First Love, Chapter 15

Sep 03, 2010 21:34

Chapter 15

By mutual consent, Luke’s head had moved to Reid’s shoulder. Luke had nuzzled Reid’s open shirt aside so that cheek could touch flesh. Reid’s arm had wrapped up and around into Luke’s hair. Hands remained over heart.

The mottled blanket of light covering them had turned from gold to a deep rose. Talk about afterglow. Luke had never felt so at peace.

“So a fort, huh?”

Luke smiled but didn’t open his eyes. “Mmm-hmm. I could tell you all about the history and everything.”


“And yes, it was magical in the snow.”

“That must have been some trip.”

Luke was still.

“Did you come here with him?”

Now Luke opened his eyes. He lifted his head, propping himself on an elbow. “No…why would you…of course not.”

“You seemed to know right where to come.” Reid's eyes were directed skyward. “I suppose the snow would have made things difficult, but one of you could have leaned against the wall….”

“I told you…things weren’t like that. They were nothing like that. I was here alone.” Luke’s hand flexed on Reid’s chest. “Reid…don’t.”

Reid turned his head to meet Luke’s eyes. He no longer seemed immune to what he found in them.

“It was the second winter without you…after you’d gone. I got a chance to come to New York, and I took it. He couldn’t come…which to be honest was kind of the point. I wanted to be alone. Oh, I had great plans...museums, book readings…and the snow wouldn’t have stopped me from doing any of that, I just…couldn’t get motivated. I’ve spent a lot of the past few years in a kind of lethargy. Like I wasn’t really alive.”

Reid didn’t move, didn’t answer. Didn’t look away.

“So I found myself just wandering the park. Just trying to be somewhere else. Someone else. With someone else.” Luke looked down at their hands. “I imagined what it would have been like seeing everything with you. What it would have been like being here with you. Like this. I played it out in my mind. That’s why I knew where to come.”

Reid lifted his free hand, resting the back against Luke’s cheek. “And the reality?”

Luke tried for coy and failed. “I think you know. The limits of my imagination were reached…oh, sometime last night.” Luke’s eyes fell into shadow. “About the time you first put your mouth on me.”

Reid’s lips parted in a half smile. “You liked that, did you?”

“It was alright. I could give you some pointers.”

Reid’s hand drifted down to Luke’s stomach, where it spiraled languidly. “Yes, you could. And you’re good with your hands, too.”

Luke was becoming too turned on to blush properly. Just a light touch, a few words, that voice - and he was hardening again, no doubt a physiological impossibility. But he’d already given up trying to make sense of anything. About the time Reid had first put his mouth on him.

“What about you?”

“Hmm?” Reid was watching his hand move over Luke’s skin.

“Did the reality disappoint?”


“The look on my face…was it what you expected?”

Reid’s hand slowed. “No. It wasn’t. Nothing’s been what I expected.” He looked up at Luke, his gaze guarded but perceptibly softening. As if it were becoming harder to maintain the mask.

Luke leaned down to kiss Reid. Their skin didn’t slide smoothly everywhere it met.

Reid sat up, wiping his stomach. “We’re going to want to do something about this before it dries completely.”

Luke looked down at the trails of tacky fluid on his own stomach and thighs. A leaking condom lay beside them.

“I’ve got napkins.” Sitting up, Luke rummaged through the tote bag, emerging with napkins from the Shake Shack. He began to clean Reid’s chest and stomach; Reid lay back on his elbows and watched. His unbuttoned shirt slanted open, framing smooth muscle and slick skin. Like a male model. Or a porn star.

Doing his best to ignore his own physical response, Luke moved lower. He strove for professionalism. Good grief, do I have any cum left? Once he’d blotted at stains on Reid’s jeans as best he could, he reached into the bag for more napkins, extending them to Reid. Reid looked down at them. Looked up into Luke’s eyes.

Feeling a frisson of uncertainty, Luke instead began to wipe his own stomach. With disconcerting speed, Reid was on his knees, taking the napkins out of Luke’s hand and placing them on the ground. Pressing his hands against Luke’s shoulders, lowering him onto his back. Still unsure as to Reid’s intent, Luke nonetheless looked up at him with absolute trust.

Reid bent over Luke and began to lap at his chest with languorous strokes. Luke let his head fall back completely and wove his fingers through Reid’s hair. His legs fell open as far as the lowered jeans would allow. Reid slowly moved over Luke’s chest and stomach with his tongue. Luke tried to focus; he thought he felt, for the first time, Reid linger over the thin lines of raised skin that marked Luke’s past. All he could be sure of was of a contrast to that morning’s syrup-related exertions; rather than teasing, Reid’s actions were closer to earnest. As if there were nothing more important in that moment than cleansing Luke Snyder. Than tending to him. Than letting himself, finally, savor Luke’s taste, his smell, his textures. Luke let him taste. Was a willing meal, wished he alone could sustain Reid, that he could provide him with all the nourishment Reid would ever need. For his part, Luke had no doubt that he could live on a diet of Reid alone.

As Reid moved lower, his attentions became even more focused, even more luxuriating. His first touch of Luke’s penis verged on reverent. He cleansed the shaft, the leaking tip. He buried his nose in the base as he supped on Luke’s testicles, pulling at the skin. Slowly sucked them into his mouth and massaged them with his tongue. Luke was transported. He didn’t care about the increasingly loud sounds he supposed were coming from him. Reid didn’t stop him. He didn’t seem to register anything but the flesh filling his mouth. The Luke feast in front of him.

Reid’s mouth moved lower, to the pucker still lax from earlier exercises. He carefully bathed it with his tongue, only briefly pushing inside with the tip. Luke whimpered when Reid withdrew.

Reid looked up. “It’s sore, I know. It was probably too soon after this morning. And last night.”

Luke shook his head from side to side. His eyes were glazed but focused.

Reid’s eyes widened just barely. He wiped his mouth. “Luke…I’m sure there must be pain.”

Luke’s head shaking sharpened.

“It had been a long time…you should probably take it easy for a while.”

The shaking became more frantic.

Reid brought a finger to Luke’s hole, slowly circled. “This doesn’t hurt? No tenderness?”

Luke’s head jerked.

“Not even a little…raw?”

Luke’s penis jerked.

“How about now?” The finger slipped inside.

Luke clenched.

Reid’s breathing accelerated. He gently began to work the loosened ring of muscle. He pulled out only long enough to apply more lube. Slipped back in.

“Luke…Luke…you’re so open for me.” His tone was soothing. Soothed. “You’re so…the heat. No one burns for me like you. No one takes me in as deep. Only you…only you.”

Hitching a breath, Luke pressed down on Reid’s hand. Reid inserted another finger.

Reid continued to speak, as if to himself. “No one lets me in like you. Why? Why do you let me in…so far…so deep? All the way. What do you see?”

Luke struggled to catch his breath. When his voice came, it was nothing more than a croak. “You. All…for you. Everything.”

Reid closed his eyes. Continued to stretch with his fingers. Continued to feel.

When he spoke, his eyes remained closed. “It wasn’t supposed to be like this…I wasn’t supposed to tell you my room. You weren’t supposed to come in.”

Clumsily, Luke reached for Reid, managing to grab a wrist. He wished he could speak, wished he could find words. Hoped there was time to say them all.

Reid opened his eyes. He reached down to move Luke’s damp hair off his flushed face. Rolled a bundle of strands between his fingers. Without conscious thought, Luke began to rub his own penis with his free hand.

“Here, let me.” Without removing his fingers, Reid placed his other hand over Luke’s. He moved them both up and down Luke’s distended length. Their tandem hands appeared to mesmerize Reid. He followed their movement with an increasingly famished look in his eyes. Eventually, he moved their hands to the base and engulfed the top with his mouth. Hands and lips and tongue and dick converged in a liturgical dance. Reid appeared lost in Luke. Not like before, when he was a passive participant along for Luke’s ride. This was an active worship. He was both giving and taking, more than he ever had before. Somewhere, faintly, Luke thought he could feel the change. Feel the progress. As the sun set, he feared the dawn a little less. Close…so close….

Luke thought he was there when the third finger went in. The stretch was uncomfortable, and he burned in multiple ways. But the pain sharpened his pleasure. It grounded him, bound him to Reid. Kept him fastened to the immediacy of the moment. He wanted to stretch for Reid, to open for him, to hold nothing back. To feel open for him. To feel everything, give everything, make up for everything. I’m here. I’m yours.

Take me.

And then he felt the fourth finger.

Despite the lack of warning, Reid managed to catch all of Luke’s release. To take all of him in. Like he was starving. He then tenderly washed Luke’s penis with his tongue before laying it on Luke’s stomach. With a regretful look, Reid slowly removed his fingers from Luke’s ass. Even in his blissed-out state, Luke felt the loss. By now the stinging had subsided to numbness. Luke still wanted to feel.

The vivid colors were gone now; all that remained was the flat light of dusk. Luke noticed that Reid was having trouble fastening his jeans.


Reid looked up.

“I can help with that.” Luke remained spread on the stone. All attention was trained on Reid’s erection. Like a hawk watching a squirrel.

“I appreciate the offer, but I think you’ve done enough for one day.”

“Uh-uh. Let me help. Want to.” He licked his lips. “Want more.”

The spark in Reid’s eyes was visible from Jersey. “Haven’t you had enough yet?”


Reid stood motionless for a few moments, then unzipped his fly and straddled Luke’s chest, kneeling by his head. Luke was too spent to move even an arm, but his face was eager. Wanton. He parted bruised lips. With one hand holding his heavy penis, Reid used the other to stroke the line of Luke’s cheek, of his jaw. Resting his fingers there, he lowered the head of his cock to Luke’s lips. Luke’s tongue darted out to taste, then strained upward with lips that looked stained by a cherry blow pop. Reid’s eyes briefly closed as Luke’s mouth surrounded the head with wet heat. Luke weakly tried to lift a hand.

“No, shh…it’s OK…like this.” Reid placed a hand behind Luke’s head and slowly began to thrust into Luke’s open mouth. “It should be easier this way…you can just let go…let go…I’m right here.”

The remaining tension left Luke’s neck as he relaxed his throat and jaw completely.

“Mmm…yeah…like that. Just like that. Ungh…you OK? Feel OK?”

Luke tightened the seal around Reid’s cock. With eyes fixed on Luke’s, Reid gradually increased the pace. Luke focused all of his remaining energy on his mouth; his tongue twirled, he sucked and swallowed, adjusted to changes in rhythm and depth. He took Reid in, as much as he could. He relished the feel of Reid’s cock at the back of his throat, relished the feeling of fullness. Of yielding. Of completion.

Reid’s lids dropped, but they never closed. His eyes never left Luke’s face. So when he saw the subtle change in Luke’s expression, he immediately withdrew from Luke’s mouth. Luke lifted his neck to follow, resisting the loss. The broad tip emerged trailing a thin ribbon of saliva and pre-cum down to his swollen red lips.

Reid’s hand moved back around to Luke’s cheek. “What is it? What is it, babe? You OK?”

Luke nodded, hungry eyes on slickened cock. “I want…” Suddenly, he felt shy. But arousal - and something deeper, more elemental - soon won out. “I want you to fill me again.”

Confusion flickered.

“Down there.”

Reid continued to stroke Luke’s cheek, his brow. “No...Luke…that’s not a good idea. Not now.” The hand on his penis began to rub in short, quick strokes. “It’s OK. I can just take care of it myself.”

“No,” Luke gasped, struggling up onto his elbows. The thought of losing Reid’s penis entirely manifested as a physical pain radiating from his core. “Reid, please…I’m so open…it wouldn’t hurt.” It would hurt just enough.

Reid’s chest rumbled. “Luke…I couldn’t…we shouldn’t-”

“I need you, Reid. I need to feel you.” It’s the only way I can be sure that you’re really here. And I know it’s still the only thing you can give me.

“Oh, you’ll be feeing me all right. You’ll be feeling me for a week.”

“It’s not enough.” Luke’s eyes implored. He was naked now; there was no masking the imprint of the years of desolation. “I’ve been so empty…for so long. Fill me, Reid.”

Reid dropped his head, squeezing his eyes shut. “You’re killing me.”

After what felt like geologic time to Luke, Reid exhaled slowly and swung his leg, stretching out on his side next to Luke. As Reid reached for supplies, Luke could feel his slack arousal approaching a Zen-like state.

When Reid was ready, he gently turned Luke on his side so that his back was against Reid’s front. Reid leaned on an elbow and ran his hand from back of neck to small of back. This time there was no mistaking it; Reid bent and kissed along the length of Luke’s transplant scar. Luke was in complete surrender. Had relinquished everything. Was Reid’s, inside and out. But especially inside.

Reid’s long, skillful fingers played over the smooth curve of Luke’s bottom. Kneaded and skimmed. Fitted into the upper fissure and slowly drew down. Luke arched his back, shimmying slightly.

Reid mouthed Luke’s shoulder. “Who knew you’d be this insatiable?”

Luke’s words were slurred. “Your fault…you’re the one who woke me.”

“With a kiss on your cock?” He brushed his nose along the back of Luke’s neck. “You are a beauty when you sleep. But why do I feel more like Doctor Frankenstein?”

“Mmm…fire good.”

“Yeah, I can feel the flames. You burn hot.”

Luke pressed back against the hard heat of Reid. “Only for you.”

Reid wrapped his arm around Luke’s chest and hugged him close, resting his face in the slope of Luke’s neck. His hand drifted to Luke’s abdomen but avoided his oversensitive penis. Eventually, Reid pulled his hand back, inching slightly lower and shifting Luke’s bent top leg forward. With freshly lubricated fingers, he carefully parted Luke’s cheeks.

This is it. This is everything. The stretch was exquisite as Reid slid home. His hand securely gripped Luke’s hip; the other arm lay under Luke’s head.


Luke’s groan was pornographic.

Smiling against Luke’s neck, Reid began to rock his hips. Sways turned into circles turned into thrusts. Shallow movements grew deeper. Quiet pants gave way to low hums. Awarenesses aligned. Converged.

His mind swathed in gauze, Luke somehow managed to find the fingers of Reid’s hand and bring them to his mouth. He wet them with his tongue, licking between and around, bases to tips. Drew them in. Applied suction.

Groaning, Reid picked up the pace, the fingers of his other hand curling into Luke’s hip. Back and chest met in a scorching seal of sweat and pressure. One hand at Reid’s wrist, holding it steady as he sucked, Luke dropped the other hand to his penis. Although still somewhat over-stimulated, it was already half-hard. Ignoring the abused nerves, Luke pumped it with his fist, imagining it was Reid’s hand. Imagined being enveloped as well as penetrated.

He didn’t have to imagine for very long. Still thrusting, Reid gently tilted Luke so that he was partially lying on his stomach. No longer needing his hand for leverage, Reid instead moved it to encircle Luke’s hand and dick. Luke slid his hand from beneath Reid’s, allowing direct access to what burned only for him. Luke reached back, seeking Reid’s skin, landing on firmly flexing power and smooth grace.

There was nothing more Luke could give Reid, no space Reid hadn’t filled. No part that wasn’t saturated with Reid.


They came together. Like one being with two hearts and two dicks. Perhaps one had triggered the other; Luke couldn’t tell. Could only feel and smell and taste Reid. Heard his breathing slow by degrees. Thought he heard, might have heard a whisper by his ear. The faint movement of air and lips.

“Thank you.”

lure, rating:nc-17, luke/reid, first love, atwt, fan fiction

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