Holy Shit!!! Today was the Pinnacle (#3) V. Thunderbird (#1) game! It was so incredibly intense! The score was really close until the end, where PHS pulled ahead and kicked Thunderbirds ass! Haha yes. I <3 Courtney for making the "We've Got Neil!" Poster! Damn Tbird kids said they didnt want me, but meh. They dun kno what theyre missing
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Ahh what a laaaaazy weekend. Friday nite i went back to Katies at like midnight and we got some wendys. We came back and Alex was having a party and me and katie just hclled in her room. AFterwards i went outside and takled to Lauren Ramsey and Kyle Kittleson and a nwe guy from GA whos name i forgot, but its crazy, he knows Preston! Smallw orld,
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Wed was the last day of the show! Ims o glad its over. Ikinda juse messed around the whole day. AFter that i went and met up with Court and Bria and we talked and stuff
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Heres a different entry. Rather than prattling on about what I did, I am actually gonna talk whats on my mind for once. I ran out of paper journal, and i might as well let the world kno what im thinkin to some degree
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Hmm... its been like 9 days! New record. Honestly, i have no idea what ive been up to cause the past week has been a total blur! Ive been so busy with school and stuff, but, i do remember this weekend
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Pretty good weekend. Friday was teh Shadow game, pretty intense. It was their homecoming, but we beat em. The very first kickoff e got a touchdown haah. At half time we were down but we ended up winning
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Nothign special today. Just the usual, school, lunch, school, out with camille, rehearsal, home. Ate quiznos, did hw, talked to some buds on the phone for a bit, scholarship stuff. Yeah
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Tuesday i decided to stay home. The whole "smart start" thing was lame, it was about elections so i opted a nice sleep in instead. Slept all day, then sat and played some video games, did some scolarships, made som SSBTR phone calls, and then went to lunch. Hung out with Tim after he voted and we went to Cali pizza kitchen. On the way i got
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