#AlwaysKeepFighting Love Meme

May 16, 2015 21:09

Hey, guys. As you by now surely know, it's been a really emotional weekend for the Supernatural fandom. One of our boys is hurting, and all of us have been pulling together, sending him our love and wishing him the best ( Read more... )

feeeeeeelliinngggsss, public entry, oh fandom, fangirling fangirls irl, i post too many memes

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Comments 5352

dephigravity May 17 2015, 02:49:38 UTC
emmatheslayer May 17 2015, 02:58:07 UTC
Your art is so darn adorable


saltandburnboys May 17 2015, 17:20:03 UTC
Your art is absolutely amazing; thank you for sharing your immense talent with us. :-)



emmatheslayer May 17 2015, 18:21:04 UTC
thank you hun * Hugs *


riyku May 17 2015, 02:52:45 UTC
♥ ♥ ♥


morrezela May 17 2015, 03:00:52 UTC
New friend! Thank you for friending me on Twitter and wearing a lampshade on your head.


emmatheslayer May 17 2015, 03:21:59 UTC
you write some awesome j2 and I have almost all of your fics book marked


kelleigh May 17 2015, 03:32:35 UTC
I just love EVERYONE in #TeamProcrastination so much. You're a huge part of the reason I finished a BB draft this year through all the craziness. I'm so happy to have you around on Twitter because getting to know you on top of all the amazing stories you write has been AWESOME.


ash48 May 17 2015, 02:58:59 UTC
This is a lovely idea. Won't deny I'm kinda needing this right now and I now many others who will be too. <3


fireheart13 May 17 2015, 03:07:59 UTC
Your videos and commentaries are both so terrific, I'm in awe *HUGS*


ash48 May 17 2015, 09:28:39 UTC
Thanks honey! <33


emmatheslayer May 17 2015, 03:22:42 UTC
I just saw your happy together vid I was like in tears so awesome you make epic vids


lotrspnfangirl May 17 2015, 03:06:16 UTC
fireheart13 May 17 2015, 03:08:40 UTC
Hey you! Loving getting to know you better, and I already know what a sweetheart you are!!


emmatheslayer May 17 2015, 03:24:41 UTC
you make me squee you have are a amazing writer and you have gotten me to love destiel and your writing the most epic fic for me I feel so honored to know you hope we become closer


lotrspnfangirl May 17 2015, 03:41:09 UTC
Aww thanks Emma!! *hugs* You are the best! And yes, I completely agree with you! I love having you on my flist and getting to talk with you!


morrezela May 17 2015, 03:12:32 UTC
morrezela or zelamorre elsewhere.


zubeneschamali May 17 2015, 03:26:13 UTC
You are ridiculously creative with your fic ideas. I can't wait to see what you come up with next!


ephermeralk May 17 2015, 03:37:11 UTC

your fics have always been fantastic and I miss that you're not around as much any more to make me snort my coffee up my nose in the morning when I read your fic.


cassiopeia7 May 17 2015, 03:44:06 UTC
Love your J2 fics and miss seeing you around! ♥


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