shugo chara! fangirling

Oct 31, 2010 18:17

Howdy! Sorry for not updating in so long. Also, Happy Halloween! :D

I actually have a lot of things to say, but this entry will be mainly about an anime that I've always been curious about and that I've finally started watching - that is Shugo Chara!. So yes, you guessed it, this is going to be a fangirl-ish entry. Anyone is free to jump in and ( Read more... )

spazz moment, tadase ftw ♥, asdfghjkl is a tag?!, fangirling, clamp are everywhere, shugo chara!, ikuto ftw ♥, utau ftw ♥

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Comments 13

animefanemiko October 31 2010, 17:27:22 UTC
Why, hello, there, new friend! :D

Ah, Shugo Chara... I've only discovered it recently and haven't gotten very far in the anime yet, but I like it a lot. :)

Happy Halloween to you, too! <3


chibichan November 1 2010, 17:14:36 UTC
Hey there! :D

I like it, too! :) I'm always so late when it comes to anime, I usually can never keep up. But Shugo Chara! had caught my attention over a year ago and I figured it was time I started watching/reading it!

Thanks! I hope you had a great time! ♥


kanki_yamato October 31 2010, 17:41:17 UTC
Shugo Chara!Prima o poi mi devo decidere di seguirlo decentemente!XD

Purtroppo non sopporto la protagonista e quindi non lo segue molto volentieri questo titolo ma ci sono alcune cose su cui posso fangirlare (W l'Italiano!XD) con te! <3 <3

Inanzitutto adoro Utau!Lei e Kukai sono i miei personaggi preferiti e,ovviamente,la mia coppia preferita!*--*

PS:Il manga uscirà in contemporanea con la serie TV qui in Italia!;)


chibichan November 1 2010, 18:11:11 UTC
Guarda, io l'avevo scoperto già l'anno scorso e mi aveva incuriosita abbastanza (più che altro per i personaggi, i quali alcuni già mi piacevano coughIkutocough) e ho continuato a ripetermi, 'Un giorno lo guarderò, un giorno lo guarderò'... per circa un anno! XD; E ora mi sono finalmente decisa a guardarlo come si deve ( ... )


kanki_yamato November 2 2010, 14:44:43 UTC
Sono nella tua stessa situazione,solo che non ho ancora avuto il tempo e la voglia di mettermi a vederlo per bene!XD"

Guarda,purtroppo Amu ha degli atteggiamenti che mi danno troppo sui nervi...ho smesso di guardare la serie TV dopo il secondo episodio!XD" Con la scusa che è la protagonista è ovunque e mi da troppo fastidio!=/ Cmq fai bene a concentrarti su loro 3! *nod-nod*

Utau mi ha colpita subitissimo ed ho scaricato solo alcuni episodi con lei e Kukai!*--*
Anche se non li ho ancora visti!XD /me fail

Io non riesco a seguire le scans,preferisco di gran lunga avere l'albo in mano da leggere con tutta tranquillità!XD

Oh!Se non sbaglio volevi un'icona di Ikuto versione pirata,vero?;)


chibichan November 2 2010, 15:08:44 UTC
Lol, allora Amu deve averti dato parecchio fastidio! XD Sì, effettivamente le protagoniste come lei sono il motivo per cui mi sono allontanata dagli shoujo manga per passare agli shounen o comunque ad altri generi! XD; Non so te, ma ero arrivata ad un punto in cui ogni shoujo con protagoniste ragazze con poteri magici mi ricordava Sailor Moon e non ce la facevo a guardarmi ogni volta una 'versione diversa' di Sailor Moon! XD; Però per Shugo Chara! farò un'eccezione, visto che alcuni personaggi hanno decisamente attirato la mia attenzione! *_ ( ... )


lingers October 31 2010, 17:51:42 UTC
SC!. ♥ It has a special place in my heart, yes it does. :D Though I would recommend with the series, not bothering with Party!, the third series, since it's kinda pointless and doesn't actually have any plot (and er, ruins character development. Bad Satelight. :|) But SC! and Doki!! are definately worth the watch, so that's 101 episodes for you to enjoy. ;) There's also Encore! for the manga, too, which is just so much fangirly squee. Which... is when most of the Utau/Kukai stuff happens. Nout in the anime, sorry to say.

My favourite characters are Amu and Ikuto, mind. Haha. :D Though Nadeshiko, Kukai, and Utau kind of follow up right after them. ... In reality though, as you get to know the characters more and their flaws and such like, it's really hard not to like everyone. And I pretty much do love everybody in this show except Tadase. It's like Rima... you'll see what I mean about her when she shows up! ... but you end up liking her anyway. ;)

PS. Did someone say Ikuto? /shot


chibichan November 1 2010, 18:47:13 UTC
I'll make sure to watch all 101 episodes, then! ♥ Also, thanks for the advice on the manga, since I was a bit confused about which series to read after the main one. And now that I know that Encore! contains Kukai/Utau moments, I'll definitely read it! ♥ But why is there none of this Kutau stuff in the anime? That's so unfair.

Ahh, I'm pretty sure I'll end up liking everyone, then. XD And you've made me even more curious about Rima, which I already find cute, even though I don't know her, haha. But yeah, I'll wait until she shows up. :D Aww, I find Tadase really adorable and funny in certain cases, haha. :)

By the way. I. IS. JOINING. And I'm pretty sure I will join the fanlisting for the relationship between Ikuto and Utau, too. ♥ I think I might also ask you to be KIM'ed for those once I get to know the characters better and I'm finished watching/reading the series


lingers November 1 2010, 20:15:39 UTC
Encore! is like an epilogue. :] The main SC! and Doki!! anime follows the plot up to about volume 10, then stops. That's where Doki!! ends. (There's volume 11, which was done after the anime. That wraps things up.) Haha, I think it was because originally it was a fanmade pairing? There was one scene with them together part way through the manga and everyone was like, 'Oh man, these two would be great together!' and I think P-P realised that, lol.

Even Yaya comes into her own later. :) At first it's hard to like her, but then after a while she just becomes awesome. They all do~ Idk, there's some parts of Tadase that just bother me. I think it's more so the stuff he does later on which irk me the most, tbh...

Yay! The latter could always use more members. Where's the Tsukiyomi sibling love, fandom. ):


chibichan November 2 2010, 15:31:45 UTC
Aww, so the anime is kind of... 'incomplete'? I'll make sure to read the manga as well... I couldn't stand not knowing the epilogue. Oh, Peach-Pit. They listen to their fans and give them fanservice, haha.

Really?! I'll have to keep an eye on Yaya as well, then. The more you tell me, then more I want to finish watching this anime, haha. XD

Aww, that's right! It deserves love! I thought they'd have more fans, tbh...


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