Four Times Brendon Didn't Quite Kiss Ryan And One Time He Did

Jan 01, 2009 19:45

Title: Four Times Brendon Didn’t Quite Kiss Ryan And One Time He Did
Fandom: Panic at the Disco
Pairing: Brendon Urie/Ryan Ross
Word Count: 1,234 (I shit you not; I wasn't even trying)
Rating: Borderline PG-13
Disclaimer: Don't own anything
Summary: Four times Brendon didn't quite kiss Ryan and one time he did.
Author’s Notes: Requested by tanisafan.

Just after that first practice, when Brendon's just found out he can fucking sing (no one's more shocked than he is by this information, even though it was the first time he's ever seen surprise on either Ryan or Spencer's faces), he nearly kisses Ryan Ross for the first time. It's not like he was meaning to do it, it just sort of... happens.

The euphoria of finding out he can sing had died out maybe ten minutes prior to the almost-kiss, during the impromptu sleepover Spencer announces they're having to celebrate (Brendon thinks Ryan's actually the one who told Spence they were doing it; once the shock of Brendon being able to sing had died in Ryan, the older boy had looked faintly relieved he didn't have to stand up and perform as the front man).

And it’s right in the middle of watching Moulin Rouge that Brendon turns his head to ask Ryan a question about something in the movie (Ryan is, for whatever reason, sitting next to Brendon on the couch), only to find himself face to face with the older boy. And, despite having nothing to base this on (he hasn’t even kissed a girl yet, much less a boy), there’s a wild thought that runs through Brendon’s head that if he tilts his head just a tiny bit this way, it’d be the perfect angle to actually kiss Ryan.

But once that thought is in his head and Brendon’s actually leaning in to follow through with it, Ryan’s eyes widen and the older boy seems to practically fall over himself as he quickly gets up and runs out. There’s a sound of a door opening and closing somewhere in the house, and Brendon glances over to where Spencer’s curled up in a chair (that’s what Brendon couldn’t get when Ryan had originally sat next to him; why Spencer was all the way over there).

Spencer doesn’t say anything, glancing from the movie to Brendon and back and Brendon hunches his shoulders in, turning his gaze back to the tv. He’s not even sure what he did wrong.

The second time Brendon doesn’t quite kiss Ryan, it’s a few days after the sleepover and Brendon’s wondering if it’s possible to back out of his responsibilities to the band because he thinks he may have a bad crush on Ryan. He hasn’t seen Ryan since the sleepover, but that’s not surprising; he goes to a different school than they do, and he hasn’t seen Spencer since the sleepover either.

The only thing Brendon currently has going for him is he’s actually super early to practice. He doesn’t even know why, doesn’t even have a reason why. But it doesn’t really matter as currently, he’s lounging in Spencer’s grandmother’s lounge, fingering a song he’s got stuck in his head (there’s a few chords he’s not sure of and he’s glossing over them in his mind) and Ryan comes into the room.

Ryan stops, staring at Brendon like he’s not sure what he should do with the knowledge that Brendon’s there, before he falls into a chair that’s about as far from Brendon as possible and still be in the same room. Brendon isn’t terribly sure what to make of that, and he wonders if he should ask what Ryan’s deal is, but there’s something about the stare Ryan’s still giving him that makes Brendon think that, in this case, silence is the better part of valor or something.

It’s after Ryan’s been staring at him for a few minutes that Brendon decides that enough is enough. He gets up and walks over to where Ryan’s sitting, and leans over him. Ryan looks up at him, and just like at the sleepover, Brendon thinks that if he angles his head just right, he can kiss Ryan and actually make it this time.

He’s a mere few inches away from actually connecting before Ryan mumbles something and ducks under Brendon’s arm, and practically runs (again) from the room.

Just like before, Brendon’s left wondering what he did wrong.

The third time Brendon gets the guts to kiss Ryan after the first two rejections, it’s while they’re backstage during Fall Out Boy’s set of the Nintendo Fusion Tour. Ryan’s standing next to Brendon, arms folded over his chest and Brendon’s glancing periodically toward Ryan.

Eventually, Ryan finally spares a glance Brendon’s way and Brendon leans over to kiss Ryan.

He doesn’t make it, because just before he’s actually there, Ryan seems to get with the program and pushes past Brendon, stalking away to wherever he’s stalking to.

This time, Brendon’s definitely sure of what he’s done wrong. Ryan clearly hates him.

The fourth time Brendon nearly kisses Ryan, but doesn't, it’s during the Truck Stops and Statelines Tour, and despite the fact that it seems like Ryan always disappears (he's like a fucking ninja, Brendon thinks, even more so than fucking Spencer) immediately after their concerts, Brendon's actually managed to corner Ryan in their dressing room.

He's almost excited at the prospect that he's actually managed to corner Ryan Ross in an actual corner, but the look of annoyance that's visible in Ryan's face sort of deters that. For a minute, Brendon actually considers taking a step back and letting Ryan have his personal space, for once, but the thought evaporates as quickly as it comes because he’s already had three near kisses and he’s got to get lucky some time>.

He’s just leaning in to actually kiss Ryan when the guitarist’s hands shoot out, long fingers splayed against Brendon’s chest, still sweaty from the concert, and shoves. Brendon staggers back and in that split second, Ryan manages to make his escape out of the dressing room, and leaving Brendon to stare at the open door.

He’s still staring at it a few minutes later when William pokes his head into the dressing room, as if curious to find out why the door’s open. He doesn’t say much, just raises an eyebrow before moving on.

A couple minutes later, William’s back and Brendon, although he doesn’t quite remember it clearly the next day, he’s pretty sure that that fourth almost-kiss with Ryan was a Bad Idea, as was what happens with William. If anyone wonders why Brendon will later spend a few days completely avoiding Bill, not to mention the TAI bus, no one asks, even though Jon tries a couple times before deciding it’s not worth it.

Ryan doesn’t even seem to care.

The fifth time, it's a couple days after Brendon turns 19, and the only reason Brendon can claim he's even involved with the kiss this time is because he’s in the same room as Ryan. And it’s not even that big of a kiss.

He's talking to Pete on the phone, telling the bassist a story about the concert they'd played earlier that night, when Ryan walks up to him. Ryan doesn’t say anything, just presses his lips against Brendon's, silencing his story to Pete. And just like that, Ryan breaks the kiss off and walks out of the room like nothing happened and leaves Brendon, again, staring after Ryan, and Pete wanting to know what happened because "A quiet Bden sort of scares me, B."

About two months, and a lot of actual kisses later, Brendon's not so upset about the other four missed kisses. Time made up for it.
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