F-Cut by the End of August

Aug 03, 2012 11:41

Hello! Okay, this is awkward

This is Yuuta (chibicorvus), the owner and the administrator of this journal. I have made this journal into my fanfiction storage. So far, there have been about 60 stories (drabbles, oneshots, thons, and chaptered stories). This number is still growing until who knows when. Mostly YamaChii and Chiitaro stories can be found here, ( Read more... )


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Comments 32

tofuruu August 3 2012, 04:54:56 UTC
Yuu-tan. ;w; So I wasn't the only one who felt like this?
Uguuuuu~ I thought I was being selfish. Actually I probably am, ne.
Maybe this is why I stopped writing...or..wait what? I don't even know anymore. I can't seem to write anything these days ne~ WHICH IS WHY I LOOK UP TO YOU YUU-SAN. /bows before the great. ;~;

Sorry I haven't been reading lately too~ I still have to catch up with everyone's fics. ;w;
It's not a very good month/s for my JE fandom though...I've been pulling away lately. /le sigh~ Maybe Yuu-tan's writing will bring me back. ^^


chibicorvus August 3 2012, 05:19:00 UTC
No you are not alone, which saddens me more.
Selfish? Hng, all writers will feel lonely with no reader left their comments on their updates ne--wait, what are you talking about being selfish come again?

Don't look up me. I was in the verge of stop writing ChiiTaro because of this. But no, I decided to take a rest for some time to get back again. Mostly I halted my ChiiTaro fic because I find the other shipper to mention their hatred toward YamaChii which is my first OTP. It's sad since I don't hate any other OTPs and how are they a fan of Hey Say JUMP if they ship a pair and not the 10 of them? *puffs cheeks*

That's okay. Take your time ne. There's not much ChiiTaro on my journal though. It's now filled with YamaChii, I'm sorry >_> But this is how I work. One YamaChii hater, one YamaChii fic comes from me *kicked*

I say, it's not a very good year for our JE fandom especially HSJ. I will do my best to bring you back with my fic, Ari-tan. I will. Even though it's up to you in the end, I will be happier if you come back someday.


tofuruu August 3 2012, 12:30:37 UTC
I feel selfish because there's writers that are trying super duper duper duperrrrr hard to write these days but I just kind of flopped down and said enough. Looking through the ffcomm it looks like it's pretty inactive ne. And besides the same authors are the ones updating the pairings usually stay the same so readers with different ships lose interest ( ... )


chibicorvus August 3 2012, 13:09:02 UTC
Aah, please don't be. It's a natural thing what a writer will do, especially when her piece has been stolen. I terribly sorry for you, Ari-tan. And I won't blame you for being paranoid. I haven't caught someone stole my fic, yet. But I f-locked my fic, and its accomplishment is scheduled every once in a month. Though I feel bad for my readers which doesn't have an LJ account, that I can't add them into my friend list ( ... )


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chibicorvus August 3 2012, 05:46:31 UTC
Hai, thanks.
Well, they have life. We can't do nothing but to fully respect them. We can't be selfish about this. And all I can do is this. I have life also, and it's sad to see no equity between us (writers) and they (readers).

Sou desu. We post our fic with this doki doki feeling, wondering whether the readers will like our fic or not, whether it is good or not. And sometimes I can combine the readers' idea/suggestion to my plot.

Hai, ganbarimasu. Arigatou, Ren-chan o(^^)o
Quit flattering me, I'm not that great D:


deguchihsj August 3 2012, 06:23:24 UTC
Heee I feel the same too, although I writing again these past months, and its about HSJ, my first fandom non-fiction.
I'm a author in ffn. but that's past years ago.
Doki doki, yup! After posted one fic, I have that feel, may someone read it or not.
I also be a silent reader some times and really I feel guilty for not leave a mark in that I has read.
But now I try to be not a SR again,
yaah maap kak, jd curcol, hehe


chibicorvus August 3 2012, 06:44:37 UTC
It is an extreme doki doki for me. Will someone read or not, will someone bash it or not, will someone love it or not, someone make fun with my grammar mistake or not (since English is not my mother language), will someone memorize it or not, etc. So much reasons for me to feel this doki doki.

It's okay.
I look forward to see you in my other entries and future updates :3


deguchihsj August 3 2012, 08:28:11 UTC
Haiiiiii~!! ^o^


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chibicorvus August 3 2012, 07:10:53 UTC
Hai, how wonderful the old times were ne. It's nice to see how the busiest writer can still even make time to update his/her journal, so did the readers. I can't blame those writers who left fandom. Most of them got bash, the really heartbreaking one. Some got copycats. Some are dealing with life thingy. Some felt unmotivated as they received less comments than before.

Sadly I joined the fandom in January 2012 --"
precisely in the time when most writer left the fandom
oh god why Orz

Hai :D I'll be glad to see even such simple words.
Ganbatte, Sumi-chan!


hikarichan92 August 3 2012, 08:05:37 UTC
I do feel the same way =A ( ... )


chibicorvus August 3 2012, 08:30:44 UTC
*high five*
There is one thing I admire from the readers of this fandom, that they never see our perfection from our English. Since the beginning, we share our stories, not our English. So don't say that you don't deserve comments. You deserve it, really do ( ... )


hikarichan92 August 3 2012, 12:09:10 UTC
NO! You are! You shouldn't deny it,qaqa~
You're one of my 'Top 5 Favorite Writers' here-lol, i really adoring this 5 writers so much :D
You, Rei-chan, Ren-chan, Putri-chan and Sumi-chan~ ♥

Haha~ that's a proof of how amazing you are, all people know you as a great YamaChii and ChiiTaro writer in LJ, no wonder if you have so many fans out there~
I had always seen those kind of tweets in twitter. I'm following more than 600 people in twitter, therefore I can see it clearly on my timeline~ :D

Ahh~ gomen. I'm really sorry~ But yeah, it has been my decision,for now, because I can't say that I'm stopping permanently. Maybe someday I'll write again :)
Even though I don't know when :D

IYAAAY! Yokatta!!
I'm so happy you considered me as one of your good friends :')
Arigatou qaqa~


chibicorvus August 3 2012, 12:17:14 UTC
Thank you but really, you have to give a little appreciation for yourself to be able to write, to have such confident to share it, to have such imagination to construct a plot. It's not a gift for everyone :)

Sadly I don't know hahaha. But it's good to hear that. It motivates me more to write and to improve my writing skills.

It's alright, dear. As I stated above.

No problem.


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