Besides both
savvy_elf and I being incredibly busy and, as a result, very tired, we'd love to see some more entries for the current challenge. So please, get your Window Of Opportunity icons in! In the mean time, if you'd like to start submitting your icons for the next challenge, you may do so.
challenge #007 - text
quotes, lyrics, and Jack's favorite cliches
◘ Make up to two icons that have visible text OR one 200x200 or larger graphic that somehow features text.
→ PLEASE try to be creative with your text; simply putting the character's name on an icon isn't very creative.
→ Quotations or song lyrics are a great way to test your text skills!
◘ Submit your icon as a new entry with both the image and the URL.
◘ Please tag your entry with your username and the challenge number. Example:
talkofcake, #007
Have fun!