Title: A Bridge Among Two Nations
Pairings: Schnidal (Bernd Schneider/Arturo Vidal) Bastian Schweinsteiger/Marko Marin
Rating: NC-17
Character crew: Bernd Schneider, Arturo Vidal, Tranquillo Barnetta, Joachim Löw feat. Deutsche Nationalmannschaft.
Special appeareance of Dr. Theo Zwanziger, Marko Marin and Bastian Schweinsteiger
Disclaimer: Tout faux, F.I.C.T.I.O.N, Fake... every synonym related to 'false'
Warning: Unbetaed.
Summary: Sometimes love is a bridge for communication among two totally different nations.
In this part - The Schneiders are in Nyon to defend their rights. And Marko and Schweini will support them till the end.
The first five months of marriage aren't easy for the Schneiders.
It was a polemical presentation to the media. Even Arturo was ready for the DFB webpage and
it had to be removed for UEFA's decision. Three weeks in Nyon and nothing yet happened. Dr. Zwanziger returns to Germany with more defeats in his body.
He cannot stand anymore.
Also, Marko broke up with Jens, so it was so sad for him.
Indeed, Marin wanted to forget the man who gave his virginity with rocking sex full of wide spread legs, in all positions they wanted.
After all, Marko is young and full of energy, so as Mesut and Thomas together.
"Bastian. I know that is unusual, you like Lukas and all stuff..."
"Bullshit... why you say that? Lukas is my friend, Marko! ...why?"
"I love you"
"Come here, Marko." Bastian says cuddling him. "Indeed I love you"
Eight o'clock in the morning. They must arrive to UEFA's headquarters to get joined with the couple, so as Dr. Zwanziger, representative of the DFB.
"I heard that Arturo was expelled from Chilean Federation for being homosexual."
"Holy shit! He was expelled!"
"Yes, but indeed it doesn't mean he's suspended for lifetime. It means he cannot be at the Chilean National Team anymore.
The only condition is not to erase him of the register. FIFA also said now he's without federation.
He's nothing for FIFA, but as player his rights on the pitch are intact.
Is just he hasn't federation now."
"Bullshit! Show that to the UEFA, Marko! Is time to release all the proves to the light, Marin!"
"I don't know if Dr. Zwanziger knows."
"I don't give a fuck, call him now!"
"Hey, man! There they are!"
Marin gets down of the car, so as Bastian.
"Herzlich wilkommen!" Dr. Zwanziger said.
"Danke, Herr Zwanziger" Bastian answers "did you heard about the CONMEBOL stuff so as the Chilean Federation?"
"Yes... I heard them all and not only that. I've got the original letters from them.
In this suitcase I keep all the proves to grant them the right to play as marriage. The ace under the sleeve, puppies." Theo giggled.
"Wow... I hope he can have the certification... and the legal last name changing."
"Ahahahaa... this will be rocking, Marko!" Schweinsteiger added.
Then, fifteen minutes later, Bernd and Arturo Schneider arrives to UEFA headquarters.
"Schneider, Schneider, Schneider!" Bastian and Marko chants.
"Shhhh... you'll enter to the headquarters"
Arturo never entered to UEFA building before. He stands with his
mouth wide open when he sees a huge map of Europe.
"Is it gold, Bernd?"
"Ich weiss nicht, Arturo... möglich"
"No todo lo que brilla es oro, hijo" Dr. Zwanziger says.
"¿Habla español usted?"
"No como quieres que hable, pero hablo"
Schnix releases thumbs up.
"This is the hall of the tribunal. It's a huge hall.
Maybe it's not so huge as the Reichstag, but you can appreciate that your face will be shown in front of hundreds of associated members.
Also, beware of the President of the Croatian Association... don't display so much affection in his presence."
"He's such a mother..."
"Shhh, Arturo! Don't swear! This is the UEFA building!"
Meanwhile, Marko and Bastian were lost looking for the Schneiders.
"It's so huge as the DFB building. I got lost here, Bastian...!!!!! There's not even a single banner..."
"But Dr. Zwanziger guided them..."
Marko and Bastian ran away. The floor was shiny, so they almost slide and falls down. Until a cleaning-boy whistling was out there with a mop.
"Do you know where's the hall?"
"Sorry, sir. I don't speak German..."
Bastian nods.
"We're lost in translation, Marko."
"Awww! Basti!!!" he whispers "he spoke in Croatian. Check it..."
(Note: the conversation between Marko and the cleaning-boy is in Croatian. English only for friendly reading)
"Ehrm... I heard you spoke Croatian.... where's the tribunal hall??"
"Awwww!! Yes sir. Take the elevator till the first floor. You'll see a map of Europe..."
"There we were" Marin said.
"So, you're at the map of Europe. There are two doors. One is small, the other is not a door, it's a gate. Don't get confused."
"Was the right one, Marko! I told you!" Schweinsteiger mumbles.
"Thank you, goodbye!"
While taking the elevator, they were expecting the man who's the terror of sexual minorities.
"I heard that Herr Markovic will be there supporting the rejection of Arturo's entering to the Deutscher Fussballbund."
Marko swore some words with a pidgin between Serbian and Croatian language. Bastian laughs with it.
"That's the gate the cleaning boy said... geht los..."
"Cabro Chico"
Both entered the place...
"In the nick of time!" Dr. Zwanziger said "They're expecting Vlatko Markovic to make it."
"Don't sing victory. At this moment, Arturo has double nationality. I have all the cards around the table.
But with one word from Herr Markovic and everything is over.
But maybe they forgot the eleven values."
"The eleven values?"
"Ja, Marko" Bernd adds with a hoarse and deep voice "The fundamental principles of the UEFA. The eleven values. Arturo and me know them almost by heart."
"Holy shit... you're an elephant, man! Oh oh, Arturo..."
"That grumpy old man you see there is Vlatko Markovic..."
Both took hands and showed the ring.
Vlatko goes closer and then spits against them.
"My tie!!"
"Holy crap. Another homophobe we've got to hold..." Bernd says "Don't worry. It will fade away quickly." He said while drying the spit on his jacket. "At least he hadn't a cold."
"All arise! The disciplinary comission is on session. Sit down, please..."
They haven't regular lawyers. The players represents themselves; but Dr. Theo Zwanziger is authorized by the DFB and UEFA to represent the couple.
"We all know that in January 14th, 2011; Arturo Vidal was presented as member
of the German National Team. We rejected the petition for alleged irregularities and ant- sporting conduct inside the Federation. Be careful herr Zwanziger.
The 'revindication' can be expensive for your federation, and even can cost your place inside UEFA, which means that nor your National Team, nor your local teams can play
international tournaments" one of the judges said. This judge was from Spain.
"As the popular canon says: 'it's okay to be gay', but sometimes is not like this. If this couple, who loves each other so much and got married, ok, do it...
but they should keep their places inside their own National Teams. No last names, no nothing. Why Arturo Vidal changed his last name to Arturo Schneider?
Sounds more... European? His last name inspires underdevelopement?
He denies his roots? Can you answer this question, gentlemen? Can you speak now, Dr. Zwanziger?"
"Arturo Vidal now is Arturo Schneider by legal reasons. The lifetime partnership was made in November 14th, 2010 in Jena, Thüringen, Germany.
The legal last name changing was concreted a week later, on November 21st, 2010 in Leverkusen, Germany."
"But this is the legal aspect. I am talking about sportive aspects and not extra- sporting ones. Another reason why we should accept Arturo Vidal as
'Arturo Schneider' and play for the German National Team? I think the first one is not...enough to backup an argument like this."
Theo puts his suitcase on the huge table and shows and opens a folder, which contained several letters.
"That's a bunch of papers, Bernd!"
"Look, Arturo! Is the letter who gave you giving you the right to play with my last name."
"This letter was expended in October 25th, 2010. We knew that if Arturo changed his last name, he would made in a legal path. So, as Federation we granted
the right to play with his last name once he got it legally changed. And even is signed by myself and Oliver Bierhoff"
"Arturo Vidal?"
"Arturo Vidal?"
"I'll call you with your birth name because---"
"No! I will not talk until you call me Arturo Schneider. That's my last name now. And that's how should I figure inside of the pitch too..."
"Ok..hmmm... Arturo Schneider?"
"Did you know that you can play for the German National Team only if you hadn't made it for your country's squad."
"Yes, is true. But it's a tiny rule..."
"You broke two rules: the first: you revealed your sexual orientation. The second: you were presented as Arturo Schneider, playing for the German National
Team and the third: you changed your nationality"
"I didn't change my nationality!"
"He made all the procedures following the regular conduct" the Thuringian said "I am witness of all the procedures Arturo made for obtain his naturalization
letter. He got naturalized German, so as many others inside my crew."
"Can you tell me, herr Schneider, who are those 'German naturalized'?"
"Lukas Podolski, Miroslav Klose, Mario Gomez, Mesut Özil, all of them are naturalized"
"But they aren't naturalized for having a civil union with a person of the same gender..."
"Maybe not. But this case is different..."
"Why I should say different?"
"Because we are that. And I can say it with all letters: we are a homosexual couple bonded in the name of law..."
"Is there any political, ethnical or interest reasons behind this naturalization, herr Schneider?"
"I wanted my naturalization letter only because I want to be respected as German citizen. I wanted respect for who I am and my rights as a player."
"For protection... or a passport for... release yourself as homosexual?"
"No! I am happy as Chilean. I was born and grow in Chile. I don't have ancestors of German origins.
I released myself as homosexual a long time ago, before ever
tried to make a single step in my procedures. But this is not about my sexuality. Soccer is before everything. An element you should consider."
"But soccer for now is not important here."
"Is important! Is a fundamental for us to have a representation inside and outside of the pitch. We have the right to represent a team or a National Team
in international tournaments. Champions League or Euro. Whatever. But more than a right, football is a game..."
"But in game you win and lose... the Window Transfer can even underrate your value, just because you got 'married' with someone of the same gender..."
"Football is a game before a product...is a sport before a market."
"What the fans would say?"
"It's a show before a business!" Vidal concludes.
"Holy shit!" Bastian whispers "He quoted the first value of the eleven"
"Wait fo'mo'" Marko said "Schnix and Arturo are like crazy. They left The Oak Zwanziger with the mouth shut!"
Schweini giggles
"The Oak! C'mon!"
"Another proof?"
"Yes, sir. Here are the letters which Conmebol and Chilean Federation expells Arturo from the Chilean National Team. He cannot represent his country
of origin in Latinamerican competitions."
"But one thing is missing: the FIFA notification."
"If FIFA gets involved, they'll suspend Arturo for lifetime. Also it says on the notification that he'll not be erased from the
registers and calls to care his right to play soccer"
"FIFA and UEFA walks hand by hand" Schnix adds "because they respect the principle of subsidiarity. They should defend soccer by itself! Not if we
fuck each other or not"
"Herr Schneider! Don't use rude language inside the hall!"
"This stuff is almost like...Nüremberg Judgements. This hasn't any sense! Why we are here? Because we got married? Please. This thing is such a dictatorship.
Germany and Chile says with once is enough. You should be operating in consensus... I mean...c'mon!"
Zwanziger facepalms. The way of talk wasn't the adequate to a important thing like being in UEFA headquarters.
"If the Deutscher Fussballbund granted me the right to play with the last name of this man, then, right! UEFA should respect the decision made by the
Federation. We shouldn't be here. At this moment the Executive Committee should decide about this!"
"But the Executive decided to deny it. The things are as they are. Your name is Arturo Vidal. Inside and outside of the pitch, and it's over"
"But we are here to appeal. Three weeks far away from Leverkusen, from Jena, which is my home. The openness, democracy and transparency you always
preach, where are they? You must defend the autonomy of sports... and not the things my adoptive land does legally or not.
My adoptive land is my adoptive land and that's nothing but the truth."
"Holy crap!" Marko said "I'm gonna pee of impression"
"Arturo quoted the values 3 and 4..."
"And Bernd the number 2...c'mon, Schnix, sprach!"
"You should think in soccer. Not in our sexuality. Like all of you, we begin in our homelands. On grass roots. Maybe for Arturo wasn't the same.
But you should think deeper. At this moment... how many children are growing up with us now? With our truth? They'll keep playing soccer despite
of the truth I revealed. The strength of soccer is not in us, is in the grass roots..."
"But we all know that UEFA has a sporting an moral responsibility... and that responsibility must be preached with the example.
You aren't an example... you are perverting the minds of many men, women and children. For some reason the Executive denied you!!!"
"I know what you are talking. I understand your thoughts" Dr. Zwanziger said "but I can say that in Bayer Leverkusen Fussballschule is not like that.
Many children talk about them in a good way. Even it's more. Arturo was a U20 when he got transfered to Bayer. He was already legal. He had the age
to do what he wanted. Imagine what if he would be... younger than that? That would be an abuse! So he was mature to carry on with this relationship."
"But that moral responsibility is not about sexuality. Imagine if I wasn't legal when I got transfered. Probably I'd still stand in Colo-Colo, like Alexis.
That's the great deal!"
"Ok. We're going to take a two hour delay and coming back here at three o'clock. Then, tomorrow, the associates will vote. In the night the results will be
"Well done" a representative from the Netherlands congratulates to Schneider.
"the 11 values are almost forgotten inside the UEFA. Now it's only about interests... I watched the entire ceremony in my country.It was dubbed...
Don't forget to quote the value number 10."
"Ok" Bernd said.
"What's the value #10?"
"Respect" he whispered.
Is time to fight with all strength they can. Arturo's mouth is dry. His sore throat indicates he spoke too much. Dr. Zwanziger congratulates them
for their self-defense. They paraphrased almost the first half of the eleven values.
Will be this enough to win the greatest battle of all times???
tbc. 05.16.2011