Don't Say Goodbye (Chapter 4)

Jan 04, 2010 16:32

Don't Say Goodbye - Chapter 4

JunSu took a deep breathe as he stepped into the elevator. He bowed and flashed a smile to the other who was the only one inside. YooChun moved to stand to the other corner and refused to acknowledge the man who stole his job. JunSu had been left wondering why YooChun refused to talk to him. As far as he knows, he didn't do anything - at least not yet, since he spent the whole day meeting people - but he didn't have to wait that long as YooChun decided to open his mouth.

"You stole my job"

"Excuse me?" JunSu looked up from his daily dose of sports news to the pissed off man.

"You heard me. That job was mine, and you stole it" YooChun accused.

"Well obviously not, otherwise you would have had it" JunSu stated the obvious. YooChun was speechless as the other man was looking him with oh so adorable dark brown orbs. 'That eyes. Where did I see them before?'

Instead of asking him, YooChun chose to be rude instead. "You know, I find it pathetic that you couldn't have stayed at your own firm"

YooChun stormed out the elevator just as the door opens. JunSu was left there with a puzzle look on his face.


For hours, YooChun had to stare at the other man. Apparently, JunSu has the same fetish as him - leaving the door open to hear those little ducklings running around the office - it frustrates YooChun till no end. Every single time he looked up to rest his tired eyes, workers from every floor are seen piling in his office, from the top managers to the tea lady. Then JunSu will cast a look at him, a pure smile but YooChun wouldn't admit that.



"Still pissed off, I see" ChangMin said and deliberately took a seat. "You know, if you spare some time to talk to him, he's a pretty nice guy"

"Are you on his side now?" YooChun asked. He could feel his temperature rising.

"Look, I'm just saying, you'll be working with him for a very long time. Be friendly" ChangMin tried to calm him friend. "Want to join for lunch?"

"He's my enemy" YooChun glared at JunSu, who was seen rubbing his temples. YooChun's intense glaring faded and soon replaced with a small smile.

ChangMin turned to see what got his friend to change so suddenly.

JunSu was walking from one end to another end of the office, looking around like he's looking for something. ChangMin blew a sharp whistle to grab his attention. JunSu gave out a smile and walked over to YooChun's office.

"What the hell are you doing?" YooChun whacked ChangMin's head with a stack of paper he was holding.

ChangMin didn't bother to explain as he watched his friend cleaning up his desk almost immediately. YooChun was mumbling something incoherent like 'Oh my God, look at my desk. It's like hurricane just whoosh in' and 'JunSu likes neat stuff. I'm not going to let him see how untidy I am'.

"Hi, ChangMin! YooChun!" JunSu said as he looked at them. Smiling as he did so. He didn't mind it one bit to have ChangMin addressed him that way as the younger had built a reputation of calling everyone that way.

"Hi!" ChangMin smiled. "You need help with anything there?"

"I'm actually looking for the washroom" JunSu said.

"Okay you go straight down the hall and it's the first door on your right" YooChun directed, cutting ChangMin's line.

"Thanks" JunSu smiled genuinely.

"There's maintenance going on so if there isn't a sign, just go right in anyway. They're just dealing with the ladies"

"Okay" JunSu nodded as basically ran over to the direction.

"You are an evil man" ChangMin commented before he ran out to save JunSu from embarrassment. Even his long legs aren't helping as JunSu waddled his way down the desolate hallway and opened the first door to his right.

"May I help you?"

JunSu was in shock when he pushed the door. Many people in suits were staring at him.

"Um, I was told this was the washroom" JunSu explained.

"Does this look like a washroom?" The man said, laughed like the others.

"No, it doesn't" JunSu bowed apologetically.

"Well, please get out. There's a conference in progress here"

"I'm sorry" JunSu bowed again and closed the door gently. He turned to where he came from and saw ChangMin standing there with an apologetic look. In rage, he walked back up the hall with ChangMin tagging behind.

"You found it?" YooChun smirked then laughed as ChangMin's gesture him to stop from behind explains it all. JunSu stared daggers at him.

"You just prove to yourself that you're not destined to take this job!" JunSu smirked before walking over to where ChangMin pointed him to.


YooChun was driving home with the radio full throttle. He was so pissed off that he wished he could just strangle that man with his own bare hands. How could he said such things? And to hear ChangMin said he was 'actually nice' must be a such an overrated statement.

"That bastard! That bastard! Stealing my God damn job! That uptight, perfect ass and beautiful eyes....wait! What!!!?"

He momentarily took his eyes off the road. When he finally looked up, he was drifted into the other lane and a lorry was about to hit him. He lost control and crashed through a fence at the side of the road, leading him into a ditch.

"Ugh! Damn you, Kim Jun -!" Before he could finish his sentence, the airbag blated out of the steering wheel and hit YooChun right in the face.


Mrs Park opened the door and noticed her son had a black eye and a burst lip. "Oh my God, YooChun!"

"I hit a fence" YooChun said as he walked into the kitchen to find his brother sitting with his boyfriend. Unfortunately with his fringes covering his eyes, he couldn't possibly see who it was.

"YooChun, what the hell happened to you?" YunHo asked, ushering his brother to sit opposite him.

"Crash" YooChun mumbled before pulling his hair to the other side to see someone he wished not to see. "YOU!!!"

YunHo put his arm around JunSu's shoulders. "YooChun, this is my boyfriend, JunSu. JunSu, this is my brother, YooChun"

"We've met" JunSu said, staring at YooChun.

"Oh yeah, I forgot to mention Chun, you guys working at the same company" YunHo smacked his forehead for being forgetful.

"That looks a sore one" JunSu smiled sneakily at YooChun.

"I hate you"

"YooChun, be nice" Mrs Park said, whacking his head to gain revenge for JunSu who smiled in return. Oh, how YooChun hates that smile. He raised a spoon full of soup to his mouth.

"Aren't you going to say grace?" Mrs Park said as she settled down on her seat.

"I'd rather not" YooChun mumbled out, glaring at JunSu.

"Come on, bro. You're not eight anymore" YunHo said as hand reaching out to ruffling his brother's hair.

YooChun groaned but kept his eyes at JunSu who was looking at him too. They exchanged glances, ignoring the looks from his mother and brother. Only when the elder woman hit his forehead with a spoon, did YooChun swallowed, clasped his hands and closed his eyes.

"Thank you Lord, for bringing bitches to the table"

"YooChun!" Mrs Park kicked his leg under the table. YunHo laughed out loud but JunSu was not amused.

"I mean beef! This lovely beef to the table" YooChun corrected. "We are so grateful for these job stealer...I mean lovely family"

JunSu was staring in shock when YooChun opened one eye to look at him. "And bringing us good fortune. Amen"

YooChun smugly grinned to himself at JunSu's reaction. He was happy enough to get his revenge for what JunSu said to him this afternoon. He can't wait to do something more until his brother opens his big fat mouth.

"Mom, I think we should celebrate. Chun's got something to tell us"

"No, I don't"

"Yeah, you do. About your promotion and everything" YunHo hinted.

"I'm so proud of you" Mrs Park smiled.

"I didn't get the job, omma" YooChun sighed. "Miss Kwon feels people with no brains, no experience and that are only trophies deserve the job"

"Who would hire someone like that?" She asked.

"A very desperate journalist" YooChun grinned at JunSu.

"What a bitch!" YunHo exclaimed, causing JunSu almost choked on his food.


"What the hell happened to your face?" JaeJoong asked, a hand on YooChun's chin, turning his head from left to right.

"Long story" YooChun shrugged it off.

"We have all night for that" JaeJoong winked at the crate of beer he brought over.

YooChun led ChangMin and JaeJoong into his kitchen where the fridge was to have it fill up. Every Monday back in college, YooChun and ChangMin would invite their friends over to their messy room for a poker night - kind of like girls having slumber party - but none keep in touch except for JaeJoong who decided one day to carry on with the tradition so he could at least dodge having to spend one night with random parties.

"I got a question for you guys?" JaeJoong raised his hand to ask.

"No, not what you do with some girl" YooChun shook his head a 'no' but JaeJoong went ahead anyway.

"You know, when you go on dates, and all of a sudden she says she's going to powder her nose? Why do they do that?"

"She's sending off coded signals" ChangMin said.

"Code for what?" YooChun chuckled.

"The cocaine. When a girl tells you she's away to powder her nose, that in code is her telling you she is away to get high without really saying it" ChangMin explained.

"Did you ever think she just wanted to go to the bathroom? Or that she's literally powdering her nose"

"It's a fact. No joke" ChangMin emphasized.

"ChangMin, no wonder you have no luck with girls" YooChun said and JaeJoong high-fived him as ChangMin scoffed, feeling unappreciated.

"Speaking of which, when was the last time you were on a date" JaeJoong drawled as ChangMin high-fived him.

"I'm always on dates"

"Now that's code for something" ChangMin laughed. "Now this is a harsh truth but it has to be said. You've been on the rebound for like a decade"

"A what?"

"I'm going to step in and agree with Minnie. Look at your room, Chun. You've still got pictures of her, old things. You're room's not changed in years" JaeJoong nodded.

"You can't seem to move on...." ChangMin said.

YooChun didn't need to be reminded as a sore loser. His workroom was filled with pictures of YooNa. He couldn't forget her even after 10 years. He tried, he really did but it didn't work. Her face was everywhere, from shopping malls to newspapers. EVERYWHERE!

"'s like you're still stuck in your youth. Embrace the future" ChangMin continued. "Wait, what do you think of our new employee?"

"I hate him!"

"Seriously? Chun, I know he did steal your promotion and all but you've got to admit you were checking him out" ChangMin wondered how long YooChun need to get it over it.

"You did?" JaeJoong coughed, almost choked on his beer.

"No!" YooChun snapped. "And he's YunHo's boyfriend"

"Holy shit! That's so uncomfortable"

"Tell me about it. I can't stand it. He's taken my promotion and now he's trying to worm his way into my family. I hate -"



"What now?" ChangMin rolled his eyes. 'When will YooChun ever stop being such a drama queen?'

YooChun started rambling on and on about his dissatisfaction with JunSu. First, it was about the dinner, which was pretty much covered last night. Then, to the announcement Boa made this morning about the Daily Press's one hundredth anniversary in two weeks to come. She told everyone she wants the best story that ties in with their edition. The winner will not only be in her good graces but will be showcased at the charity raising ball next month which will be shown on CNN.

"So?" ChangMin asked, not knowing the reason yet.

"I don't want to participate" YooChun said.

"Okay?" ChangMin tried to understand but nothing came up.

"But that stealer wants me to be on his team" YooChun said, gritted his teeth.

"That's great"

"Not great! I don't want to work with him"

"Chun, why are you making this so hard?"

"What?" YooChun in disbelief.

"You're the best journalist here and we all know you want to win"

"I'm not participating!" YooChun stated. "It's obvious that I don't like him, don't want to work with him and most definitely don't want anything to do with him. And it's obvious he feel the same way about me"

"Okay?" ChangMin wasn't sure how true the last sentence was. From what he observed, YooChun seemed more likely to be hallucinating.

"He threatened me to work with him or else he'll tell Boa that I was being sexist, which will most definitely lose my job. So I agreed. I hate him!" YooChun groaned, pulling his hair to show how much he hated that guy.

"Sexist? That doesn't make any sense" ChangMin said after a moment of silence. YooChun looked puzzled.

"You're a guy and he's a guy" ChangMin asked in confusion. "What's there to be sexist about?"

YooChun's frustration changed to something ChangMin couldn't quite get but he knows something fairly interesting is going to happen soon.

**@ Don't Say Goodbye - Chapter 5 @**

fic: dont say goodbye

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