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Comments 4

roxmorgirl September 17 2014, 05:41:31 UTC
Most importantly, I want to make sure I read this right, Eli was totally randomly generated??? Because WOW, he's the hottest one I think!

Anyway, yes I did read the whole thing and I'm so excited to see where you take this!! :D I've never even heard of this challenge and it looks totally fun! I love the idea of journal entries for the chapter format, I mean they'll have to write their journals anyway for science right??

I loved all the backstories, I love how insightful you are and I can't wait to see how all these different personalities interact :D Also, Sims 2!!! Awesome!

Seriously just so excited! Great first chapter!!


chene_sims333 September 17 2014, 18:52:33 UTC
Yes Eli (the first guy in the boys dorm) is 100% randomized. I only used preset features for him and rolled dice to chose which presets to use. I did nothing else to him :P

Wow, thank you for reading all of that! This challenge is so fun! I've always wanted to do one but never had the chance (it doesn't work as well in Sims 3). The toughest part is following all of the rules :P I have to save up money for everything, all of the careers are locked until criteria are met so no one has a job and right now in game no one has any electricity! #thestruggle

I might do journal entries, i'm just trying to see how I can do that and still get everyones info in (because Matt isn't always going to know what Jerry is up to and vise versa)

I'm excited that you're excited!! I'm working on the first real chapter now! Thanks for the feedback and awesome comments :)


tyrfish September 17 2014, 08:57:06 UTC
I like having all the backgrounds to people! I expect it'll be difficult to remember them all though, but I'm sure as we get to know the sims better we'll remember their past and we can always come back to look at this. I like the idea that they're settling Mars. There are actually projects to put astronauts through training to allow them to fly out there to explore, mostly because they'll be stuck in a small space for years with each other until they get there! Is this set now, a few years in the future, or loads of years in the future?


chene_sims333 September 17 2014, 19:01:57 UTC
Honestly their backgrounds will probably only matter a little bit, i just want them to seem like more dynamic characters. Like Cherrie has a really interesting story but does it really matter when you've got crops that need tending and no running water or electricity? Like cool, you have a shady past but idc if you go by Chimala or Cherrie could you please go pick the weeds while I fetch some water or we're going to die. lol

I picked Mars because I thought if they were founding a new town somewhere normal (on Earth) it wouldn't make much sense that they don't have electricity or running water. Those things don't take long to get on Earth as long as you have the money. This is about 100 years in the future, so not *too* far off but far enough that we've given Mars an atmosphere :P I also didn't want it to seem weird that we're only *just* colonizing Mars. With all the research and work it'll take I though 100 years sounded about right for the founding of a civilian town.

Thanks for the comment :P


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