under arrest (for stealing my heart) - for perfectiontales

Feb 06, 2014 11:47

Title: under arrest (for stealing my heart)
For: perfectiontales
Pairing: Chen/Sehun
Rating: PG-13
Word count: 1.5k
Summary: the five times jongdae put sehun in handcuffs (and no, not that way) and the one time he didn't.


Jongdae gets off night shift at 4 in the morning. In all honestly, he expects to see the street outside the polite station to be deserted at this time, save for the rare passing car. What he doesn’t expect as he walks around the building to the carpark, is a stick in skinny jeans and an oversized hooded jacket with a can of paint in his hand.

FUCK THE POLICE, now decorated the exposed side of Jongdae’s workplace, and he lets out a little sigh before coughing loudly.

The stick of a person jumps around and Jongdae sees that he’s just a boy.

“Oh my god, are you going to arrest me?” he says.

“Uh,” Jongdae blinks and tugs out the handcuffs clipped into his belt. “I guess so. Please don’t run, I don’t want to gun you down.” He’s only joking of course, because using a gun on an unarmed kid means a shitload of paperwork, but he hopes the boy in front of him doesn’t know that.

“Can’t you arrest my friend instead?” the boy says, “this was a dare. I swear to god he made me do it.”

Jongdae blinks once, and then again. It’s not that he hasn’t heard this particular excuse before, it’s just that the boy sounds so whiny he’s tempted to actually let him go. But Jongdae can’t do that-there’s a surveillance camera filming everything somewhere above them and while Jongdae knows that he’ll get away with little more than a slap on the wrist, he really doesn’t want to be the one paying for the damages.

“You are under arrest,” Jongdae says, walking towards the boy, “for vandalizing public property. Please hold your hands out.”

“Aren’t you supposed to tell me that I have the right to remain silent and that anything I say can be used against me?” the boy quips, and Jongdae tries his best not to crack a smile and tell him that he’s been watching too many movies.

“Hold your hands out,” he repeats instead, and then fastens the handcuffs around slim wrists. He doesn’t bother tightening them-they’re uncomfortable and they bruise and Jongdae isn’t that much of an asshole especially when they’re only about 20 steps to the front door.

“Back so soon?” Yixing laughs as Jongdae leads his catch into the station. “I’m touched, did you really miss me that much?”

“No,” Jongdae answers smoothly, “I was worried you’d be bored so I bought you some paperwork to do.”

He pushes the boy in front of him, and sends Yixing a wide smile. “Found this one outside scribbling on the walls,” he announces. “You know what to do.”

They all know what to do-ask his name, get his ID, call his parents, and fill in a lot of papers. It’s not a hard job, just boring.

“You’re the one who caught him,” Yixing says quickly. “Why don’t you take care of it?”

“I’m finished for the night,” Jongdae replies cheerfully. “So I’ll be going home now.”

Yixing groans, and pulls Zitao’s empty office chair towards him for the boy.

“What’s your name?” he asks.

“Sehun,” the boy replies.

“Full name?”

“I want my lawyer.”

Yixing turns to stare pleadingly at Jongdae, but he just smiles.

“Have fun,” Jongdae says, and then leisurely strolls out the automatic glass doors.


Jongdae hates college parties. He really does.

“You’re being a hypocrite,” Lu Han reminds him as the car grinds to a halt.

Grinds to a halt directly in front of a bonfire with fighting teenagers around it, that is.

“It’s not even midnight, and they’re at it already,” Jongdae groans as he opens the door, pepperspray ready at hand. Lu Han follows his lead.

“Okay, break it up,” he calls over the yelling. “Police here, BREAK IT UP!”

A few of the fighting kids stop, and fewer still have the decency to look sheepish. Jongdae guesses that they haven’t had much alcohol that night. Lu Han gestures him over to one of the larger groups still fighting, and Jongdae gives him the finger before moving towards them.

“BREAK IT UP,” he yells, “BREAK IT UP!”

No one listens, but then again, he hadn’t really expected anyone to so he shoves his way through the crowd and sees two boys trying to kill each other with their bare fists.

The familiar chant of “fight, fight, fight,” rings in his ears as Jongdae sighs, and steps forward to break up the fight.

It’s lucky for Jongdae that he’s been trained in all kinds of martial arts because both the fighting teenagers stand half a head taller than him and high off more than adrenaline.

He slithers between them, and then shoves them apart.

“You’re under arrest,” he announces.

One of the boys makes an attempt to punch him, but Lu Han grabs him from behind, pinning his arms to his side.

Jongdae turns towards the other boy only see him grinning from his place on the floor.

“Is that a gun,” he asks, and Jongdae thinks that there’s something familiar about him, “or are you just happy to see me again?”

Oh, he’s the boy who scribbled on their station wall. And Jongdae is neither happy to see him or carrying a gun.

“Not happy to see you at all,” Jongdae mutters. “Get up, you’re under arrest.”

The kid (who Jongdae thinks is called Sehun) has an expression of both haughtiness and hurt on his face. Jongdae tries his best not to laugh.


There’s a car going at double the speed limit, and so Jongdae flicks on the sirens and flashes the car headlights. The car he’s after doesn’t pull over, but instead goes faster.

Jongdae considers asking for backup-the people who try to flee are always the most troublesome-but the car rounds a corner and suddenly, Jongdae’s stepping on the gas and giving chase.

It takes a while, but eventually, they hit a dead end.

Jongdae waits a long moment, eyes fixed on the car in front of him. When no one gets out, he grabs his gun and leaves his car.

“Come out with your hands raised above your head,” Jongdae calls loudly.

The door of the car opens, and a familiar (not to mention terrified) face appears.

“I don’t have my license, please don’t shoot me,” Sehun says. “I have a lawyer, remember?”

Jongdae’s mouth falls slightly open in shock. Then he unclips his pair of handcuffs from his belt.


“You did this just so I could arrest you?”


“Oh my god you did.”


“We have got to stop meeting like this,” Sehun mutters as Jongdae walks him to the holding cells. “Why do you even bother putting me here? I’m going to be out in an hour anyway.”

That’s true, Jongdae supposes, but it’s also true that he can’t just let delinquents roam free in the police station.

“Well, you can sit and wait in here for an hour then.”

Sehun stops, and turns to Jongdae with an expression worthy of a kicked puppy. “Can’t I wait outside with you?”


“Can’t you keep me company?” Sehun pouts.

Jongdae sighs, and thinks of the paperwork upstairs that he still has to do. “Fine,” he mutters. “Whatever.”

“You don’t have to,” Sehun suddenly says, and Jongdae looks at him, confused. “You know, if you don’t want to stay with me, you don’t have to.”

“Uh,” taken aback at the sudden change in attitude, Jongdae nudges Sehun forward. “I guess I don’t mind that much,” he says, and realises that it’s true. Whereas Sehun is an annoying brat who seems to have an addiction to being arrested, Jongdae’s seen worse and Sehun’s probably (no, definitely) one of the cuter delinquents.

Sehun smiles at that, and his eyes turn into crescent moons. Jongdae feels a sudden urge to reach up, and to poke at his cheeks.

“So officer, what’s your name?” Sehun asks as Jongdae takes a seat next to him in the corridor outside the holding cells.

“Kim Jongdae,” he replies. “I would ask you back, but I’ve read your file.”

Sehun pouts a little. “Stalker.”

“No, I think that’s you,” Jongdae retorts, “always following me around, looking for trouble.”

At that, Sehun blushes, and Jongdae wonders when he had become so cute.


It’s a little after four in the morning when Jongdae strolls out into the night air. He catches a familiar figure around the corner, a can of spray paint in his hands.

KIM JONGDAE, WILL YOU BE MY BOYFRIEND? now decorates the wall in a nauseating shade of hot pink.

“You know what I wrote before?” Sehun asks casually, as if he hadn’t just vandalized a piece of public property again.

“What?” Jongdae asks slowly.

“I hope it comes true.”

Jongdae thinks back, and then chokes on the air he breathes. “You have 3 seconds,” he forces out. “Better start running.”

Sehun turns around and sets off at a run down the road, and Jongdae spends a good minute staring at the wet paint on the wall.

(a few months later)

“I really should arrest you for this.”

“For stealing your heart?”

“…shut up.”

pairing: chen/sehun, 1: valentine's 2014, rating: pg-13

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