Animated Buffy & Angel Mood Theme

Jan 03, 2006 00:18

Hey there, A lot of people have commented on my mood theme(@ emella) So I've zipped it up for you all. :D

Here is a preview:




The mood theme features Spike Xander and Angel from BtVs and Ats

Rules For Download:
[X]Comment if snagging.
[X]Credit if snagging.

To Download:
Download the zipped file here.

[EDIT: March 11, 2006 - If you would like to use this mood theme, please email me at kevy_s__girl [AT], I ran out of space on my website and was forced to remove the file, I will gladly share it, just let me know. Thanks!]

Then Open the CSXASAnimINSTALL.txt file.

Follow those instructions and everything should work out.

If you have any questions about it, feel free to post them here.

Thanks! :D

buffy & angel, mood theme

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