Title: Christmas Miracle 24/25 from the 25Days of Draco and Harry at
slythindor100 Author:
chibidraco Word Count: 609
Rating: PG
Prompt: # 24 Christmas in England
Disclaimer: Harry Potter and all recognizable characters do not belong to me.
Author's Notes: Somehow, it seems like Draco's hard work is paying off.
Prompt: #1 snowy London Harry watches Draco and Teddy a moment on the couch and just as he's about to join them he turns to Ron.
"Do me favor, take a picture of us." He asks fishing in his pocket for the camera that Draco put in there before they left the house.
"Another one? you blokes are turning into Creevey." Ron's smile drops and he looks uncomfortable with his own comment.
"Not that its bad if your like Colin...." Ron tries.
"Not as enthusiastic as he was about photography, I don't think anyone could be, but we like it." Harry replied gaining a relieved smile from his best friend.
"He really did love that camera didn't he?" They share a sad smile remembering the younger boy. "We'll go on then, go sit down next to the love of your life." Ron grimaced playfully.
"Picture?" Teddy asks still sitting on Draco's lap when Harry joins them couch.
"Yes Sport, so big smile okay." He lovingly smiled at his boyfriend wrapping an arm around his shoulders. They trio turn to the camera and Ron snaps a photo, before he can set the camera down he sees a red head pop into the frame.
"Hey, you can't exclude me!" George plops himself on the couch making room for himself by shifting his hips until Harry has Draco pressed against the side of the couch. "Come on Angelina, get in here." He calls for his wife pulling her into his lap when she gets close enough.
"Get my good side Ronniekins!" he calls out tilting his head emphasizing his missing ear.
"Wait,"Bill calls out squeezing in on the couch next to his brother, Fleur takes a seat primly on his lap.
"What are you waiting for? This is a family photo get in there." Molly prompts her remaining children.
Charlie, Ginny and Percy join their parents behind the couch, arms wrapped around each other.
Ron looks for Hermione and sees that she is kneeling next to the couch talking to Draco. Ron has never seen the blond look so shocked, he's nervously running his fingers through Teddy's hair which is changing colors at an excited pace.
Hermione smiles at Draco grabbing something from him before she comes to his side. "Okay, lets get this set up." she murmurs unshrinking what turns out to be a tri-pod for the camera .
He smothers a laugh. Draco really does come prepared.
"Hurry Ron, the timer will go off in a minute." Hermione grabs his hand and pulls him to the couch, she pulls them down and arranges them until their backs are pressed against George and Bill's legs.
"Okay, 3, 2, 1" Harry counts-down seeing the tell-tale red flashing light.
X x x X x x
"See it wasn't that bad was it." Harry tells him when Draco and he are letting themselves back into their flat, pockets full of shrunken presents.
"It was a lovely," Draco replies with a soft smile.
"Except, I still don't think this is normal, who sends a whole chicken home with you as left overs?" Draco lifts the tray in mittened hands with a confused expression.
"Molly just thinks your too skinny." Harry replies taking the tray from him.
"I'm not about to eat that entire thing Harry." Draco warns him following him into the kitchen.
"I can't wait to see that picture developed." Harry says later when they're sitting on their couch enjoying a glass of wine.
Draco just nods and rests his head on Harry's shoulder.
"Maybe by next year, your parents can be in the family photo too."
Harry can barely make out Draco's soft reply."Maybe, we may be due another Christmas miracle."
He pulls him close, inhaling his boyfriends cologne.
He'll find away to make it happen. He has all year.
Prompt # 25