Yearning of The Heart (Chapter 2)

Dec 24, 2009 19:06

Yearning of The Heart - Chapter 2

"Whose idea was it to have dinner today?" KyoMin asked, sitting on his armchair and switching channels.

"We didn't think there was any reason not to" ChangMin said, cuddling with his one day old husband waiting for YooChun to come home. They made a rule to visit their father every Sunday ever since they moved out.

"How about a wicked hangover?"

"You looked fine to me" ChangMin said.

"Where's YooChun-hyung anyway?" KiBum asked.

"I haven't seen or heard from him since he left last night" ChangMin drawled.

And he had to deal with a whole bunch of crap coming out from their mouth of how they planned to carve his brother's name to add into the list of Parks 'Wall of Shame'. He couldn't and can't believe his wedding would be so fagging exhausted.

"Maybe he went to YunHo-hyung's" KiBum hinted.

"YunHo, that no good bum" KyoMin groaned.

"He's okay, appa" ChangMin rolled his eyes.

"Okay my foot. He'd nail Christ to the cross and then come back and steal the nails"

"I didn't know you disliked him that much" KiBum said, watching his father-in-law's head steaming.

"He's just hanging on to some stupid little thing that happened 10 years ago" ChangMin explained. KyoMin stood up angrily.

"Little thing? Little thing? He drank three whole bottles of soju on me. I paid eighteen bucks for that"

And just when KyoMin's about to walk into the kitchen, the main door opened and there came YooChun, who looked extremely happy and was whistling a happy tune.

"Hello everybody"

"Where were you last night?" ChangMin asked. KyoMin had since sat back on his armchair.

"You guys aren't going to believe it" YooChun said, beaming from ear to ear.

"What? You stumble into a meeting of rainbow warriors and cross over to the other side?" KyoMin reckoned. YooChun decided to ignore him.

"I met somebody last night"

"Where?" ChangMin asked curiously.

"On the street" YooChun said.

"Oh son, those hookers will be the death of you" KyoMin shook his head. He never would have thought YooChun would sink that low but he expected that to happen.

"He's not a hooker"

"So how'd you meet him?" KiBum asked eagerly.

"I was walking out of Esther's Coffee Bar and I ran into him and spilled my coffee all over his coat"

" romantic" ChangMin clasped both his hands together and blinked repeatedly. KiBum lunged forward to kiss his husband.

"Ugh...!" Both KyoMin and YooChun groaned in unison.


YooChun was sitting at his desk reading the paper. Hips swinging the swirl chair and whistling the same old happy tune. His eyes was on one article and a few seconds later, at the number JunSu had given him the other night. ChangMin and KiBum told him to wait at least two days to call just so that YooChun wouldn't sound too desperate despite the fact that he was.

"Is that our paper?"

YooChun looked up to see his lady boss, Boa's head hovering. "Nope"

"And why not?"

"Because we don't have a sports section, or real news for that matter"

"A lot of our stories come from real news"

"If you mean how we take an honest to goodness world crisis, and fabricate some ridiculous crap story around it, then you’re absolutely right. I mean, who honestly believes this stuff?"

YooChun picked up a copy of their very own daily publication and showed it to the editor herself. The headline read: 'A Family Eaten By A Loch Ness Monster'

"It's not about the believing, it's entertainment. We sell one million copies each week and that says something" Boa said. "So, how's the wedding?"

"Typical family function. 'When will you meet someone nice? When are you getting married?' You know that sort of stuff"

"I told you I would have gone with you"

"After the last time? I don't think so"

"Now, what did I do?" She asked, hands on her hips.

"You told my dad that you gave me a blowjob in the car on the way over" YooChun said, the memory of everyone's face still so vivid.

"I told everyone I was kidding"

"And then revealed you were my boss"

"So?" She was confused. What's wrong with that?

"So for six weeks I had to listen to my dad tell everybody that I'm a whore who had my balls in my boss purse"

The lady boss laughed as she waved her hand. "Okay, well if you ever need my assistance, just ask"

Boa left to her office, brushing off the weird look coming from every corner. YooChun slumped his whole body further into the chair and trying as hard as he could to block every giggles around him. He looked at the number again and decided to call JunSu instead.

"Good morning, Jasper, Horney, Sullivan. How may I help you?" An operator asked.

"Kim JunSu, please" YooChun said.

"One moment"

YooChun's throat was dry when an easy listening music plays. He was a little dizzy until JunSu picked up the phone.

"Kim JunSu"

"'s YooChun"

"YooChun who?"

YooChun frowned a little. "We met the other night. I spilled my coffee on you?"

"I'm sorry, can you be a little more specific? That happens to me at least three times a week"

YooChun bit his lips and his heart sank. "Oh....urm.....then I....I think I may have the wrong -"

"No, no, no...I'm just kidding. YooChun. Park YooChun, the tabloid writer. I remember you. So what's up?"

YooChun could feel his palms sweating. "Oh....well....I'm just calling to see if you'd like to get together again sometime"

"Sure. When?"

"What about tonight?" YooChun asked anxiously.

"Tonight? Uh, tonight's not good. I've already made plans with a good looking and handsome -"

"Well, it's okay then. Sorry to bother you" YooChun said before hanging up. He was disappointed and ready to cry when the phone rang. "Hello?"

"YooChun, I'm just playing. Listen, I've gone through a frustrating day and...and I'm sorry. I shouldn't have done that"

YooChun giggled silently as he smiled. "So tonight then?"

Sure. Where you want us to meet?"

"What about Esther's Coffee Bar at eight?"

"No problem. I'll see you then. Bye-bye YooChunnie"

"YooChunnie?" YooChun asked but JunSu already had the line cut. His face flustered as he hung up the phone, spinned around in his chair giggly while singing a lousy tune, "He called me YooChunnie! He called me YooChunnie!"

His colleagues stopped what they were doing and stared at him. YooChun was too engrossed with JunSu in his mind to notice that look.


"I'm telling you, he's smart, funny and beautiful. Best of all I think he likes me. I'm on cloud nine" YooChun was gay happy as he talked about JunSu to his best friend, YunHo. "YunHo, are you listening?"

"Yeah, yeah. Boy. Smart. Cloud nine. I got it" YunHo said but his eyes weren't at YooChun's. The latter looked in the direction that YunHo's staring.

"What are you looking at?"

"That girl. Short skirt. No panties. I want it"

"You are a slob, you know that? And I mean that sincerely" YooChun frowned and reached out for a sugar packet to go with his coffee.

YunHo snapped out of his daze and looked back at YooChun. "Where did you meet him? ChangMin's wedding?"

"Sort of"

"It's either you did or you didn't" YunHo smacked YooChun's head so he could continue watching the girl.

"I met him when I went out for some air" YooChun said, glaring at the pervert.

"Then, what happened?"

"I was walking out of Esther's Coffee Bar. I bumped into him and spilled my coffee all over his coat" YooChun repeated his story again and again and he wasn't even complaining.

"And he found that attractive?" YunHo asked, eyes back at his friend.

"Well, I did sweet talk him a little"

"No! Not the 'this coffee is supposed to be hot' thing?" YunHo said, mimicking the coffee spilling incident. YooChun blushed.


"Your clumsy ass has spilled more coffee on more people than I could ever know, and you always use that dumb joke" YunHo stared at his happy friend. "You mean to tell me he thought it was funny?"

"A little I guess" YooChun said, blushing.

"Well any boy who can hear that, and not automatically dismiss you as lame is a clear keeper"

"You think so too?"

"So, did you nail him?" YunHo asked with brows wiggling. YooChun went bug-eyed.

"No. We just went back inside, I bought him a cup of coffee and we talked"

"For how long?" YunHo should have known. YooChun is a very boring person.

"I don't know. Eight hours maybe" YooChun said, blushed some more as he recalled the other night. He and JunSu did talk about anything and everything under the sun; and KiWong had to kick them out.

"Eight hours!? That's like three dates. What could you possibly talk about for that long?"

"All kinds of stuff"

YunHo shook his head with a finger swaying. "No, no YooChun my bro, my advice to you is to get on that boy as soon as you can. If you ain't laying, they ain't staying"

"Thanks for the positive reinforcement"

"This isn’t 1950 we’re living in. They wanna test the merchandise before settling in" YunHo said. When will YooChun ever understand the physics of love when all he does is take a little small step at a time?

"I rather like my nineteen fifties approach"

"Your whole basis for what works in a relationship is based off of a stupid movie" YunHo gave up trying.

"Love Actually isn't a stupid movie" YooChun argued. "It's romantic and classy. Something you should do than go around whoring yourself"

"Yeah, whatever"

**@ Yearning of The Heart - Chapter 3 @**

fic: yearning of the heart

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