Eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee, one of the unis offered me a place! ♥ ♥ ♥ asdfghjkl can you believe it?! Someone actually accepted me! I mean, I've always been very doubtful since the moment I started my application and now that I know that I was offered a place at one of the unis, it's just... idk, somehow it just makes me really happy to think that someone
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Comments 31
Things I would recommend you to watch would beee... Torchwood, if you like Doctor Who (its the spin off, but it's more "adult", persay, but it's really good and you can watch it without watching/even liking Doctor Who, but it definately adds to the appreciation of it), Being Human (which I need to watch myself, but it's basically about a ghost, a vampire, and a werewolf who live together and the problems that causes with trying to fit in), and Life on Mars/Ashes to Ashes (A2A is the spinoff. I'm not sure if you'd like it, but give it a go? XD Basically police cop show/supernatural/sci-fi/mystery once a week crossover, but it's all fantastically well written and A2A is probably my favourite tv show ever).
Ohh, those are some really nice TV shows! :D I will definitely add them to my to-watch list! Being Human got me really curious. I will need to watch Doctor Who and Life on Mars before I watch their spin-offs, though... because I don't want to watch their spin-offs without watching the original series first. I would feel like I'm cheating or something. XD
police cop show/supernatural/sci-fi/mystery
Are you serious? I NEED TO WATCH THIS. I love all those genres, so I'll definitely look into Life on Mars and Ashes to Ashes! Thank you for recommending such awesome series! ♥
You're welcome!
Those four are turn offs for me, too. <<;
Haha, yeah, definitely not nice things. XD; I'm glad we agree~
I'M GLAD I HAVE YOUR SUPPORT :D And then, we shall fangirl together about those~ Or, well, I shall fangirl insanely while you look at me and try to bring me back to reality - whichever you prefer, haha! XD
E complimenti anche per il fatto di essere riuscita a guardare tutto Inuyasha, sul serio. Io non sono nemmeno riuscita a vedere la PRIMA serie fino alla fine. XD
Però so come finisce perchè ho letto l'ultimo capitolo del manga. ù_ù (Sì, questa è una cosa che faccio, perchè sono più curiosa di una scimmia. LOL.)
Oh, no, questi complimenti non me li merito, davvero! XD Inuyasha non sono riuscita a guardarlo tutto neanche io, sono riuscita a stargli dietro fino alla terza stagione più o meno (non ricordo con esattezza XD;), ma poi mi sono persa il resto degli episodi per varii motivi! XD; Ora sto guardando il Final Act perché l'ho beccato in TV dall'inizio e voglio sapere come finisce Inuyasha! XD
Haha, non ti preoccupare, lo faccio anch'io a volte, perché sono troppo curiosa! XD (Io ho fatto così con Ranma 1/2, altra serie della Takahashi a cui ho cercato di stare dietro il più possibile, ma alla fine non ci sono riuscita! XD;)
Io non ho la più pallida idea di come finisca Ranma 1/2 ò_o (e qui sorge spontaneo domandarsi se la Takahashi non debba farsi un esame di coscienza e chiedersi se le sue serie non siano un po' troppo lunghette...)
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