made with Photoshop 7
involves curves, selective coloring, & color fill.
7 Steps
.psd included
Step one: Make a curves layers
it should look something like this
Step two: Create a fill layer. fill it with EAD678 and set it to soft light, 80%.
Step three: Create another fill layer. fill it with 240000. set it to exclusion, 100%.
Step four: Selective Color layer
reds: -27 +14 +6 +12
yellows: -12 +3 -42 0
whites: -30 +48 -3 +31
blacks: 0 0 0 +25
Step five: Create the last color fill layer. fill it with C99F7A. set it to multiply, 50%.
Step six: Brightness/Contrast layer: +5/+12
Step seven: Another selective color layer
reds: -10 -10 -10 +10
yellows: -23 +8 -13 +10
blacks: +5 +7 +7 +13
and you're done!
remember that you might need to play around with settings, opacities, and such depending on your base
and what results you will want.
.PSD made with similar coloring: