Re: ToA Manga

Sep 17, 2011 17:25

What in the world...?!

It was perfectly fine (except for some Sheridan!fanservice) up until the final two volumes and then it did a complete 180 turn and I think my brain just exploded.

It. just. exploded.

This manga is now a complete and total AU...! Shounen-style.

...And also Legretta is 85% naked. You need to know this.

tales of the abyss, crack

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Comments 3

sistaofpeace1 September 17 2011, 21:54:49 UTC
I no rite

Seriously, first they spent, like, 5 chapters in the core...and then before we know it they're at Eldrant.


I don't know what the heck happened but it's like the publishers/Namco were rushing the artist near the end or something...

oh and it's painfully obvious that she's an AschxNatalia fangirl


cherryfox September 18 2011, 00:27:34 UTC
I wouldn't be surprised if that were the case - being rushed towards the end, since it happened with the Asch manga supposedly. I figure it's probably somewhat commonplace. Deadlines being deadlines and things like popularity and etc. playing a part, too. Maybe something else big was coming along, maybe it wasn't doing very well; I don't know. And I figure the creativity might partially be to avoid skipping over parts at the end completely. I'm just glad the Asch vs Luke fight got more than three or so pages like it did in the Asch manga. Although suddenly it was over and BLACK SCREEN. FINAL BOSS FIGHT! (...huh ( ... )


ashka_chan September 18 2011, 12:25:21 UTC
Only reading that made me laugh xD

I still have to see that manga though. I think I read only a few first chapters so far.


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