Title: Defective Parts
Characters: Chris/Zach
Genre: Humor, Romance, Drama
Rating: NC-17
Length: ~6500 words Part 2 of 4
Summary: Something is making Chris reluctant to let Zach get too close, Zach suspects it has something to do with his previous relationships he refuses to talk about.
Warnings: angst, less-OoC, no-beta
AN: I really wish these bozos
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Comments 18
I've been really enjoying writing this, and I've been writing like a MADMAN, so the next chapter will PROBABLY be up some time tomorrow or monday.
Also, I have no IDEA where Nimoy came from. He's not even IN the outline I wrote. He just snuck in while I wasn't looking XP
Love to see what you think of the next two chapters, which I think will be a little less suspenseful XP though Nimoy stowed away into this chapter who knows what they'll do next XP
I was not expecting this turn of events, but you handled it very well. I am usually not fond of stories with a lot of dialogs, but you are doing a great job with it, and I am getting really attached to your chris and Zach.
Cannot wait for more.
And fight scenes are a BITCH. He punched. He kicked. He did a super flippy thing that looks great in my head but is so wordy on paper to describe I look like a lunatic.
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