How Do You Sleep While The City Is Burning? Masterpost

Jul 03, 2012 12:34

Title: How Do You Sleep When The City Is Burning?
Fandom: Bandom
Band(s): Panic! at the Disco/The Young Veins, William Beckett, Cobra Starship, Fall Out Boy/various acts, various others
Pairing(s): Brendon Urie/Ryan Ross, mention of Brendon Urie/Amanda Palmer
Word count: 20,445
Rating: PG-13
Warnings: character deaths (both secondary)
Disclaimer: Don't own anyone. Song is from Fire on the Mountain by Rob Thomas.
Summary: The year is 1933. The Great Depression hit back in 1929, but it’s still affecting the US. Prohibition still exists, and plenty of illegal speakeasies operate to help people forget their own problems. Organized crime is rampant, and some notable mobs even have plenty of corrupt cops in their pocket. Ryan Ross is a reporter who works for the Chicago Journal. When his boss assigns him to get the scoop on a well-publicized scandal of a politician taking bribe money from a local mobster, he quickly finds out that he’s in over his head when the woman he’s supposed to interview turns up dead and the last person to see her alive just so happens to be the mobster’s right hand man.
Author's Notes: This fic has had a long history, probably the longest history I've ever had for a fic, and probably the most extensive research I've ever done on a fic. Some of the people in this fic are based on real people from Chicago's past, and most of the locations are real. The Chicago Journal was a paper that died out about the time this fic takes place, and most of it has been combined with another paper of the time (and which still exists) The Chicago Tribune.
I'd like to thank tanisafan for not only betaing this for me, but for being a phenom cheerleader and always willing to do research with and for me. Also, thanks to girlmarauders for creating an amazing fanmix to go with this. :)

Part One | Part Two | Part Three

Also on AO3

Bonus Materials
You'll Be A Speedbump by girlmarauders

Extra Bonus Materials
Bonus materials here are extra scenes/fic I've written in the process of this fic.

Extra Scenes:
Lovers at First Sight: NC-17; William Beckett/Darren Criss/Brendon Urie
Clanking Pipes and Slow Nights: NC-17; Brendon Urie/Ryan Ross
...And The Family Won't Like This: NC-17; William Beckett/Brendon Urie
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