(no subject)

Mar 17, 2007 13:18

Similarity smut snippets!

Okay, in this I’m taking two characters from different series who are really similar, and making them have sex. I have a couple of examples to start it off, and then I want y’all to start recommending/requesting pairings. Or trios. Whatev. (Oh, and they don’t have to be DC, these just are because I am a scary, obsessive fangirl.)

Brenda / Hermione-DC/HP

Red hair, freckles, and a smart mouth, Hermione reflected. I definitely have a type. She snorted into her companion’s neck at the thought, nuzzling the ear with her nose and chewing on hair which fell into her mouth. “Maybe it’s just the room talking,” she said aloud. “There’s got to be something. I’ve barely met you, I wouldn’t normally…”

The girl chuckled back and ducked her head to lick along Hermione’s ribs. “What is this, anyway? Is it magic?”

Hermione gasped, and tried to tell herself it was in response to the Muggle’s question. “You know-gyeh!-about magic?”

“Sure,” Brenda giggled. “My best friend saved the world.”

“Huh,” Hermione said as Brenda brushed chapped lips up her breast. “Interestieeeee- hee-hee!”

DC/In Death… Lois and Nadine! (With a little Clark.)

“So, let me get this straight-” Nadine said. “This guy who showed up is a hero, right?”

Lois paused with her nose less than an inch from Nadine’s navel. “The heroest,” she said seriously. Then she went back to what she'd been doing.

“He has superhuman strength?”

“Mm-hmm,” Lois said, slipping her fingers along the edge of Nadine’s panties.

“And-ah!-superhuman speed?” Nadine pulled off Lois’ bra by the edges and pulled her close enough to rub against.

“Oh, yeah.”

Nadine struggled to keep her questions in linear form. “He… has… Oh, God, he has x-ray vision and can hear you anywhere on the planet?”

Lois nodded. Only reasonable, Nadine figured, since her mouth was full.

“Ah! So where is he?”

Lois stopped tonguing her and caught her eye. “About two feet outside your window,” she smirked.

Nadine looked.

The remarkably handsome man in a blue and red bodysuit whom she had been trying to track down for the last week raised a hand in greeting.

Nadine looked back at Lois. “Should I open the window?” she asked breathlessly, whimpering a little as Lois pulled out her fingers.

“Up to you,” Lois said, straightening out and flopping down beside her.

Nadine looked back at the window. “Well,” she said, rolling over Lois to put her feet on the floor, “Anything for a story.”

Also, I was surfing around and found a "Which Superhero are you?" test. I realized I didn't really feel like finishing it, but I was amused by the third question, or rather one of the possible answers to it. "What's your love life like?" was the question; the amusing answer? "It's dead--literally."

dcu, fic

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