Title: Chipmunk!
Characters: Spock/Uhura, eventual Spock/Kirk
Genre: Epic, humor, romance, fluff, angst
Rating: This chapter, PG; Eventual, NC-17
Summary: Spock and Uhura spend some time together before the Enterprise arrives at their destination.
Warnings: Spoilers for the movie, has nothing to do with Chipmunks.
Author's Notes: Un-beta'd because I just couldn't wait to post XP
chapter list Spock strode the halls of the Enterprise to Uhura's room. They weren't supposed to arrive at their next destination for another hour, and Spock wanted to treat his girlfriend to something nice. He rung the chime to her door.
“Who is it?”
“It is Spock, Uhura. I wish to spend time with you before we reach Goblin's Copse.” Spock said, straightening to wait for her.
Uhura opened the door with a smile on her face. “Spock, how nice to see you. Come in, please.”
He nodded to her and entered.
“What did you have in mind?” Uhura asked as she walked over to the small table that doubled as a desk. She offered him the opposite chair.
He sat. “It is not the right time for a meal, which is normally more customary. I thought you might like to learn to play the Vulcan lute. You mentioned once that you enjoyed watching me play.”
Uhura's face lit up with excitement. “I would love that. Is it difficult to learn?” She stood, reaching to help him up.
He accepted her assistance, but she didn't let go afterward. Her hand was small, soft, warmer than the room but still cooler than his own hand. He forced his mind back to her question. “It is not difficult to learn, only difficult to master.”
In the hall, Uhura surreptitiously let go of his hand. Their relationship was no secret, but it would be prudent not to flaunt something that was technically illegal by federation standards any more than they already had.
They headed for Spock's quarters in silence, he could see the excitement and anticipation in her smile. Her long black hair fell straight down her back. Obedient and controlled, it was a proper Vulcan hair cut. No extra curls or unruly body. It was distracting to him, the way it fell so perfectly straight, even as she walked swiftly in front of him it didn't sway much with her stride.
Uhura stopped suddenly, and Spock had to lift his eyes from her back to ask as to why.
“We're here.”
Spock paused momentarily before opening the door and leading the way inside. He got out the lute and guided her to sit beside him on the bed. It would provide the best place to sit close with enough space so that he could guide her fingers against the strings.
The lesson proceeded well. Uhura, as Spock had remembered, was an excellent student. Eager to learn and quick to understand. He praised her for completing a particularly difficult chord on only the third try and she turned, smiling. Her eyes locked with his, and he realized how close they were.
Uhura's eyes darted to his lips and back. “Spock...”
He shifted back as she set the lute aside for the moment.
Uhura paused for just a moment before speaking. “Thank you for the lesson. You are, as always, a wonderful teacher.”
Spock nodded, looking for the chronometer.
Her fingers touched his chin, turning his face towards her as she leaned closer. “We have a little more time before we're needed on the bridge.”
Spock nodded slowly, taking her slender form in his arms. Their lips met slowly and cautiously, her make up slick against his dry skin. Her hands cupped his cheeks passionately as he rested one hand against her shoulder, above the short Starfleet-issue sleeve.
The room's communicator whistled, forcing them apart. “Mister Spock, we have arrived at Goblin's Copse slightly ahead of schedule. I'll need you to report to the bridge. Oh, and tell Uhura to come too. Sorry to interrupt, Kirk out.”
Spock raised an eyebrow at the complete lack of apologetic tone in his captain's voice as Uhura huffed.
The bridge was busy when they arrived to take their stations. Captain Kirk was sprawled across the captain's chair, his hands folded behind his head as he organized his crew for their mission, to research the planet and determine if it could be colonized. Kirk barely spared them a glance before turning back to his work.
“Atmospheric conditions Mister Scott?” Kirk said into the comm-link from the bridge.
“Good to go, Captain. Oxygen to nitrogen ratios are as close to earth as any planet I've ever seen. Neural activity scans indicate no signs of sentient life, not enough water to support it.”
“Say the ratios for the log, please, Scotty, and prepare to beam down a science team to take samples.”
“Aye, Captain.” Scotty said before running off the exact ratios for the record.
“Captain, do you wish for me to lead the science team to the surface?” Spock asked, standing from his station on the bridge.
“No, Mister Spock, that won't be necessary. Besides, it's good to let the cadets get their feet wet without a babysitter every once in a while.” Kirk grinned at his First officer, who, if Kirk didn't know better, looked mildly amused by that statement.
“Yes, Captain. I agree.” Spock sat back down as Uhura opened a comm-link from Spock's station to the surface team.
In a few short minutes, the team was beamed down. The lieutenant's voice piped through the link. Joe Tormolen was his name if Jim remembered Correctly. “Transport of all equipment and personal successful, Captain.”
“Excellent, what's the terrain look like from down there?”
“Same as it does from space, Sir. Dry and flat with sparse scatterings of rocks and scrub life. The gray surface we saw from space is a thick layer of loose dust, ground underneath appears to be white. I expect dust storms are frequent occurrences,” Joe said, kicking at the powder under his shoes.
“Thank you, Lieutenant Tormolen. Take samples of the plant life first, then look around, see if you can find any source of water or animal life. Enterprise out.” Kirk shut off his link to the communicators, leaving Spock to oversee the expedition. It pained him to think Joe, fresh out of the academy, had a lieutenant rank. The mild hypocrisy in that thought amused him, but it was true. If it weren't for the casualties in the battle with the Romulans, Joe would only have Ensign rank. Many of the new officers in Starfleet, especially on the Enterprise, only got their status because they weren't on one of the ships victim of the slaughter.
“Captain,” Spock said, pausing as Kirk came out of his thoughts. “Your attention is needed.”
“How so?” Kirk asked, opening the comm-link to the whole bridge. “Lieutenant, report.”
“Sir, we have lost all contact with the landing party.”
Kirk stared at Spock, alarmed. They sent six able men down there. He straightened. “Mister Spock, what happened?”
“I cannot say, Sir. As far as I can tell, all officers in the landing party simply turned off their communicators.”
“There was no word of a threat?”
“No, sir. Without an active comm-link we cannot pin-point the officers' locations. I propose we send a security team down with automatic transmitters equipped. If they should loose contact, we will be able to beam them back up with those locators.”
“Alright, Mister Spock, proceed.” Kirk frowned, contacting engineering, “Mister Scott, have there been any sudden shifts in magnetic or radioactive activity in the last five minutes?”
“No, Captain. Though I checked the air pressure patterns near where our team beamed down. There is a dust storm approximately seventy-five kilometers from where the party was dispatched. At it's current velocity and trajectory, they'll need to return to the ship within the next hour.”
Kirk turned to his science officer. “Mister Spock--”
“I heard, Captain. Security is on it's way.”
“Mister Scott, prepare to beam down a security team equipped with automatic transmitters. Contact with the landing party has been compromised.”
“Aye, Captain. They're here now.”
The two men in red shirts stepped onto the transporter pad. The gold particles danced around them as the team settled onto the planet's surface. Upon materializing, both men pulled out their phasers and looked around. “No sign of a struggle. Sample equipment is here and undamaged” One said into his communicator, the extra transmitter blinking rhythmically on the collar of his uniform. “There are two sets of footprints in the dust; team will split up to follow both.”
“Acknowledged. Leave the equipment for now; locate our missing officers.” Kirk said from the bridge.
The two men split up, one rounding the rock-face ahead as the other climbed the small hill to the side.
Around the rock, the first security officer called back to the ship. “Captain, Lieutenant Joe has been located. He and two men are unconscious but have no visible injuries.” He knelt beside them, checking for pulses as he brushed the thin layer of dust from their uniforms.
“Acknowledged, Mister Scott, beam the located team back onto the ship.” Kirk said, opening another link to medical. “Doctor McCoy, send three stretchers to the transporter. I want to know why those men fainted.”
The comm-link whistled as Scotty came back. “Captain, there seems to be a problem on the surface. I can't get our officer to answer his comm-link.”
“What do you mean? We were just talking to him.”
“I know, but he's not answering now.”
Spock interrupted. “Captain, contact with the other operative has been lost as well.”
“Mister Scott, do we still have contact with the automatic transmitters?”
“Aye, Sir; and I can beam up the three men our officer found using that, but without knowing how many to locate near our other officer I can't beam anyone but him up.”
“Thank you Mister Scott. Beam up all locatable operatives. Spock, walk with me. I want you to tell me exactly what that other officer said to you before we lost contact. Uhura, send another message to Medical to send another stretcher to the transporter room. I have a feeling we're going to need it.”
“Yes, Captain.” Uhura said, glancing once at Spock before obeying orders.
Spock just followed Kirk off the bridge, and onto the turbo-lift. “Captain, Officer climbed the hill following the set of three footprints. Upon reaching the top of the hill, he reported seeing something buried in the dust. There was apparently a loose cloud, as if the dust had recently been stirred.” He paused as the lift doors opened and they passed into the hall. “He told me he was going to slide down the embankment to check, and that's when the contact was lost. I heard a faint distortion just after that which may have been the communicator hitting the planet's surface, but I cannot be sure.”
“Thank you, Mister Spock.” Kirk said. They had arrived at sick bay simultaneously with the five crew members on stretchers.
McCoy immediately approached them. “Jim, the second security man... He's dead.”