Inception Kink Fest

Mar 31, 2011 12:37

Welcome to the Inception fandom Kink Fest!

This fandom puts out some seriously amazing fic on a regular basis, but I am of the opinion that there should always always ALWAYS be more kinky porn. You guys, our fandom has guns and bondage and daddy issues and dream forgery. I say it's time to bring on the kink, yes?

♥ Inception Kink Fest ♥You can ( Read more... )

kinkfest, porn for the people, incepting my flist, audience participation required, awesome things inside!

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Re: Arthur/Eames - rape roleplay lezzerlee April 1 2011, 07:19:05 UTC
The low thud of the club music the seeps out of the closed door as he lights a cigarette. He’s not drunk, but well enough on the way that he’ll be taking the tube tonight instead of his car. A few fellow smokers linger outside the door. His kind are dwindling; soon he’ll be the only one out here dragging his lips over sweet death. Damn cancer ads.He’s halfway through the fag when he feels the familiar pressure of his bladder begging for release. He can’t be arsed to fight his way back through the crowd just to piss in a neglected and quite frankly disgusting restroom. So he stalks off down the alley to find a corner to relieve himself in ( ... )


Re: Arthur/Eames - rape roleplay lezzerlee April 1 2011, 07:44:12 UTC
Warning this is really triggery. As the prompt can probably tell you.

“Hands against the wall.”

Male. Deep voice, and about two meters away. Eames wouldn't be able to move quickly enough to get the upper hand, or get away. He does as he’s told. The brick is cold and gritty beneath his fingers. He breathes in deeply, trying to keep calm. If he’s going to get out of this then he needs his head clear. The adrenaline is making the alcohol fade.

“You can have my wallet if you’d like, mate, just...”

He’s stalling, trying to give himself time, to think of a plan. Before he can finish his sentence his face is slammed into the wall. It’s not hard enough to break anything, but it’s painful none the less. He can feel the cold press of the gun muzzle against the back of his neck. That would be a shitty way to go, he thinks, bleeding out through your throat. It takes time.The guy doesn’t even say anything. Just lets his gun speak for him. He wants Eames to shut up. Eames grunts his understanding. He’s still facing away from his attacker, but ( ... )


Fill: Part 3 Arthur/Eames - rape roleplay lezzerlee April 1 2011, 08:39:18 UTC
Oops. Forgot to title the other two correctly. Oh well.

Eames fights. He can tell the guy is smaller than him so he tries to use his bulk to overpower, push off the ground. But his move is countered, the man slipping to his back and jabbing right at the soft spot under his ribs. His diaphragm jerks reflexively and he loses his breath. He falls the his side, kicking back, trying to catch a shin or a knee, but he only connect with air. The position pulls at his shoulder. The guy will not let go of his arm.

He reaches back, trying to grab at anything but finds his other wrist caught. All of his usual moves lost with his building panic. He belatedly notes that the gun isn’t pressed to his head anymore but is helpless to do anything about it when he feels something tight wrap around both of his wrists. Zip ties. Who the fuck carries around zip ties?Still on his side, arms pinned at his back he feels a hand slip to his groin again. It presses firmly, cupping around his balls before dragged up across his dick. He sucks in a breath sharply ( ... )


Re: Fill: Part 4 Arthur/Eames - rape roleplay lezzerlee April 1 2011, 10:36:41 UTC
More tomorrow it's 3:30 am for me.

The hand slips out of the band of his underwear and he can hear the guy shuffle around. His blood is thundering in his ears and he’s straining to hear because he can’t see. He can’t see anything. He twitches when the hand returns pulling his shirt down, stretching it out.

He doesn’t understand what’s going until he feels cool air hit bare skin and hears the ripping of fabric. His shirt is being cut away, exposing his chest. The hand presses to he’s sternum and then moves out to the side, fingers sliding past his nipple.

It perks up at contact, and with the cold. He’s overly sensitive with the lack of sight. When it’s pinched between the pads of two fingers he feels a tingling shock shoot through his system. The fingers twist, mingling it with pain. He doesn’t so much as groan, holding it together as much as he can but fuck it hurts.The hand releases his nipple and slides down his stomach again. The fingers dip below the waist band but instead of stopping they start to drag his briefs down. His ( ... )


Re: Fill: Part 4 Arthur/Eames - rape roleplay lezzerlee April 1 2011, 18:36:51 UTC
Oh my goodness. *cough, cough*

*refreshes to check if there's more yet*


OP Here lezzerlee April 1 2011, 20:19:42 UTC
This is perfect. So intense and fierce and a little scary.

Hope you can write more!


Re: Fill: Part 5 Arthur/Eames - rape roleplay lezzerlee April 2 2011, 07:07:44 UTC
The hand dips between his legs, smearing his own fluid over his thighs, before pressing in. He gasps, body going taught as a finger traces over his hole almost gently. It’s a disarming gesture because at once a finger probes in, too dry, pushing past the ring of his muscle without mercy ( ... )


Re: Fill: Part 6 Arthur/Eames - rape roleplay lezzerlee April 2 2011, 07:42:58 UTC
And then he is. He’s pushing in hot and fast and making him stretch. Making the the ring burn. The spit only coating so much. Eames cries out, sucking in air desperately. His hips unsuccessfully jerking into the ground, trying to get away.

He’s willing himself to relax, to make it better. And the guy doesn’t stop. Doesn’t stop until he’s fully seated, down to the base, hips flush against his arse. He pauses when fully inside him, like he’s giving Eames a chance to catch up, but then he hisses out.

“Fuck. So tight. I just want to stay like this, feel you twitch around me because you love this. You love me in you.”

And then the man starts rocking, sliding in and out with so much friction. Eames is forcing his mind blank. He’s forcing his focus to wear they join, willing himself to relax around the intrusion. Each thrust drawing out a weak moan.

He’s getting hard again. The concentration making him dwell on each thrust. Trying to make it not painful but pleasurable instead. When his moans change pitch guy murmurs a fuck yes and pulls ( ... )


Fill: Part 7/7 Arthur/Eames - rape roleplay lezzerlee April 2 2011, 07:58:35 UTC
He moans, unable to trap the fluid inside, and he just has to sit there letting it drip out in a puddle between his legs. The bag is wet with spit, sticking to his face ( ... )


Re: Fill: Part 7/7 Arthur/Eames - rape roleplay krytella April 2 2011, 11:27:12 UTC
Um, wow. Really glad you titled this the way you did so I could be seeing it for the role play it was all along. I like how Eames' narration is so into it and never reveals til the end that it was consensual.



Re: Fill: Part 7/7 Arthur/Eames - rape roleplay lezzerlee April 3 2011, 19:05:37 UTC
Thank you. I was so worried that it would be too much. It might still be too much. I needed to keep thinking, "it's Arthur and it's ok," while writing.

I'm trying to branch out though, I like hurting my boys, but I've only written the sexy times once before. So I thought I'd ease in with some pain/pleasure. Maybe next time I can do fluffy sexy times.


Re: Fill: Part 7/7 Arthur/Eames - rape roleplay photoclerk April 5 2011, 02:57:00 UTC
*__* hot. and I didn't even have to feel bad because you warned me about it being role play. <3


Re: Fill: Part 7/7 Arthur/Eames - rape roleplay lezzerlee April 7 2011, 03:19:12 UTC
Yay! Thank you.


Re: Fill: Part 7/7 Arthur/Eames - rape roleplay enchantress0223 April 6 2011, 04:05:08 UTC
This was very good. I had to keep remembering it was rp. Eames emotions were so real I'm not sure I would have made it to the end otherwise.


Re: Fill: Part 7/7 Arthur/Eames - rape roleplay lezzerlee April 7 2011, 03:20:35 UTC
Thank you. I know what you mean. Like I said above, I had to keep remembering when I was writing it how it was going to end, just to snap out of it. My head is a dark place. I don't like getting stuck there too long. :)


Re: Fill: Part 7/7 Arthur/Eames - rape roleplay gabbyluv23 May 2 2011, 18:14:15 UTC
Amazing. I really liked this.


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