Fourth tutorial!!
using color layers!
Made in PSC2 but can be translatable.
1) Crop base.
2) Duplicate base. set to screen 90%
3) make new layer. fill in with #0a2245 (dark blue). exclusion 60%
4) make new layer. fill in with #92bfeb (light blue). color burn 60%
5) make new layer. fill in with #f5c7d4 (light pink). soft light 50%
6) Duplicate the screen layer (it's right above your base). drag it to the top. set to softlight 90%. sharpen once.
7) Saturate the softlight layer in STEP 6 to +60. (Image > Adjustments > Hue/Saturation)
Leave the other settings alone.
8) make new layer. fill in with #ffe6b6 (tan color). multiply 50-70%
9) Merge all layers and tada! It's done! XD
Other icons using the same technique:
You don't have to follow the tutorial exactly. Depends on the type of picture used. =D
Have fun!