Clips from the upcoming episode of Doctor Who. AMY. She's fab. ♥
First-Person Tetris. It is really hard but also fantastic. Thank you, xkcd rss feed, you always share awesome things with me.
Lostpedia theorizes about this week's episode. Lostpedia, y'all are awesome.
Related: Here is my possibly-spoilery-but-not-really prediction: (
not really spoilery, but what the hell )
Comments 13
I CAN'T WAIT! Amy looks so awesome. <3
I definitely say start watching again, because I love it and I think it's made a huge jump up in quality. Although, IDK, you might want to wait until everything's on DVD so you can do it in a straight shot.
Claire is still in it! She's a pretty big player so far this season. And there's rumors of the basically-confirmed type that Shannon will be making at least an appearance before everything's over. ...actually, I think the only MIA Lostie who is confirmed not to be making at least an appearance before everything's over is Mr. Eko, and that's just because Adewale Akinnuoye-Agbaje reportedly refused to come back.
Do you promise me it is not boring and confusing again? Well confusing is part of the course with Lost I understand, but it won't be confusing in a boring way that makes me wonder why i'm still watching this, the pay off will be worth it yes? I trust only you in this.
Randomly do you still watch Heros? I gave this up along with Lost. Was this also an error. What a about flashfoward? I made three eps it didn't hit a cord with me.
Even more randomly Do you watch Merlin? If not why the hell not? And have you started watching chuck yet? It's really good, but losing the ratings battle,
I gave up on Heroes sometime in S2, made an effort to get back into in S3, failed, and have not been back. And Flashforward I'm even worse than you; I acquired the first episode with the intention to decide if it was worth getting invested in and then just never got around to watching it. :/
I don't watch Merlin, but it's on my Massively Long List Of Shows To Watch! *flails* As is Chuck. There's just...not even TV-watching time in my life. :O
I hope Penny's line doesn't become what the show's all about, I loved the last episode but the focus on love irked me a bit. Or, maybe, if one of the examples wasn't romantic heterosexual love I'd be more alright with it. (See, this is why we still need Michael around--is it bad that him and Walt's relationship is the only thing I can think of that comes close to some other representation of love on the show?)
I think, even if it's not what the show's all about, it's going to be important in the final gameplan somehow. But, yes, I hope it's not all romantic heterosexual love. Let's see Michael start to get bleedover once he's reunited with Walt, or Claire giving birth to Aaron, or Shannon and Boone fixing their relationship with one another in an entirely nonromantic nonsexual way. *crosses fingers*
ETA: Or Shannon and Vincent meeting! ...tbh, if Shannon and Vincent meeting happens in the altverse I will be so ridiculously happy I won't care if it's plot-relevant or not.
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