Title: The out of season Wedding March / Congratulations to you, whom I loved. 2/2
Author: Me~!
Genre: Drama/Romance/Humour (More drama this time ‘round, I guess?)
Characters/Pairings: PrussiaxHungary/GilbertxElizaveta + Austria/Roderich. Mentions of others.
Rating/Warnings: PG-13 for foul language. Human names used.
Summary: Non-nation AU.
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Comments 19
(PS You're icon is CUTENESS LIKE BURNING. ChibiGil <333)
Oh my god they get to be happy!
I read too many (and write as much hur hur) fictions where the love can't be returned, or Roderich is between them, and and and.... &hearts
I'm just so happy, clutching my heart in joy at reading this.
I love the way you played out this pairing. I LOVE IT. It's exactly how I think these two are: they've known each other since forever and before that, grew up, couldn't find the right time or the balls to get together and fffff &hearts
I'm just so delightfully incoherent here because you stole my headcanon right out of my head and made it better.
Thank you. So much.
ups sorry 4 the capslock XD
But rly.
I love Gilbo's way.
The fic is 100% great. It matches the Kekkon PV.
I love u XD
...And -who- is Kenny? -- that's a valid question xD -shot-
Read the first part and this. It's awesome~ ;D Humor and angst both, pulled off so well, YES~ And they're characterized so well, I can't believe it~
And Hungary belonging to herself, making all of it very clear...and the romance, bwahaha~ Just the right amount of kissing~ And throwing her ring out -- wow xD
Good job~! 8D
Thank you so much! I'm so glad you liked it! <3 >u < (PS. I've been lurking about your PruHun stuff as well, and I ABSOLUTELY LOVE IT LIKE WHOA. D: )
No problem~! ^w^ Glad you're glad~!
(P.S. O -- Oh, haha~ n_n" Thanks~~ -Bows-)
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