In my youth I could sit for long hours at the chess board in complete solitude and feel perfectly happy. I also liked reading. I made the acquaintance of Svetonius and Plutarch fairly early, but they did not provoke in me an interest in Roman civilisation. This occurred much later, when I had made the acquaintance of Seneca's way of thinking and also the style of Sallustius Crispus. Since that time a feeling of joy arises in me on every occasion when, together with Gibbon and Mommsen, I can engross myself in the world of my heroes. The disposition that arises helps me to retain my optimism, without which success in chess tournaments is improbable for any significant length of time.
My other passion became sport, thanks to an accidental set of circumstances. After finishing school I did not qualify for the University Law Faculty.
* Selected Games 1972-1997 *
71 прокомментированная партия Александра Белявского 1972-1997 гг