Fic: 6 Inch Valley

Feb 06, 2016 09:26

Title: 6 Inch Valley
Artist: yuriookino
Art: Here
Genre/Pairing: SPN, GEN
Rating: PG-13
Author's Note: This was written for spn_reversebang challenge. I had the opportunity to work with an amazing artist, yuriookino, and write something for a stunning piece of work. Please head over to the link provided and view her amazing artwork and leave her some appreciation. We didn't stay in ( Read more... )

fandom: supernatural, challenges, genre: gen, fic: 6 inch valley

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Comments 10

glimmerella February 6 2016, 15:56:01 UTC
Great story for a great piece of art.


cherry916 February 7 2016, 22:31:34 UTC
Thank you very much :)


madebyme_x February 7 2016, 18:30:39 UTC
What a great fic! I really enjoyed all the h/c and brotherly concern, and I loved the hint of something sinister at the end - it sent a shiver down my spine! Thank you for sharing :)


cherry916 February 7 2016, 22:31:48 UTC
Thanks so much!


waya98 February 8 2016, 00:19:21 UTC
I loved and I love how ambiguous you left it.


cherry916 February 22 2016, 15:49:04 UTC
Thanks, I was trying very hard to leave it very vague and up in the air whether it was evil or not.


ferrous_wheeler February 10 2016, 04:40:39 UTC
Fantastic! Love the perspective of each of them and the mystery of who/what it was that actually helped them :)


cherry916 February 22 2016, 15:49:19 UTC
Thanks so much! Glad you liked it.


kalliel March 26 2016, 22:30:26 UTC
I love the slow burn of this, seeing it filter through both Sam and Dean's fraying consciousnesses, climatic elements and supernatural baggages playing over and agains each other in this perfect storm. Really suspenseful, lovely writing. <33 What an exhilarating ride!


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