
Dec 17, 2011 13:14

I need hugs ( Read more... )

jake, a sad ending, cherry needs hugs

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Comments 6

sagesoren December 17 2011, 19:04:51 UTC
Oh no, I'm so sorry. :(

We had to do the same thing with our cat, too. She was very old, and though she was a good friend to us, we just... couldn't prolong the inevitable. I'm sorry your kitty had to pass on, but at the same time, it's better that he didn't have to be sick anymore.

Lots of love to you! I'll pray for him and you.


cherryfox December 17 2011, 19:28:12 UTC
Yeah, it's just rough because a few weeks ago he was in perfect health, then we took him in to get his teeth cleaned and he was still in great health, had to take him back because he started being mopey and pulling his hair out (because they cleaned his ears too and he was apparently sensitive to the cleaner...?), and then it all just snowballed and turned into this. I don't even know. It's hard, but I'm mostly worried about my parents, especially mom because I think she's going to blame herself for taking him in the first place. Sigh.

But yes, you love them and wish they could get better, but when they can't you hate to see them all miserable like that.

Thank you, Sage.


sistaofpeace1 December 18 2011, 14:47:49 UTC
I am very sorry for your loss. :(

In the end, it was probably the best thing you could have done for him, but it still doesn't make it easier. I have a 7 1/2 year old cat myself and I don't know if I could ever find the courage to do that if the time ever came. But I'm sure your cat is watching over you now and thanking you for all the love and care you gave him when he was alive.



albireo December 21 2011, 12:36:13 UTC
can i email you


cherryfox December 21 2011, 20:33:11 UTC
How belated is this even...

But sure? You can always email me.


cherryfox December 21 2011, 20:34:09 UTC
P.S. My comment being belated, not yours.


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