#AlwaysKeepFighting Love Meme

May 16, 2015 21:09

Hey, guys. As you by now surely know, it's been a really emotional weekend for the Supernatural fandom. One of our boys is hurting, and all of us have been pulling together, sending him our love and wishing him the best ( Read more... )

feeeeeeelliinngggsss, public entry, oh fandom, fangirling fangirls irl, i post too many memes

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chomaisky May 19 2015, 08:50:19 UTC
Heyyy <3


pippii May 19 2015, 13:53:47 UTC
Hi sweet pea ♥
You are just so sweet and wonderful♥♥
Love you♥


angelzfurys May 20 2015, 05:46:37 UTC
Don't know you but I wish you a wonderful week!


enablelove May 21 2015, 02:53:08 UTC
<3 <3 <3


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