No Epic Kissing

Jan 01, 2009 20:06

Title: No Epic Kissing
Fandom: Fall Out Boy (mention of Panic! At the Disco)
Pairing: Pete Wentz/Patrick Stump (mentions of Brendon Urie/Ryan Ross)
Word Count: 894
Rating: PG
Warnings: none
Disclaimer: Don't own anything
Summary: Pete's never kissed Patrick Stump.
Author’s Notes: For exanopsia. Same meme as Is My Timing That Flawed and Won't Matter Tomorrow.

It's the weirdest thing, to Pete's mind, as he flips his phone closed and stares at it for a few minutes, trying to process what the call just now consisted of. Even though in the short time he's known Ryan Ross, he's never known Ryan to be so... not blunt. It was almost like Ryan was sidestepping all the basic conversation topics and ignoring any of the more personal ones.

Needless to say, Pete's not used to that kind of behavior from Ryan Ross. Which accounts for the confused look he's still giving his phone.

It's still on his face when Patrick enters, looking for a book, his guitar, music sheets, whatever it is Patrick Stump comes into Pete's living room for. Patrick looks at Pete, who realizes he's not in fact alone in the room anymore and looks up, and for a minute, Patrick looks like he's considering walking back out and leaving the spastic bassist to whatever thoughts Patrick probably thinks Pete has. (Which are, occasionally, very spastic, and should probably involve adult supervision, even though Pete's old enough to know better)

But Patrick stays, stance relaxed, and eyebrows half raised beneath the cap he's sporting today in question. When Pete just simply stares, still in shock over the odd phone call he'd just finished, Patrick adds a subtle "Well?" to the air, and Pete starts, blinking.

"I just got off the phone with Ross," Pete begins, holding up his cell like it's evidence that the call did, in fact, occur, in the offchance Trick wouldn't actually believe him. (It is Patrick Stump, after all. Pete can never be sure when Patrick's going along with what Pete is saying because he understands it, or because he's just humoring Pete)

When Pete lapses back into silence, Patrick looks like he's about ready to start tapping in his foot in something akin to annoyance, so Pete pulls himself back up out of the silence and rushes on.

"I think something's up between Ross and Urie." As he says it, Pete looks back at his cell like it's about to bite him, and he misses Patrick blink at him.


"I think they kissed or something." Pete's not quite sure how he's reached such a conclusion, or even why he's reached such a conclusion, but the minute it's in his head, it's out his mouth before he can think things through and realize, hey, this isn't something you should blurt out, Pete. But it's out there, and Pete frowns, because suddenly, that thought - true or not - just isn't fair. Because Pete Wentz has never actually kissed Patrick Stump, so the knowledge that some snot-nosed teenagers are getting more action than he is, after all the good Pete's done out of the kindness of his heart even, doesn't sit well with Pete.

He gives the phone a final glance, tosses it to a chair (he doesn't see where it lands, and right now, it does not matter) and crosses the room to where Patrick is standing. As the bassist approaches the singer, Pete's aware that Patrick's starting to get a confused expression on his face, like he's wondering what game Pete's playing at now, and the confusion deepens when Pete stops right in front of Trick, hands coming up to cup both sides of Patrick's face and Pete leans in.

Pete's always expected his First Kiss With Patrick Stump to be this Epic Thing that would make fangirls (and the occasional fanboy, like Ross, probably) swoon, and it would be this awesome kiss, smooth as ice and hotter than the sun. Pete's always joked that the first time he kissed someone, he felt fireworks behind his eyes and butterflies in his stomach, and a bunch of other euphemisms that should only belong in purple prose and he's kind of expecting more of the same with this kiss.

And it's... not. Sure, Patrick's lips feel just the way Pete's always imagined they would (full and slightly chapped, but there's a hint of plain old chapstick too - never anything ridiculously fruity, unlike Pete) and, as Pete's tongue manages to take advantage of the surprised sound Patrick makes at the first brush of lips and hint of teeth by licking its way in, Patrick certainly tastes like Pete always thought he would (Pete can taste a hint of Coke, the last little bit of the ham sandwich Patrick must have had earlier to go with the soda, and there's a taste of the plain chapstick in Trick's mouth too, because Patrick's got a habit of biting at his lower lip), but the kiss is nothing epic. Absolutely Nothing Epic.

Pete lets his tongue explore Patrick's mouth almost lazily, trying to see if maybe Something Epic will happen, and Patrick's tongue does hesitantly respond to Pete's tongue in his mouth. But that's it, and after a bit of lazy kissing, Pete pulls away, frowning slightly despite himself.

He knows the frown is on his face, because as soon as Patrick's eyes open again, the confusion is back with a hint of fear and more than a bit of shock visible around Patrick's eyes. "Did I," Patrick starts, pauses, then tries again. "Something wrong?"

Pete considers answering, but instead, he leans in to kiss Patrick again to see if maybe the first wasn't right.

This one is definitely more epic.
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