Title: Nothing’s fair in Love and War - 2/10
Rating: NC17 for the whole thing.
Warnings/Spoilers: Set after Series 2. Slash/Language.
Characters: Torchwood Team Fic - Jack/Ianto.
Disclaimer: I do not own the subtitle quotes or Torchwood and its characters.
Summary: Sequel to my fic - Sex, Lies and CCTV. Jack and Ianto deal with the end of their
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Comments 53
Go Jack! And I feel like shaking silly Ianto. He needs to just accept that Jack won't leave it be, and he won't be able to resist the Harkness charm *grin*
(Also ... *tiny voice* if you put this link http://bassair.livejournal.com/40291.html as princess normal instead, it goes to a non-friendslocked page with details that lead to the friendslocked pages, if that makes sense, which I doubt. *hugs* Thank you for the note at the top :) it made me all happy and smiley.)
Anyway, yes silly Ianto. We will see!
Thanks hun ♥
And yeah, it was quick. I did the whole refreshing every ten seconds thing. it's something I do when I'm half asleep.
Am sat here trying to decide whether to post part A of chapter 2 of my OF before bed. My brain isn't working. Kat_sor just asked what date my birthday is.
I couldn't remember.
I asked my dad, he said the 23rd feb ... I checked my LJ. Nope. 24th.
My brain is wayyyy too dead -lol- I feel like crying -lol-
Don't cry, eat some cake or sumthing. And your assumption wasn't wrong I probs didn't make it clear enough when I can be arsed to fight with LJ again I'll edit it.
Off to your journal my love!
off to work now
Have a good day :)
Thank you very much :)
Makes me all happy when you read :)
Can't decide.
Slaps Gwen for good measure.
Bless her...
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