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No. 2 in a series of Things That All Teams Should Be Forced To Do, right after the Napoli calendar. (Note that the bloke leading the dancing section, which begins at about 1:00, looks remarkably like Deki. There's clearly a very distinct East European dork-o-type.)
Comments 7
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Ahem. Also, related to the post, American basketball teams sing all the time, even Christmas songs. GET IT SHEED.
WHY DON'T FOOTBALLERS?! Also, that lot lose points for refusing to sing the word "gay".
I don't know, but they really should! It's weird common in the NBA. (Drat, I'd not even noticed the gay thing. Sigh.)
Unrelated, I was late to a family dinner today, because I had to open your package and coo "Oh my god I looooooove iiiiiiiiit!" over and over to myself while standing in the middle of the kitchen. Thank you, thank you, thank you! I'm having my coffee out of it in the AM. ♥
Hurrah! \o/ I didn't get any input on the selection cos a_b bought it in Newcastle without telling me, but it is pleasing to see that her present-buying mojo still functions. I have passed on your compliments and she cackled with delight.
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