Artist Commissioned:
Request in full detail:
Contact Details:
Request in full detail means including who will be in it, or WHAT. Also, if you want your layout to be a certain color, say, blue, please specify, so I will not have to ask you (so I can start working right away). Please also specify what you want your banner to say, like a line from a poem or a notable quote by a philosopher. If you want me to put the tagline myself, then tell me also.
Artist commissioned means who you want to work on your layout. It could be either marikit (
insane_desire), Yabi (
natarei_takarai) or cindie (
For the images, please use the code below, so your request post won't look too crowded:
Please remember that we can take from a day to weeks to fulfill requests. Always remember to check on the artist's request status when requesting.
Thank You (^_^)/