First Love, Chapter 9

Sep 03, 2010 21:26

Chapter 9

“I’m sorry, what?”

“Go out…let’s go out!” Luke bounced on the bed a bit as he said this. “Come on, Reid…we’re in what some consider the greatest city in the world. And I bet this week you haven’t been more than five blocks from the hotel. I know I wanted to see a bit of the city while I was here…gosh, it’s been almost two years.”

“Don’t let me stop you.”

Luke pushed Reid onto his back and straddled him. “Aww, c’mon…we can’t stay in here all day.” OK, poor choice of argument. Ignore what the look in his eye is doing to you, Luke. Ignore what his hand on your hip is doing…. “Seriously, it’s beautiful outside. The sun is shining, birds are singing-”

“Pigeons sing?”

“We could walk around, feel the energy…” Hard sell time. “…maybe get something to eat?”

Reid’s hands moved from Luke’s hips around to his buttocks. Reid began to rub. His gaze dipped. “There’s plenty to eat right here.”

Luke glanced down. Oh sure, he says jump and you say how high? Hmph, it’s as if you belong to him and not me (true). Focus….

Luke decided to go with the hardest sell (and getting harder). He leaned back against Reid’s hands and arched his back. Licked his lips. Slowly circled one of his own nipples. “I’ll make it worth your while.”

Reid’s eyelids dropped to half-mast. His eyes darkened. And dropped.

Luke’s hand dropped as well, moving from nipple to stomach to… “After we get back.”

The rubbing stopped. Reid regarded Luke through narrowed eyes. Though Luke’s confidence was waning steadily, he didn’t move.

Eventually, Reid spoke. “No Times Square, no Broadway shows, no FAO Schwartz. No clothes shopping of any kind. No carriage rides, no Empire State Building at sunset, no candle-lit dinners. That includes Serendipity. No Yankees-related activities. And I reserve the right to molest you in public at any time.”

Luke’s smile lit up the room. “Deal.”


Reid waited for Luke at the door. “So what are we talking, half an hour, tops?”

Luke swatted his arm. “You are going to enjoy yourself, mister.”

Reid opened the door for Luke. “That’s doctor mister to you.”

“Oh, excuse me, Dr. Oliver.” Luke smiled cheekily as he brushed past Reid and stepped into the hallway.

And bumped into Alex Martin.

“Oh, excuse me!” Luke backed into Reid, who was closing the door. “Alex, right? Hi.”

Shifting his keycard to his left hand, Alex reached out to shake Luke’s hand with his right. He smiled a slow smile. “Luke, hi.” Alex nodded. “Reid.”

“Alex,” Reid answered calmly.

Luke was feeling somewhat less composed. After dropping Alex’s hand, he made a dismissive gesture with his own. “I was just…uh….” Upon seeing Alex’s keycard, Luke’s hand changed direction - fingers nervously tapped at lips. “Are you…are you staying on this floor?”

Alex’s smile got even bigger. “Yeah, you didn’t know? I’m right next door.”

Fuck. Me. “Really?” Luke’s face contorted into a grotesque approximation of a smile. “That’s great.” The walls are thick, right? I mean, I haven’t been able to hear anything-

“And it sounds like you two have been catching up.”

Luke’s frozen, unnatural grin was now accompanied by a sort of convulsive head-bobbing. “Yeah…right….” Can we all just please die now? Especially you, Alex, you smug little son of a-

Reid put his hands on either side of Luke’s waist from behind. “I apologize if our love-making has been keeping you up, Alex. It must have made it hard to work on your talk - you know, the one in which you have to announce to the world how none of your treatment protocols was successful.”

Alex’s expression registered the hit. The grin twisted dryly. “Well…I’m just glad that last night I was able to do my small part for true love.” He took a few steps toward his door, then stopped. “I don’t suppose you’ll be able to make it to my talk, Reid? No one seems to have seen you at any of the morning sessions.”

Reid’s hands slowly kneaded Luke’s sides. “Alex, you know the odds of my hearing something I don’t already know are infinitesimal at best.”

With a smile that was almost wistful, Alex unlocked his door. “Right. Well, enjoy the rest of your day, you two. Luke, maybe I’ll be seeing you back in Boston.”

The kneading turned into a firm push as Reid steered Luke away and down the hallway. “Goodbye, Alex.”

Reid hurried them down the hall toward the elevators. But Luke had barely noticed Reid’s reaction to Alex’s last comment.

Love-making. He said love-making.

In the elevator, Luke subtly pressed up against Reid. He ran his hand up the inside of Reid’s arm. Reid didn’t move away.


Luke left Reid in the lobby. As they neared the entrance, Luke jogged (OK, skipped) ahead and out the door. By the time Reid had caught up, Luke was holding open the door of a taxi and poorly suppressing a grin.

Reid got in. “Let me guess, you have a magical afternoon already planned.”

Luke shut the door behind them. “Now when would I have had time to do that?”

Reid slowly shook his head. “If I see one Rockette….”

Luke grabbed Reid’s arm and nuzzled his shoulder. “Trust me.”

After the briefest of moments, Reid put his arm around Luke.


Luke watched Reid’s face as Washington Square Arch came into view. A face that gave away nothing, of course.

“Here’s fine. Thanks.” Before Reid could react, let alone protest, Luke had handed the cab driver a bill and pulled Reid out the door, causing him to stumble slightly.

“I was joking about the half-hour thing, you know. We’re not in that big of a rush.”

Luke took hold of Reid’s upper arm and pressed against his side, leading them under the arch and into Washington Square Park. “I know. I’m just excited to be spending time with you outside the hotel room.” And I keep expecting you to change your mind. To disappear. To send me back to my half-life.

Reid looked around at the collection of life forms on display. “I’m not sure I see the appeal. I prefer to do my groping in private.”

Luke grinned as he led Reid toward the center fountain. The day was hot enough for it to be filled with children playing in the spray. Parents stood by watching, singly and in couples, their air of peace a contrast to the active squeals of the children. Luke and Reid stood watching for a moment; Luke rested his head on Reid’s shoulder. Someday….

Reid shifted restlessly; the two began to amble down one of the side paths. After passing a sea-shanty-singing pirate, they noticed a young woman wearing a black hat with a birdcage veil singing while playing a large black accordion. Luke recognized the song as “La Vie en Rose.”

Reid grunted as they passed. “Predictable. Don’t French buskers know any other song?”

Luke just smiled and leaned his head against Reid’s shoulder. He had yet to let go of Reid’s arm. “Hey, black-eyed Susans!” He tugged Reid over to the side of the path where there were flowerbeds.

Reid did not go easily. “Do I look like someone who appreciates flowers?”

“Wellll, you did admit to carrying a torch for weeping willows.”

Reid winced. “This is why small talk is hazardous.”

“It wasn’t small talk, it was sharing. And I love learning more about you.” I crave it.

Reid had perceptibly stiffened by now. “Yeah, well, some things are better left unshared.”

Like your life? Not anymore, buster.

Luke leaned over to get a closer view of the flowers. “I love these guys. They’re so cheerful. And they thrive almost anywhere as long as they get full sun.”

Then, at Reid’s lifted brow, Luke continued: “My mother has a thing for wildflowers. And she says that black-eyed Susans ‘forgive neglect.’ I love that.”

Reid turned to consider the daisy-like flowers with vivid deep-yellow petals surrounding a purplish-brown center. Luke wasn’t sure, but it seemed as if Reid’s expression subtly shifted from indifferent to pensive. And then it was gone.

“Hmm.” Reid nodded briefly and turned back toward the center of the park. By this time a crowd had gathered in a circle and music was playing.

“Is that…a grand piano?” Luke urged Reid closer. Indeed, at one side of the makeshift performance area sat a man in top hat and tails playing a full-sized piano.

“Oh. And look. He brought a friend.” Reid motioned to the center of the circle where a sinewy tattooed man was folded. Inside a small box.

“Holy….” Luke squeezed Reid’s arm. After extricating himself with a flourish, the contortionist smoothly balanced himself in a handstand on two thin poles. While still inverted, he positioned both legs behind his head.

“Impressive,” said Reid. “Not sure about the pink and green spandex, though.”

“Yeah, but look at that body.” Each muscle was defined and straining as the man effortlessly moved through a series of poses. “He’s kinda hot.” The hotel has a gym, right?

The piano music swelled as Reid gave Luke his full attention. He slowly lowered, then raised, his eyes.

“You are infinitely hotter.”

Luke was caught by the absolute sincerity in Reid’s eyes, the lack of raunch. This is new. I’ve never felt this from him. Not even before.

Reid turned back to the performer. “Now we just need to limber you up a bit.”


Still arm and arm (or, rather, Luke hugging Reid’s arm and Reid letting him), they began to walk down another side path. Patches of grass on either side had been claimed by sunbathers, readers, lovers, and assorted other recreationists. Luke and Reid’s attentions were drawn almost simultaneously to one young man dancing barefoot on the grass. As they approached they noticed that his dance involved hula hoops - first one, then two. Lithe, tan, and shirtless, with a secret smile on his lips, he undulated and twirled ecstatically - as if he were hearing dance music in his head. Luke was captivated. Reid was not.

“I will never be that gay.”

Luke watched in wonder. “Aw, come on, he looks like he’s having fun.”

Reid’s nose crinkled. “He’s wearing rolled-up jean shorts.”

Slowly, Luke started to move closer to the man.

“Luke. Luke. Where are you going?” Reid looked around. His voice became more insistent. “Don’t engage. No feeding the wildlife. Luke!”

Without slowing his twirling, the young man smiled as Luke approached and spoke to him. Then the man nodded, and Luke bent to pick up a third hula hoop. Turning back to Reid, Luke shouted, “Hey, come on over! Let’s see if you can shake those hips, old man.”

Looks like I’m not the only one who can blush.

Reid stood motionless, a hunted look in his eyes. He watched as Luke put the hoop around his waist and began to roll his hips.

Luke called out in a sing-song voice. “Reeeid. There’s another one here with your name on it. Come on, you know you want to.” Luke began to sway from side to side as he rolled. “You know you wanna dance.” He lifted his arms and moved them rhythmically.

When Reid had recovered enough to take a few steps, he did so backward, not forward. Gradually, however, his obvious mortification subsided, transforming into something else, something more contemplative. Bewitched. He moved no closer - no, that wasn’t going to happen - but his breathing slowed and deepened even as the cadence of his collective pulse points became more pronounced. He watched as Luke became more confident in his movements, more fluid. He watched as Luke laughed with the young man, as he tried to learn how to run the hoop up and down the length of his body, how to spin the hoop on one arm. Reid watched as Luke turned to focus on him, and him only. Watched as Luke’s expression alternated between goofy and seductive. As his movements switched from joyous to provocative. All for Reid.

All for you. Everything.

Reid watched as Luke thanked the young man and jogged back to Reid. Luke’s smile was dazzling. Reid was dazzled.

“OK, that was too much fun. You so missed out. Do you know he does that with fire? At, like, parties and festivals. And he learned how to do it right here, from watching someone else.”

Reid touched the side of Luke’s face with his hands, using his thumb to wipe the fine coating of sweat from Luke’s brow. “Then we should get you out of here before you try to learn any more.”

Luke smiled coyly, ignoring an irrational jab of disappointment. “What, you don’t think I have potential?”

The hand on Luke’s face shifted to his ear; gentle fingers stroked the shell. When he answered, Reid’s voice was colored in smoky shades. “I think you’re a natural.”

A jazz quartet began playing from a nearby bench. Reid dropped his hand, but not before giving the side of Luke’s neck a light squeeze. “But you’re probably doing more good in this world with your foundation work. The kids in the new pediatric center in Columbus would probably agree.”

Luke blinked. Reid seemed to catch himself; what had been a soft expression stiffened.

Looks like I’m not the only one who’s been googling.

Now Luke was the one with a secret smile. He threaded his arm lightly through Reid’s and matched his easy gait as they continued down the path. Sunlight filtered through leaves, dappling the walk; Luke tilted up his head and closed his eyes as the patterns of light and shade played across his face. Colors seemed brighter, sounds sharper. He could feel the wind slither against his skin. His hand tingled where it touched Reid’s flesh under the rolled-up sleeve. He was close enough to breathe in Reid’s scent, to feel it become part of him. Luke felt as if he were finally emerging from the shadows, as if his senses were becoming unblocked. He wanted to do the same for Reid. He wanted to bring him back to life.

Luke became more alert when he realized they were approaching the end of the path. He snuck a glance at Reid, whose face remained impassive. They entered a small plaza in the corner of the park; there, arranged in a semi-circle of benches and tables, were men huddled over chessboards.

Luke’s arm tightened on Reid’s. He watched Reid’s face. Nothing. They slowed, stopped.

Luke swallowed. “I thought…I mean, I’d heard it was kind of a must-do thing for chess fans…you know, to come and play these guys. I didn’t know if, maybe, you'd be interested…I mean, I know it’s probably a bit of a hustle, but I’d read that sometimes famous players show up.” Reid had yet to look at Luke.

Crap, this was a mistake. “I mean, I know your parents kind of forced you to play…I’m certainly not trying to do that…I just thought that if you….”

A large man with a springy grey beard looked up from his game and saw them. Ignoring his opponent’s startled look, he stood and strode toward Reid.

“Ollie! Yak zhyttya?” The man pulled Reid away from a stunned Luke, hugging him and kissing him on alternating cheeks three times.

“Matvi.” Reid smiled warmly (warmly?) and returned the embrace. “Everything’s fine. How’s Larisa?”

“Ah, you know. Still putting up with me.” The man turned to Luke. “And who did you bring me? You’ve never brought me someone before.”

Reid’s words and movements were spare, but he seemed at ease. “This is Luke. And he’s not for you.”

“What? No?” Matvi spread out his hands. “You don’t play?”

I am so lost. Luke glanced at Reid, who shook his head slightly. “Um, not really.”

Matvi looked at Reid. “What, no rating at all?”

Reid smiled. “No rating.”

“Ah, so…this one’s for show, then?”

Reid sighed but the smile remained. “Yes, this one’s for show.”

The nature of Matvi’s appraisal of Luke shifted subtly.

Reid cleared his throat. “Luke, may I present Matvi Chmerkovskiy. Former Grandmaster.”

“Now, Ollie, you know that title never goes away.”

“Nor does your humility.”

“Ha! I’ve missed you.” Slapping a hand on Reid’s back, Matvi guided him to the table where Matvi’s opponent was still sitting and still slightly stunned.

“Sorry, my friend, the game is over.” Matvi handed the man several bills and all but pushed him off the bench. “Ollie, sit.”

Luke followed Reid to the table, stopping behind Reid’s chair. He noticed that the other resident players, even those engaged in matches, were showing considerable interest in the activities at Reid’s table.

Luke leaned down and whispered. “I thought you stopped playing seriously when you were a kid.”

A half-smile on his lips, Reid answered, “I stopped playing competitively.”


Who knew chess could be so hot?

By the third game, Luke had given up trying to concentrate on the moves. Though the speed of play made following difficult, far more distracting was Reid’s unmistakable mastery. Though his style was outwardly relaxed, he radiated quiet intensity. He saw everything, heard everything, processed it all with lightening speed; like a coiled snake in a tree, with infinite patience he waited for opportunities and then struck decisively, fatally. Masterfully.

Yeah, he wasn’t holding back or anything all those times we played together.

By now a crowd had gathered, the other games forgotten. Reid and Matvi had each won a game. The men watching included several speaking a Slavic-sounding language (Ukrainian?). Despite Reid’s obvious focus, he shocked Luke by speaking companionably with the men as he played. In their language. Although certainly not fluent, Reid appeared to be holding his own in what was a conversation characterized by good-natured ribbing. At one point a middle-aged man with disconcertingly green eyes seemed to have reached some sort of deal with Reid and Matvi.

With all eyes on Luke, his curiosity overrode his reluctance to interrupt Reid. He bent down. “OK, something just happened. Do I want to know?”

Reid kept his eyes on the board. The half-smile was back. “Depends.”

Luke sighed. “On?”

“On if you think I can win.”

Carefully, Luke said, “Let’s say I do.”

Reid captured Matvi’s second knight. “Then you won’t have to worry about going home with that man tonight.”

Luke decided not to ask any more questions.

Though he did wonder about the phrase he kept hearing. Seemingly used in reference to him. He detected no reaction from Reid, who had initially said it or something similar (Luke couldn’t quite tell). From that point on the men used the phrase in first a mocking and then a casual way. Probably better not to know.

Suddenly, the match was over. Shaking hands, Reid and Matvi said their goodbyes, then hugged and patted each other on the back. The other players nodded and drifted back to their own tables.

Reid turned to Luke. “Ready to go?”

Luke look confused. “That’s it? Who won?”

Reid began walking toward the street. “I did.”

Luke released the breath he felt silly for holding. Before he could join Reid, Luke felt a strong hand on his shoulder.

“Luke, my boy, you take care of Ollie.”

That’s the plan. Luke shook Matvi’s hand. “It was great meeting you.” Then, before he could stop himself, he asked, “Um, Matvi, that phrase I kept hearing people say…something like yedina kohanya…what does it mean?”

Matvi looked at Luke for a moment, then smiled. “Yes…how do you say…something like, ‘one’…’one love’…”

Luke’s mouth had gone dry. “First love?”

“No, no, not quite…more like…yes, more like, ‘only love.’ You know, as in, the first, the last.”

Luke didn’t hear anything after that.

lure, luke/reid, first love, atwt, fan fiction

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