Hiya, guys! :D Today I went to the oculist and I found out something curious about myself. It looks like my eyes can see/read better when the lights are on in a room, rather than when they're off. My oculist said there's a specific scientific explanation for that (... I feel like I'm talking like Ema Skye from Gyakuten Saiban/Phoenix Wright, lol XD
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Comments 26
Tra tutti i sogni che hai fatto questo è quello che più mi lascia senza parole...XD
Bè dai,vuol dire che hai una grande inventiva e fantasia!!!!*--*
Oh,tutti fanno questo meme...lo farò anch'io prima o poi più poi che prima!XD!!>,<'
Oh!Mi piacerebbe vedere le tue icone!*-*
Haha, magari! *_* Oppure vuol dire che in mente ho un enorme caos e il mio subconscio non riesce a farmi sognare nulla di sensato! XD
Sì, fai anche tu il meme delle ossessioni! *_*
Tanto tempo fa avevo aperto un iconjournal insieme a due mie amiche, però non riuscivamo ad aggiornarlo spesso a causa di impegni vari... XD; Comunque, se vuoi vedere qualche mia icona, la maggior parte sono tutte su afterain_icons! :3
Guarda,io mi ricordo di pochi sogni che ho fatto ma nessuno aveva senso,quindi!XD
Sì,allora lo faccio!*_* Anche se molte delle mie ossessioni ormai le conoscono già tutti!XD
Awh,ora vado a vederle!*3* ♥
Mh, forse sarà il caso che mi metta a leggere "L'interpretazione dei sogni" di Freud, almeno potrei capire qualcosa... e analizzare i sogni di entrambe! XD
Haha, anche molte delle mie ossessioni si sapevano già, ma ripeterle non fa mai male! XD Io invece farò la meme dei fandoms che mi hai dato tu! *_*
Aww, sei troppo gentile! ;w; ♥
So many fandoms at once. xD
Someone said to me that if you're dreaming that you're speaking/hearing English, then your English is getting better :D
And aw, your oculist seemed to be a charmer :DD
Ohh, really? I didn't know that :D I hope it's true~
Yes, he is, indeed! There should be more guys like him around XD
Ah, wearing glasses makes some of my friends look cool, but it makes me look... Geeky. Argh, does it have to do with my taste in choosing spectacles? Dx
Your dream is like, so random, so funny and have no connection to one another, LOL! And full of surprises! xD; LOL, I don't think I can stop laughing now... <333
Same with me! I'm obsessed with writing and LJ~ 8D *huuuuuuugs* ♥
Aww, I know! My current glasses make me look geeky as well! D: That's why I only wear them when I'm at home, haha~ XD; I think it might have to do with their shape... That's why this time I'm going to choose a pair of glasses that I really like and that hopefully won't make me look like a total geek! XD
Haha, I know, right? XD It was made of things totally unrelated to one another! I'm glad it made you laugh~ ♥
Writing & LJ FTW! ♥ 8D *glomps* I should go back to writing, though, I'm spending too much time on LJ~ XD
I just know that I have astigmatism, and a bit of short sightedness~ My astigmatism is killing me, cause it's not blurring my visions (I don't mind my visions being blurred) but when I see a light from afar in the dark, I see many little dots, meaning that I see things in two or more... @_@;
Some of friends look fierce and insanely cool after wearing thick-rimmed glasses. *___* 'Cept for Ruru, his glasses officially made him look geeky. xP; For me, I wear half-rimmed glasses, and you might have seen me wearing it in photos that I post on LJ? Haha~ <3
Today, I was obsessed with LJ, and was practically lurking on it, waiting for you gals to come on! xP I should go back and finish my last batch of 50 sentences too! :3 ♥ *hugs*
Argh, that sounds terrible and annoying! D: I hope you can keep your astigmatism under control, Beth-chan! *hugs*
Haha, yeah, I've seen you wearing glasses~ ♥ But you were cute while wearing them! :D I look kinda stupid when I wear my current glasses, so I really need to change them! XD And I was thinking of wearing thick-rimmed glasses, too - they're so cool~ ♥ *__*
Our timezones are a bit of a problem for us LJ users! XD *hugs back* ♥
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