Eric Ravillious (1903 - 1942) - английский иллюстратор, часть 2
High Street/ J.M. Richards/ Country Life Books, 1938
"Train Landscape", 1940
"Westbury Horse", 1940
"The Wilmington Giant", 1940
"Ship's Screw on a Railway Truck", 1940
"Barrage Balloons at Sea", 1940
"HMS Ark Royal in Action", 1940
"Dangerous Work at Low Tide", 1940
“Leaving Scapa Flow”, 1940
"HMS Glorious in the Arctic", 1940
"Submarines in Dry Dock", 1940
"Shelling by Night", 1941
"Introductory Drawings", 1941
"Diving Controls No.1", 1941
"Diving Controls No. 2", 1941
"Testing Davis Apparatus", 1941
"The Diver", 1941
"Commander Looking Through the Periscope", 1941
"Ward Room No. 2", 1941
"Different Aspects of Submarines", 1941
"Hurricanes in Flight", 1942