We're looking for a kennel that will take our pit bull. She's a sweetheart and totally socialized, and until i started looking I had NO IDEA how many kennels and day care places discriminate against pit bulls, flat out
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In Lincoln Park, there's a PetsMart with a PetsHotel in it. The hotel will take any breed, but pit bulls aren't allowed into group playtime/daycamp. For lik $5 though, you can buy her an hour long playtime one on one with a worker! I used to work at the one in Aurora, and I still take my dog to PetsHotel because they're pretty well run and really good to the dogs. For example, we had a pitty named Layla that came all the time, and she was always getting extra playtimes whenever someone was on break. :-)
sounds good, but on principal, i just couldn't give my money to a place that's discriminating based on breed. why not let well behaved bullies into playtime??
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