I saw you on the empires lj I think, and thought your icon of Ryan was just lovely so naturally I followed it back to have a gander at your journal, and MAN. This MIX! We are musical soulmates, of that I am convinced.
Sorry for being such a creep but can we be best friends???
haha, i'm always happy to meet another empires fan! (: i don't update LJ very much anymore; i've pretty much switched over to tumblr, but if you would like to add me here or over there, i'll be glad to return the favor. (:
Comments 11
I saw you on the empires lj I think, and thought your icon of Ryan was just lovely so naturally I followed it back to have a gander at your journal, and MAN. This MIX! We are musical soulmates, of that I am convinced.
Sorry for being such a creep but can we be best friends???
haha, i'm always happy to meet another empires fan! (: i don't update LJ very much anymore; i've pretty much switched over to tumblr, but if you would like to add me here or over there, i'll be glad to return the favor. (:
and i'm glad you like the mix. :D
Yes that icon, he is ADORABLE!
I'm the same with lj lately, my tumblr is at X, please let me know what yours is so I can follow!
What a delightful person you seem, I'm so glad to have stumbled upon you!
am loving it. thanks!
mixes elsewhere like box or mediafire?
after dl-ing this, I can't dl your previous
mixes because I keep getting "you can't dl
more than one file" message :/
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