so yeah, making it all official and stuff...

May 29, 2011 12:45

Just a general public service announcement since it's been a long time since I've posted anything fic-like here (as opposed to communities), and it's probably going to be a while longer before I get back to anything fic-like ( Read more... )

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Comments 35

raisedbymoogles May 29 2011, 17:51:08 UTC
You aten't dead! :DDD


chibirisuchan May 29 2011, 17:56:10 UTC
I know! Some days I'm amazed by that too! ^^;;;;

I am totally not giving up on Aeos; I've got like 75-100 pages of plot and scenes outlined, but the joins aren't there yet. I'd been hoping to be able to finish a big chunk of those joins either at ACen or this weekend, so I'd have a biiiig stash of fic that I could post in smaller chunks for weeks/months, but life keeps having different opinions on how much I can multitask! *headdesk*


raisedbymoogles May 29 2011, 18:06:30 UTC
Believe me, I know the feeling. It's been far too long since I've worked on some of my big projects myself, so I really have no right to poke. *hugs and gives backrub instead*


chibirisuchan May 29 2011, 18:17:21 UTC
*kitty bats at moogle-pompon* :3

I have to get some prerequisite studying done for this class this weekend, but I am sekritly hoping to get one more post done for something on the meme before the weekend escapes me. :D


askerian May 29 2011, 18:06:38 UTC
*tacklepounce* *loves upon*

Urgh real-life. I hope the housemate works out. D: it's the only thing that doesn't seem to be guarantee exhaustion from the get-go. urgh, poor you.


chibirisuchan May 29 2011, 18:14:37 UTC
I hope it works too! She wants to meet up for dinner and talk finalizing stuff, so fingers crossed!

I keep telling myself "one class a semester, you'll be done in 3 years, just get it over with and you won't have to do it again..."


bard_linn May 29 2011, 18:40:34 UTC
Glad to hear you're okay. Wish you the best of luck!


chibirisuchan May 30 2011, 02:22:19 UTC
Thank you! Good luck to you too - I hope you have substantially better luck with the house you buy than I've had with mine! XD


lady_caterina May 29 2011, 18:49:50 UTC
Good luck with all that! I graduated the first Saturday of this month, finally, even though the date on my diploma is totally wrong - so I might still be ok for MLIS classes this fall. We'll see.

We're currently house-hunting. Hopefully, will have something positive to tell you about that soon. OMG what they want for these things is pure insanity! Did you know that 100k won't even get you a house that isn't falling apart ? :P


chibirisuchan May 30 2011, 02:26:02 UTC
Oh man, yeah, unfortunately I found that out through painful experience myself. Mine cost me $133K and it clearly did not get far enough up the price scale to make it into the "not falling apart" category! ^^;;;;

Have you tried checking around the foreclosure sites? At least folks who are trying to buy now have got foreclosures to bring some of the prices somewhere back around sane; I picked apparently the absolute worst time in history to buy my house in '06. But hopefully things won't keep dropping any further once you get a place (knock on wood)...

*long distance high five for fellow LIS student-ing!*


lady_caterina May 30 2011, 02:32:31 UTC
I didn't know there were foreclosure sites! Will look into that!
I found my dream house Thursday but someone else bought it while I was looking at it - literally. :( They have a week to decide but they would be insane to not take it.
We are looking at another that is a foreclosure that is pretty nice except for one thing: The entire downstairs will have to have the floor redone because someone didn't know what they were doing and put down the wrong kind of floor which has since buckled up and you can't really walk across it without a problem. Maybe we can get it pretty cheap for that, though. Maybe.

How is Bunterkitty?

We brought a bettafish home with us last night. He is named Alucard :P


chibirisuchan May 30 2011, 02:41:23 UTC
oh jeez. @_@ Sorry to hear about the timing! Was it the floor plan, the location, the decor, or all of the above? (Floor plan is possibly easiest to duplicate; even my pre-WWII-building-boom house has got dozens and dozens of clones of itself in the area.)

Bunterkitty is very cranky about something I am very happy about - they are finally tearing up the street in front of my house to replace the 1931 crumbling sewer system with something much bigger and better able to handle floodrains! So after all that racket and thunking is done, both Bunter and I will be much happier campers and I can give more serious thought to actually doing something with the Basement of Doom.

...XD and Bunter has just caught himself the first moth of the season. Apparently everything is better once you have a pawful (though not a mouthful) of moth. Go figure.


niyazi_a May 29 2011, 20:06:21 UTC
C-can I just whine that you're not around more? Because you seem like a really cool person I'd like to know more about?

/cringes under baleetion threat!!!

Eurgh, sounds rough! Honestly, as as complicit as my job is in some of this education-ass-hattery, I hate this stupid idea that a piece of paper from some dinky school somehow becomes all or nothing compared to intelligence, drive, and on the job experience.

I could rant, but I won't.

Take care of yourself!!


chibirisuchan May 30 2011, 02:31:59 UTC
I'm sorry! ;__; I'm going to try not to completely vanish off the face of the earth; I've always done more lurking-and-commenting-on-other-journals/communities than posting here. But everyone tells me how crazy tough grad school is, and when I do the mental math of grad school plus complete insanity at work, I can't be too terribly sanguine about how much fic reading-or-writing time I'm going to have.

I'm caught on the mental seesaw of "scared it's going to be brain-frying" and "hoping it'll be easier than I fear" and here's hoping for the latter! Just can't say much for sure yet since I haven't gotten a taste of the new schedule yet.

*looks around for wood*

*knocks on head since surely that is made of enough wood to qualify*


cherokee1 June 4 2011, 22:34:17 UTC
Hi, you don't know me, I am a lurker for fic, and enjoy yours very much.
Coming out of the darkness to reassure you that grad school is actually easier and more fun than the
4 year it takes to get there.
It goes very fast, and if you choose to continue year round, you will be done before you know it.
The best part is that if you want another masters, or decide to go for a Piled Higher and Deeper, most of the class work and seminar stuff you already have.
Good luck!


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