MARRY ME, CLAMP!! *-* what a tradegy this is for all the poor little fools(like me). all this CLAMP goodness thats probably never going to be attained by me. TT-TT anyway, thanks for all the news, chibiyuuto. YOU'RE MY FREAKING HERO. (proof shown in the tsubasa guild of gaiaonline, where i mention and refer to you on almost every post i make. *sweatdrop* no, really. im serious.)
Indeed~ I gave up on guessing Clow after this batch of RG Veda charas came up XD But I think it's over now... maybe Clow will finally be in the next one?
WHAT???? IT'S KENDAPPA ON THE DULEXE???? ;______; the toyko arc is definitely going to be more than 2 volumes then... hope volume 15 comes out here soon >__
How did you get that conclusion? I also think it's going to be more than 2 volumes for sure, but the fact of Kendappa is featuring 15's deluxe did nothing to help me come into that conclusion XD
coz i just got volume 14 two days ago, and it ended with 108 *___* and about 11 chapters per volume, 119 is the last one or so on 15. we're not done with this world yet (too many questions left hanging!! subaru!! seishirou!! kamui!! fuuma!! too many scenes we fans want that aren't here yet!!) so it's bound to go into 16 ^__^;;
then judging the fact that kendappa appeared in volume 13 (in kurogane's memory), that means.... absolutely nothing. ...i messed up japan releases and hong kong releases x___x
anyways, what is tsubasa, or CLAMP even, WITHOUT A KAMUI DELUXE BOOK. COMMON, IT'S CLAMP!!! D: i seem to have too much confidence in CLAMP..
>what is tsubasa, or CLAMP even, WITHOUT A KAMUI DELUXE BOOK. COMMON, IT'S CLAMP!!! D: Oh yeah, I definitely agree xDDD Even if so far he's being so evil !
Comments 40
>But the Kendappa cover does look beautiful.
Oh yes, it does *-* She's so gracious.
what a tradegy this is for all the poor little fools(like me). all this CLAMP goodness thats probably never going to be attained by me. TT-TT
anyway, thanks for all the news, chibiyuuto.
(proof shown in the tsubasa guild of gaiaonline, where i mention and refer to you on almost every post i make. *sweatdrop* no, really. im serious.)
Thanks for appreciating my LJ, yay ! You're welcome ^__^
then judging the fact that kendappa appeared in volume 13 (in kurogane's memory), that means.... absolutely nothing. ...i messed up japan releases and hong kong releases x___x
anyways, what is tsubasa, or CLAMP even, WITHOUT A KAMUI DELUXE BOOK. COMMON, IT'S CLAMP!!! D: i seem to have too much confidence in CLAMP..
Oh yeah, I definitely agree xDDD Even if so far he's being so evil !
Do you know if it's a furoku with the magazine or is it a whole other special issue?
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