Whoa, that Mark is a charming young gentleman. >.< People who have entitlement complexes tend to be very rude and that Mark is a royal asshat. Good to see Grace do something to get back at him. I wish she had stood up for herself or told him off when he was shouting at her.
I agree. I wanted Grace to stand up for herself, but I envisioned her being totally in shock after his tirade. It's like one of those moments that leave you completely speechless because the "attack" was so unexpected. And yes, I remember Slughead. Couldn't stand him.
Mark, dude, that is such a crappy thing to do to another person. Brutal was a good way to describe it, Chess. "Sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will never hurt me." Baloney. I was thinking of that quote after I read Mark's attitude. Words are just as hurtful. This was really good, Chess, keep it up!
I know. It was his fault, but he shifted the blame. Cutting words and moments of verbal cruelty can stay with a person their entire life. Thanks for reading, JT.
Great ficlet! For a writing exercise, you could try writing this from Mark's point of view. He sounds like an jackass at this point, but who knows what traits or back history his character may develop if you write this.
*nods* Thanks for the suggestion! I did something like that for one of my writing classes. There were four characters: a thief who beat up one of his victims, sisters who were the robbery victims, and someone who witnessed it all but chose not to help. It was interesting trying to get into the mindset of each character, even the loathsome one who humiliated one of the sisters and almost raped her.
Yay for a bit of revenge! I've met some real life "Marks" and they were all jerks, if not to me then to other people. I don't blame Grace one bit. It's hard to say what I would do in the type of situation.
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