!) - no business, just fan-fun

AN: Sometimes it is just a tiny little detail that holds sway over your fate... Remember Reckoning? Cara struck Richard, who was sitting close to the edge... Well, I asked myself how things would have turned out if not Richard but Kahlan had sit first in her way when Cara arrived...

Previously: Prologue, Chapter 1, Chapter 2

Chapter 3

Kahlan sighed relieved at the sight of the tall man, only now feeling the heavy beating of her heart; she nodded thankfully.

“Not a moment too early...” she breathed.

“I´m sorry, Mistress! I wanted to step in sooner, but I was would have led to a fight and you´ve said you needed her; and she didn´t seem to really threaten you until now. Though, ...I´ve been careful! She´s not dead; only unconscious. And she may suffer a massive headache when she comes around.”

He watched her closely as she stepped over the Mord Sith and bent down to examine the body; freezing immediately when a low moan escaped the woman as she turned the blonde on her back.

Haron smiled gently. “As I said, Mistress. She´s unconscious. There´s no need to fear her now.”

Still kneeling beside the Mord Sith Kahlan shot him a sharp side-glance.

“Don´t be stupid. This is not fear,” she growled. “but you should never underestimate this woman! She´s quick! And she´s shrewd!”

She found her daggers in the blonde´s belt and pulled them out to carefully put them back into their sheaths at her legs. A small satisfied smile pulled at her lips, clearly feeling self-assured and more like herself with her weapons in her reach.

Then she turned and mustered Haron quizzically; her gaze swept briefly over his whole figure before she questioned with her brows furrowed.

“Last night... You´ve been around!? Though, you have taken no actions except for the blanket you´ve thrown over me after cutting my bonds...” It was more a statement than a question and that sliver of reprehension she put in her words unintendedly. Immediately she saw regret and guilt washing over his features. His eyes begging her.

“Forgive me, Mistress. Please! I … had no orders from you. So I´ve tried to act reasonable. The woman hardly ever slept. I watched her all night long; but whenever I thought she might close her eyes for more then just a blink, she would always stretch and come around again. I thought it too dangerous to blindly attack her. If she would have killed me... there would have been no one left to defend you! So I just approached twice, once to cut your bonds and, since she hadn´t registered that, I dared a second approach to bring you the blanket to keep you warm...” and seeing her tilting her head in surprise he offered an uncertain shrug: “It´s been a cold night, Mistress...”

Kahlan´s eyebrow had risen, her gaze almost was whimsical.

“Twice!?” She smiled, nodding approvingly. “You are a smart man, Haron! I don´t think anyone else would have tricked her like this.”

Haron beamed with pride at her praise.

Looking back at the Mord Sith, thoroughly studying her unconscious body, her eyes finally rested on her face that now seemed relaxed and... emanating a peace she assumed she would never see on her again when she was awake. She sighed.

“I´m afraid she will rather get furious when she comes around. You should bind her hands. And take care that her agiel is out of her reach. Then take her out of here. We will stay here for the night, but I doubt we will find some rest inside these walls...” She looked around and with a sigh deeply inhaled the stale air that filled the hall, murmuring: “This place is forsaken by the Spirits...”


Kahlan moved carefully as she entered the vaults of the temple. Though, beside a few rats that squeaking disturbed as she walked by, putting them to flight, she had been right: all living had abandoned these chambers long time ago. Though, entering the dungeons, she could almost feel the smell of blood and sweat that used to hang in the air in earlier times. This had always been a place where pleasure had had the same meaning as pain, though not for the same persons.

She had come to put the Boxes of Orden to safety in a place where seemingly no essence of life lasted; and to see if there was anything viable she could use on the journey that lay ahead; but all she found was another skeleton in the dungeons, still chained to the wall and she shivered, assuming that this person must have been alive when the temple had been assaulted. But no one had cared enough to free the prisoner.

It pained her to think about how it must have been an awful way to die; knowing that hunger and thirst and rats gnawing at your toes where the only lasting companions in this jail... The wave of sorrow that washed through her chest as she stared at the bones forced a small sigh from her throat. She thought of the blonde woman, who had most certainly tormented such prisoners herself. Many. And over years.

Dear Creator! How shall I ever be able to trust her?

Not half a candle mark later Kahlan watched the blonde slowly come around. Her hands stretched against their bonds; then her feet; and as she found herself immobile her eyes opened warily, her first glare shooting hot dark fire at the man who stood calmly watch a few steps beside her. Then, while sending cautious glances around she lay perfectly still, obviously trying to gauge her situation, but small muscles in her cheek danced feverishly.

As her eyes found the Confessor, sitting on a log at the small fire, watching her vigilantly, she pursed her lips and huffed. Her voice was a little rasping as she drawled her words with bored disdain, but beside that she didn´t show any sign of detriment.

“I´d clap my hands if I could, Confessor. Your lapdog has finally got me! I hope you know you should have let him kill me! That would have made your life so much easier than holding me captive. I swear!”

The brunette gave her a small, almost condescending smile that barely curled her lips and didn´t reach her eyes. The chagrin that tasted so bitter on the Mord Sith´s lips was certainly not really meant to threaten her or Haron, but was rooted in the blonde´s frustration over her own failure.

“I do not intend to hold you captive! I have no time to concern myself with a crabby Mord Sith. I just needed to prevent you from attacking us as soon as you regain consciousness. Which, I think, was a wise decision, seeing your mood now. And...” The look she gave her sparkled with blue ice. “I thought it easier to talk to you if you´re not holding your agiel...”

The Mord Sith had sat up under Haron´s piercing glance, which she had bluntly answered with a grim glare of her own and now squinted her eyes at her.

“Talk?” She huffed loudly. “And what would that be we need to talk about?”

“About the choices I´ll grant you. Which I advice you make the best of. It´s no great thing. You will find the decision is easy to make.

Choice one: You and I...we´re going to work together.” Seeing the blonde furrow her brows in indignation and shooting her quizzical looks she leaned a little closer.

“I told you we are in this together! And before you threatened to kill me you said you would go and find the Lord Rahl. And I think that is exactly what we should do!”

Huffing loudly at her words the Mord Sith looked away and made a point of rolling her eyes.

“Why is it you´re always seeking for a WE? You´ve asked that before. Look at yourself: You´re a Confessor! The Mother Confessor, yet. I am Mord Sith! Remember? My kind and your kind? We kill each other!” She shook her head. “No! There is no WE! ...” She straightened. “I assume there is another choice?”

Instead of giving an answer Kahlan slowly led her gaze to Haron, who had his ax in hand and swung it meaningfully...

Her forehead crinkled as the blonde stared at him for a few heartbeats, looking as if being ready to eat him alive. Though, at last she pursed her lips, obviously coming to a decision, and turned her head towards the Confessor again, growling: “As long as I´m bound I will not talk!”

Despite her words the blonde hadn´t sound as hostile as before. Kahlan assumed that all her senses where focused on revenge for her sisters´ extermination. Though, there was something in her voice that told the Confessor she at least contemplated the idea of them working together.

For a moment Kahlan chewed on her lip, staring at her captive pensively. It could be worth the risk. This Mord Sith shared her fate in this new world. Having her on her own side would be immensely advantageous. But... what if these green eyes she couldn´t read tried to dupe her? Was this really the right thing to do? This woman was filled with hatred. And stubborn in her believes; And she wasn´t sure at all if she would ever be able to trust her, even if she agreed to her plans. Her eyes searched Haron, who stood silently behind the Mord Sith, never taking his eyes away from her, fulfilling her orders without questioning. He was a tall and strong man; he was smart. And confessed as he was he would never cease to watch over her. If the blonde would try an attack she had to face the both of them...

She sighed, closing her eyes; allowing herself to vision the man who had told her so many times that all coins held two sides...

Where are you, Richard?

She took a deep breath and opened her eyes again, finding her green gaze fixed on her with strained curiosity.

Eventually Kahlan plucked up her courage and straightened.

“What is your name?”

The blonde pursed her lips again, as if deliberating whether she should answer at all. Though, when she already thought she would refuse to answer Kahlan heard her drawl:

“Mistress Cara.”

The Confessor raised an amused brow at the arrogant emphasis on the word Mistress.

Even in her situation...

She nodded slowly.

“So,... Cara! … Do I have your word that you will not put up a fight when I release you?”

The Mord Sith stared her down; but finally she nodded slowly. “Word.”

Kahlan gave Haron a wink. He sported a tiny disapproving frown; but bent and freed the Mord Sith from her bonds without saying a word. The woman ignored him, eyes still locked with Kahlan´s, and raised a brow.

“My agiel...” she pointed to the rot that lay beside Kahlan´s feet.

Her jaw set Kahlan gave Haron another wink and he approached to stand beside her; strong and tall and warily; holding his rusty sword in one hand and the ax in the other.

The blonde sneered.

“You are not trusting my word?”...

Tilting her head ever so slightly the Confessor shrugged vaguely.

“Last time I had the word of a Mord Sith... the Seeker´s mother died!”

She kicked the agiel towards the blonde, narrowing her eyes as its brief but intense pain shot through her ankle. The Mord Sith picked it up, briefly tensing as her agiel welcomed the touch with its usual pain jolting through her arm and regarded it with a hint of pleasure in her eyes.

“Oh yes... Denna! I have heard about that... - You bashed her hard for her failure...” It sounded almost commendatory. She put her agiel in its holster and showed her empty hands.

“Denna has always angled for her own self-serving. She´s a dishonorable bitch!!” She stood and walked over to the fireplace.

“I... am not! Denna!”

And with that she dropped on another log near the fire, grimly staring at the Confessor.

“You have a few moments. So,... talk!”

Kahlan eyed her thoughtfully, struggling with her words - and with that little information they had.

Finally she nodded.

“The last we know is that you attacked us on that clearance. Haron and his friends -”

“They were not my friends, Mistress!” he lowly chipped in, anxious to rectify her. It gained him an admonitory look from cold blue eyes which made him slouch appalled.

“Haron and his... fellows... do not know about Confession. Obviously these people are even clueless about Mord Sith. The temple here has been savaged years ago. So, do you agree that this world has changed dramatically?”

The blonde Mord Sith didn´t answer. Her narrowed, viridian eyes just held her gaze.

Kahlan sighed frustrated and continued with more pressure in her voice.

“You´ve said you will seek revenge for what they did to your sisters. I understand that. But... As for me, I want to know where we are, and how we get back to our world! There MUST be a way back! And somehow I feel like we need each other´s help to find it!”

She leaned in, tensely staring at the blonde who still didn´t show any reaction.

“Cara!... If we can go back, then, maybe, this all...” she pointed to the walls of the temple, its cragged shadow looming right behind them, slowly accentuating every word, “...will never! Come! to happen!”

For the first time she saw a brief sparkle in her eyes. The pursing of her lips increased and the brunette held her breath as the woman´s eyes swept past her to the walls of the temple´s tower, hatefully glowering into the night. Until the Confessor almost jumped when the Mord Sith stood abruptly; nodding silently and giving her a still hostile, yet expectant glance.

Gasping appalled Haron quickly stepped between them with his sword raised, alarmed by her sudden moves, though Kahlan lay a hand on his arm to hold him back. She felt part of her tension melt away from her back, now that the blonde seemed to agree with her. Yet, that prickling in her neck was back. Her instincts tried to warn her. She swallowed it down. She needed to do this.

If there was any chance to get back to Richard and Zedd, she would give her live to do so.

She inhaled deeply and stood, and, intending to slow the blonde who was already going to rush she laid a hand on her arm, as she had done with Haron before. In that same moment the Mord Sith whirled around with an expression of murder on her face, wiping her hand away while her agiel stopped close to Kahlan´s throat, humming its threat into her ears. The Confessor´s hand in return immediately shot up to Cara´s throat, grabbing around it hard, while a flabbergasted Haron hesitated to rise his sword again, afraid it would cause the Mord Sith to strike. Kahlan´s hand sqeezed a little but didn´t tighten around Cara´s throat, while the agiel hovered just an inch away of her skin. The air between them seemed to cramp with the sudden tension. Both staring at each other as if trying to just petrify the others move with their glares only; eyes wide and focused; daring the other to do just one wrong wrong move.

Kahlan stood frozen with her head bent back. The tension sent shivers down her spine. The blonde stared at her with eyes so biting cold that it gave her the creeps, holding her wide-eyed look for what seemed a whole candle-mark, but was only a heartbeat, before she finally breathed again and relaxed ever so slightly, pulling her weapon away. With a deep sigh of relief the Confessor pulled her hand back, briefly palming her forehead.

Dear Spirits!!! ...

“I´m sorry!” she murmured. “No offense meant...”

Cara tilted her head, her voice low and with a threatening timbre: “If you want to work with me you rather keep your hands off my leathers! No! Touching! Understood?”

Kahlan stepped aside. “I just wanted...” She paused. What was it she had wanted? Build up something like camaraderie with this woman?

“We can´t leave right now! We were walking all day long, and we do not know what is awaiting us on the road ahead. Don´t you think we should work out a plan, before we blindly run into action?”

“I have a plan.” the blonde answered. “We go to the People´s Palace!”

Hearing the defiance buried in her voice Kahlan huffed lowly. This Cara-woman was a real challenge...

“Maybe we should first listen to Haron? Probably he can tell us what this world is alike. I´m sure he has more useful information for us than he offered back in their camp. The more we know, the better we are prepared! And when the sun rises and we all had some time to rest we will leave for the People´s Palace.”

The Mord Sith considered her words, standing at ease again, and finally turned around, giving Haron a long dark glare, beholding him like one would behold a stallion that was to be bought.

“So you think this peasant will be of avail?” Leering she stepped closer to him, close enough that her hand could slowly glide over his muscled chest down to his trousers; her eyes watched his reaction and Kahlan saw the amusement on her expression. She enjoyed that, while he squirmed a little helpless and searched his Mistress´eyes precariously, silently asking how she´d expect him to react.

“Well, I´m sure he can keep us warm...” she purred and turned to watch Kahlan, who´s cheeks had started burning. Trying to swallow her embarrassment down the Confessor inhaled deeply, which made the lips of the blonde twitch into a small, mischievous grin. She stepped back from Haron and sauntered over to Kahlan; close. Closer than she had been to the man, until she was able to lean in and whisper in her ear:

“Don´t worry, Confessor; you can have him first if you want. At least he´s your man, so I assume it´s a question of courtesy...” and leering she went back to the log she had been sitting on before...

Closing her eyes for just one deep breath to temper her annoyance, Kahlan silently cursed the fate that had forced this particular Mord Sith to her side when doubtlessly there had been so many that had been available in their old world. She couldn´t imagine any one else would have been that smug while in a situation like theirs...

Though, swallowing her anger she didn´t even notice that tiny curl of her lips, admitting to herself that this Cara had a very special way to provoke her...

She looked back at Haron and blushed again. Shaking her head she turned and joined her new companion at the small fire.


Haron had told them all he had known. Which hadn´t been as much as Kahlan had hoped for. She could feel the nagging disconcertment as she finally set to rest for the night.

Haron was younger than he looked with his handsome features and his stern brown eyes burried under his filthy beard. He had lived only twenty-five years, so he had been born long after the Confessor and the Mord Sith had left their world under mysterious circumstances and were thrown into an unknown future. All he knew about the events after Richard had put the Boxes of Orden together he knew from hearsay; had been told of in his childhood. Though, with the years gone by even the narrating had ceased until for the younger ones the existence of Confessors and Mord Sith became a legend that one would whisper into the ear of another.

Haron didn´t remember everything he had been told in detail. Or perhaps he hadn´t listened closely, which he wordily regret now as she asked.

Though, at least he was able to tell them about Richard´s fate, because his familiar relationship with Darken Rahl and the end of the glorious Seeker had led to many songs about a misguided hero who had finally found his place in the Palace of his brother.

All the while Kahlan had clung to his words.

On that clearing, nearly forty years ago, when the Mord Sith had attacked, Darken Rahl had finally trapped Richard.

“We were told that the former Lord Rahl had managed to hinder his brother to put the Boxes of Orden together...”

Kahlan´s eyebrow jumped up, dumbfounded, and her voice was doubtful as she asked.

“What do you mean: His brother??”

Haron tilted his head with a slight frown. He looked as if wondering why she would question. He had thought this fact well known...

“Darken Rahl had long known that he had a brother, who was born to a maid his father had thoroughly chosen to bear him another son, who would be able to bring his brother down when time would come... It´s said: His father had been in irrational mind, hoping for a child that would be able to stop his son, he took the daughter of a mighty wizard to his bed,...”

“Zedd...” Kahlan breathed. Her expression was one of complete confusion. She slowly shook her head over and over again, not believing what she heard. Richard is Darken Rahl´s brother? But...How could that be??

Haron stood with his gaze locked on her; uncomfortable with her reaction; watching her closely as he continued:

“You do not like that! Though... that´s just what I´ve been told. There is no proof the narrating is right... Perhaps it´s just... a rumor?”

For a few moments Kahlan just stared at him wordlessly with deep crinkles on her forehead; obviously seeing right through him, making him feel guilty somehow for not knowing what was true and what wasn´t.

Until Cara chipped in with bored annoyance:

“Of course it´s true! Your Seeker is a Rahl. He´s Darken Rahl´s brother. Lord Rahl just never made it official..”

And seeing Kahlan´s quizzical eyes she shrugged and drawled:

“He didn´t want to stir the flames too soon. I think he liked the idea that he himself would confront him with their familiar bonds...”

The Confessor stared at her with an icy blue .

“But...” Words left her.

Cara raised her brows and huffed.

“What? Come on. The Seeker is known to be a bloody fool! A soft, goodhearted hero, easily distracted and ruled by emotions and sympathy...”

Narrowing her eyes the brunette snapped back at her:

“He is the most goodhearted man indeed! He saved many lives and gave people what they craved for: hope! YOU!... Have no idea who he really is!”

Her eyes shot daggers from worried blue pools; involuntarily she had straightened and had set her jaw in an angry gesture.

The Mord Sith gave her a nonchalant look, a slight sneer playing on her lips as she drawled her words pointedly.

“Once standing in front of Darken Rahl, ready to finish him once and for all...Do you really think the Seeker, your goodhearted Seeker, could kill Lord Rahl that easily the moment he recognized he is of his own blood? His brother? Lord Rahl considered it a very good weapon if the Seeker would be really able to get to that point. The truth! ...was an ass in his sleeves.”

Kahlan´s cheeks had lost all color with her words; but looking the blonde in the eye she suddenly knew she was right. Her jaw tense she turned to face Haron again. Biting her bottom lip she swallowed against that taste of bile that tried to rise from her belly. Then she asked hesitatingly:

“What happened after Rahl had taken the Seeker to his dungeons?”

He squirmed a little. “That was long before I´ve been born...I´m afraid I can´t tell.” He looked really sorrowful. “Not in detail. Though... As far as I remember, with time passing by the Seeker has gotten closer to former Lord Rahl, to the point where their brotherly relationship allowed him to move freely and ...I´ve heard that he even led a dragon corps to reprimand the rebels of Clearwater.”

Stunned the Confessor grimaced in disbelieve. She felt numbly, shaking her head again and again while her hands fidgeted in her lap. Richard and Darken Rahl had lived in peace with each other? Not! Possible!

The man before her suddenly looked like a chastised school boy, oversized with all his muscles and stately size, but bashfully shrinking and hiding his hands as if expecting the teacher´s stick beat him. He chewed on his words, but somehow he felt as if the Confessor needed to hear this; that she needed to know all about her Seeker to finally regain control again...

“But, as I said... I don´t know for sure... When I was born and raised...” he inhaled deeply and looked her in the eyes. These beautiful eyes that stared at him anxiously; knowing already what he was about to say. “...there were neither Darken Rahl nor the Seeker anymore. The Lord Rahl who is ruling today has been the only Rahl I´ve ever known.”

Kahlan had blanched and now breathed heavily; deeply inhaling the crisp air; fighting the lump that had long since settled in her throat and suddenly threatened to choke her. Tears struggled in the corner of her eyes.

“He died?” It was only a whisper as it stumbled from her lips. “The Seeker is dead??”

Haron looked inconsolable, her unshed tears cut deep into his heart. But he gave a sad nod.

“The Seeker died in a battle, and his brother followed him soon after... The young Lord Rahl was just about 13 when he ascended the throne. He is a mighty wizard nowadays and … he has taken the Sword too. He is the Seeker now and Master over these lands.”

Silence settled at their fire. While Kahlan had her face buried in her palms, quietly panting against her tears, her body shaking ever so slightly every now and then, the Mord Sith finally harrumphed and demanded with her eyes narrowed and her voice hard:

“What happened to the Mord Sith?”

Haron barely shifted to look at her. His gaze still locked on his Mistress he briefly considered waiting for her permission to give an answer to that woman. But, since long before his confession he had been trained to quickly appraise people. And, knowing already that Kahlan wouldn´t mind, he lowly said:

“As long as I remember ...parents were telling their children they better behaved, cause if not... a Mord Sith would come and take them...”

He turned and now looked into her eyes.

“But before I´ve met you I didn´t even believe they were real! ... I do not know what happened to them.”

Her jade green eyes seemed to dive deep into his confessed mind, as if searching for the truth there, her lips pressed into a thin line. Kahlan looked up and watched her fist tightening around her agiel. She looked as if she was close to burst.

Trying to give all of them a break to calm down she lowly stated:

“It´s been a long day. We should all get some sleep. Haron, you´re taking watch. You´ll have to rest later.”


He sat at the dying fire and watched his Mistress with soft eyes as she stirred and slowly came around. She was so beautiful! He admired the way her long raven hair fell in waves over her back; the way she would brush a strain out of her face...If one had asked him, it was propably this what he loved the most about her. Or maybe he would say it was the way she walked, her strong and decided moves, which were even outmatched by her art of fighting. Dear Creator! His Mistress was an amazing and savage creature when she fought. How a woman could emanate such power and elegance at the same moment he didn´t know. For all his life he had been taught that fighting was for the men. Woman stayed home safely, rearing children; caring for their husbands.. He had never known a woman who was able to handle a weapon.

He smiled.

Kahlan Amnell was indeed very special. Even this Mord Sith had noticed. She had not killed her when there had been the chance for her to do so. And for that he was really greatful. Though he had seen her eyes sparkling with something entirely dangerous that conflicted with her demonstrated annoyance. Something wild and predatory; something that made him shiver, like a tremendous storm sending thick and dark clouds from the mountain ranges.

He sighed. He didn´t like the way this Cara had looked at her!

And that was why he didn´t regret it.

Though, watching Kahlan opening her eyes and looking around, seeing that frown that quickly blossomed on her face he knew somehow he was supposed to regret it. These beautiful clear blue eyes that made his heart melt for her, looked at him with a question to which, he knew, she wouldn´t like the answer...

It hurt.

“Where is she?”


c/k, fanfiction, user: chickinwhite, pride&destiny, cara/kahlan

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