Here via your other post. That's such a lovely idea and so nice of you. Well, if you're still in game, that Sammy button sketch you posted looks way too cute to pass ♥ *makes puppy eyes*
I like your example of whose still alive after giving out address details to you *chuckles*
You can reach me via my livejournal e-mail. Thanks in advance *tackles*
And you're on the list for the Sammy button now :D And yeah XD I had to proof I'm trustworthy XDD but I never heard that my letters exploded or something like that XD so I guess it's safe ;)
You know, if I'm getting a button I'd like to make you something too, but I'm afraid I don't have enough money to send you something through the mail, so if you want a header, or a banner, or anything to do with graphics (except for layouts because I haven't managed to dominate CSS yet) please ask. =)
Comments 11
And this is really very wonderful of you, this whole post makes me smile, and I'd really love to receive something, those badges sound fabulous!
hats.of.doom at
And you're on the list :D I think I'll note you around November for the address :3
I like your example of whose still alive after giving out address details to you *chuckles*
You can reach me via my livejournal e-mail. Thanks in advance *tackles*
And you're on the list for the Sammy button now :D And yeah XD I had to proof I'm trustworthy XDD but I never heard that my letters exploded or something like that XD so I guess it's safe ;)
And you're on the list for the Sammy button now
Yay, thank you *umflausch*
I'll just let my mom open the letter, just kiddin' of course :D
And I don't think that I would have that much time to make explosive letters XDDDD So, no danger ;)
And YAY for Malfoy fandom!
rokksi (AT) web (DOT) de
(and that means - more Sammy for me *muhahaha* XDDD)
You know, if I'm getting a button I'd like to make you something too, but I'm afraid I don't have enough money to send you something through the mail, so if you want a header, or a banner, or anything to do with graphics (except for layouts because I haven't managed to dominate CSS yet) please ask. =)
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