Kisses and Lipgloss

Jan 01, 2009 20:20

Title: Kisses and Lipgloss
Fandom: original fiction
Word Count: 468
Rating: G
Warnings: none

At the risk of sounding vaguely Disneyesque in his own head, with a dash of the fairy tales his older sister used to read to him as a child, Flynn thinks Cryn is quite possibly the most gorgeous girl he's ever met.

It's been nearly half a year since he literally bumped into the girl, knocking her over and knocking both their bags to scatter across the sidewalk. Nearly six months since he first invited her back to his place for coffee, and about just that long since he had his world considerably altered by the girl with long brown hair and big brown eyes who looks so young, barely eighteen, but now, Flynn can see in her eyes that she's as old as she claims.

There have been a few dates since that first abrupt meeting, and quite a few nights of Cryn sleeping at his place, although nothing's ever actually happened. There's a part of Flynn's mind that knows that Cryn isn't as young as she looks, and occasionally when she talks, it's so very obvious, but there are still times when he looks at her and, despite thinking he's the luckiest man in the world to have such a beautiful girlfriend, Flynn stalls at the thought of even kissing her, just because she looks eighteen and so much younger than him.

He's looking at her now, talking animatedly to Velvet even though the cat - who's somehow claimed Flynn's apartment as where he lives instead of the mansion where Cryn calls home - doesn't look exactly interested in the story, cleaning a patch of burnt fur like it's the most important thing in the world to him right now.

Cryn finally laughs, as if she's finally realized she's being ignored by a familiar, and Flynn feels a smile creep across his face at the sound. As if she can hear the sound of his muscles moving, Cryn's head turns and the full wattage of her gorgeous smile falls on Flynn.

Without even realizing it, Flynn suddenly finds himself across the room and leaning over Cryn. The smile on Cryn's face doesn't even fade and it's so much more blinding this close. The effect freezes Flynn where he is, hovering over Cryn, temporarily and Cryn closes the distance to press her lips against his.

Her lips are softer than Flynn imagined, for some reason, and she tastes almost sugary sweet with her lipgloss. Her mouth twitches like she's smiling against his lips as she changes the angle slightly so it's more of a kiss than just the pressing of lips together.

Flynn's aware he's kissing back, and the last thought he really has before Cryn opens her mouth slightly in near obvious invitation is, why didn't he get over this before and just kiss her already?
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