
Apr 23, 2012 09:20

When did LJ start inflicting Captcha on logged in users trying to comment? I'm not playing that game.

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Comments 5

f4f3 April 23 2012, 13:51:36 UTC
I haven't had that, yet. Best I can think of is either it isn't a paid-user issue, or it's a user defined security check.


chickenfeet2003 April 23 2012, 13:55:27 UTC
I'm thinking the latter. It may be a quick way to exit my friends list.


f4f3 April 23 2012, 13:56:27 UTC
I'll bear that in mind...


castalianspring April 23 2012, 13:59:02 UTC
They've had that for a while, but only on very large posts (I forget how big it has to be before it kicks in).


helianthas April 23 2012, 14:11:13 UTC

Weird! I know I get tons of spam on my Other LJ blog so I think I put cacpcha (or however it's spelled) on it at one point. Still get a Lot of spam tho.


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