Title: A Bridge Among Two Nations
Pairings: Schnidal + Stefan Kießling (Bernd Schneider/Arturo Vidal/Stefan Kießling).
Hans Jörg Butt/Manuel Neuer implied.
Character crew: Bernd Schneider, Arturo Vidal, Joachim Löw feat. Deutsche Nationalmannschaft.
Special appeareance of Manuel Neuer, Hans-Jörg Butt and Stefan Kießling.
Disclaimer: Tout faux, F.I.C.T.I.O.N, Fake... every synonym related to 'false'
Warning: Some swearing. Threesome. Unbetaed.
Summary: Sometimes love is a bridge for communication among two totally different nations.
In this part - Celebrating results of German Oral Examination. Also Stefan wants to tell something to study
during World Cup.
Previously "What's up?"
"Yo!!!! What's up?"
The couple salute like this to Stefan after a training. But it's not Bayer.
"Why they're all like this, dressed on white? And the eagle?"
"Arturo... you're at the Nationalmannschaft Boot Camp. Herzlich wilkommen, Arturo. Soon you'll be here...."
"It's hard to know about it. Maybe it would be the last time I play for my country." Vidal answers with jitter
in his voice and sighs.
"Don't worry, Arturo. You'll be welcome here for always."
Stefan, sighing, changed topic.
"So, what's up with the German Oral Test?"
"Like a cat"
He frowns.
"I fell down and I dropped stand up in my four paws."
"Yo, Steff! I'm B1! More than basic... and also I speak like a Jenaer!!!"
Kießling hugs Arturo and caress his hair for a long moment.
Bernd was watching them understanding each other in German. He's glad... jealousy is faded away. He's open to anything, even in sexual
They hug each other and Arturo smiles of happiness.
"So is true... he speaks like a Jenaer... I can hear it in his voice. Congratulations Bernd!"
"You must congratulate him" he emphazises in the last word.
"Why? I already did..."
"It's not me. It's him."
"Nein, Stefan. You're right."
Bernd frowns.
"He taught me. I'm talking to you because Schnix made it possible. If isn't for him, proabably I wouldn't make it."
Arturo kissed Bernd and those who were training were looking at them making it out.
"Es tut mir leid!"
"Nee, don't be sorry..." the goalkeeper said.
He had a cute face. Anyways Arturo blushed up at his presence. It can be said that there was a little crush between
"My name is Manuel Neuer and I play at Schalke 04..."
"Yo, kid, what's up?"
"Bernd Schneider!! You're like a phoenix! Phoenix Schnix... from the ashes you rise once again, man!!
Respect." Neuer said making an Eastern bow to him.
"I'm not a wizard. Well... It took an earthquake to reborn..." Schnix said.
"Man!! You...you were there...at the...??"
He said yes not even pronouncing a single word.
"Schau schau" Schnix said.
"Whooooaaaaaaaa, man! It wasn't necessary... I think I'm gonna puke."
"He doesn't like scars. Even he pukes for real with a single wound" the other goalie said. "Hans-Jörg Butt"
"Nice to meet you...My name is Arturo Vidal... I'm 23. And I play at---"
"I know...Arturo... brave man... not like this one...huh! But anyways, I still love him..."
He embraced Neuer to the farthest place at the pitch.
"hm... Bernd. You shouldn't do that anymore... Neuer doesn't like blood, wounds or scars. Even he vomits when someone is injured. He prefers
to give a hair sample instead of the typical blood..."
"I know, Stefan. But it's the signal of my surveillance and my resurrection proof."
"Thanks to that you came out of the closet, man!"
"No. Don't talk about it like that, Stefan. Respektlos ist das... I did it because I wanted to let it know to the world that my love for
Arturo almost killed me..."
"Yeah, I know. Sorry for that, Bernd."
"Kein problem...friede..."
"Friede... hey tú..."
"¿Ah?" Arturo said impressed.
"Paz, amigo"
Arturo salutes Kießling with peace signal while leaving the pitch.
Vidal frowns.
"Why he spoke Spanish?"
"Gonzalo taught him."
"Are they still together, aren't they?"
"Not anymore... Gonzalo has a girlfriend. But be careful. He had a crush on you while I was out. But anyways I came back. Saved by the bell,
Arturo...let's go."
Schnix pats his shoulder and leaves the place.
"Schnix Phoenix. Nice nickname... better than Schnix Cuckoo."
"Manu..." Bernd exclaimed while facepalming.
Then, again the blonde curly handsome man around the place.
"We should celebrate... huh?"
"You can't. You're concentrated."
"Dude... let's go, man. Not getting drunk, but let's celebrate that Arturo now is a Jenaer pro made in Chile."
"Chile is a beautiful land. Even it trembles a lot."
Arturo hit Bernd with his elbow.
"What about a beer...some Xbox...??"
"Yeah... I love it!"
"And some dance around?"
"Yeah!! Let's go!"
"Let's...go, Stefan..."
Arturo had the intuition that something more was going to happen in Stefan's room. He was alone. No companion around.
"I have energetic drink"
"Awwwwwwwww, man!! Dunkel Hund*..."
"Hahahaaa... he even translates." Bernd purrs. "So cute"
"Arturo is near to be German..."
"Cheers! Wahoooah!"
"Man, Arturo. I respect you 'cause you're a pro... man... nobody, but...nobody" Kießling emphasizes "speaks like a Jenaer when learns German.
No one does that. Is like Martín Demichelis speaking like Miro or Poldi does.You rock, man... you rock..."
"You would die of the questions the comission asked me..."
"Really? What kind of questions?"
"Example...my personal information."
"Do it."
"Aw, man! C'mon!!"
"Do it, Arturo. Stefan wants to hear you..."
"Ok...well, Bernd... do the comission part and I'll answer...k?"
"Alles klar...ähm..."
Arturo was really nervous... he knows Bernd's voice would make him remove his clothes, some handjob and finally sex and the recreation would
not end.
But anyways, he decided to go on.
"Nennen Sie uns Ihre persönlichen Daten, das heißt, wo Sie geboren wurden, usw." (ell us about your personal information. That means where
you were born, and things like that)
"Mein vollständiger Name ist Arturo Erasmo Vidal Pardo.
Ich wurde am 22. Mai 1987 in Santiago geboren. Ich bin 23 Jahre alt. Ich bin verlobt. mit meinem deutschen Paar.
Er kommt aus Jena und sein Name ist Bernd Schneider. Wie er, bin ich ein Profi-Fußballer und ich spiele in der Bundesliga bei Bayer
Leverkusen 1904."
(My full name is Arturo Erasmo Vidal Pardo. I was born in Santiago on May 22nd, 1987. I'm twenty-three years old. I'm engaged. with my German
He's from Jena and his name is Bernd Schneider. Like him, I'm a professional footballer and I play in the Bundesliga at Bayer Leverkusen
"Whoa, keep going on"
"Ok ... eine Frage, Arturo. Haben Sie deutsche Vorfahren oder Verwandte in Ihrer Familie." (Now... can you tell us about your family? Your
parents, your siblings, etc.)
Bernd was lying down at the couch and looking at Vidal, putting attention and bitting his finger at the time. Stefan notices Bernd's horny
"Gut... können Sie uns von Ihrer Familie erzählen? Ihre Eltern, Ihre Geschwister, und so weiter."
"Meine Eltern sind... sind... äh... sie rissen auseinander vor langer Zeit. Der Name meines Vaters ist Erasmo Vidal und der Name meiner
Mutter ist Jacqueline Pardo.
Ich habe einen Bruder und eine Schwester. Auch einen Neffen. Mein Bruder heißt Emilio und meine Schwester heißt Ambar.
Und der Name meines Neffen ist wie meiner, Arturo. "
"Arturo... Ihr Neffe... ist er der Sohn Ihres Bruders oder Ihrer Schwester?"
"Er ist Ambars Sohn..."
"Hoaaa! Bravoooo!" Stefan says.
"Here comes the best, Arturo...do you remember that part when they asked you about your childhood?"
"Yeah, something of...Erzählen Sie uns von Ihrer Kindheit."
"Aw! Ok... Erzählen Sie uns von Ihrer Kindheit.Nur das." (Tell us about your childhood.Just that.)
""Nun... es war nicht einfach... aber ich hatte glückliche Tage.
Ich wuchs auf in der San Joaquín Innenstadt in Santiago. Drogen, Alkohol... Ich habe barfuß Fußball auf dem Fußballfeld in meiner
Nachbarschaft gespielt..."
Stefan drops some tears on his face. He didn't know that he had a childhood like that.
"Das Feld war nicht aus Gras. Es war nur... Staub... Ich begann im Alter von 5, mehr oder weniger.
Im Fußball konnte ich Glück finden. Aber... Ich lebte in einem sehr kleinen Haus... aber dann, als ich 10 wurde, wurden die Dinge
schlimmer... "
"Weil... weil... mein Vater sich dauernd betrunken hat. Und meine Mutter kümmerte sich um die Familie. Sie... sie hat... ähm... sie war
Kleider waschen, die ganze Zeit. Ihre Hände waren ständig nass und voller Schaum. Und fleckig.
Sie hat eine Menge Punkte auf den Händen. Mein Vater fand oft Herrenunterwäsche, und so war er immer eifersüchtig, oder besser gesagt...
krank vor Eifersucht.
Weil er sich oft betrank... fing er an, meine Mutter zu schlagen... dann hat sie es vergessen, und dann geschah es wieder und wieder.Dann hat
sich ein Onkel von mir um mich und meine anderen Geschwister gekümmert, er war meine ... elterliche Figur. Aber dann, im Alter von dreizehn
Jahren zog ich von zu Hause weg. "
"Bist du weggelaufen?"
"Nein. Ich begann meine Ausbildung als Fußballer in der Colo Colo Fußballschule. Ich war dort bis zum Alter von 19 Jahren. Der Rest der
Geschichte… mein Partner kennt ihn auswendig."
Stefan was silent, but with his mouth wide open of impression.
"Did you told that? Really? Or are you kiddin' me, man?"
"Absolut nicht." Arturo said "Bernd knows almost my entire story. Even the stuff of police brutality..."
"Goddamn? What else did the comission asked you?"
"Ähm...they asked me about...der Verdammt Erdbeben"
"Aw jeez, geht los, huh?..."
"Das Erdbeben war am 27. Februar 2010 in Chile
um 03.34 Uhr nachmittags. 8,8 Grad Richter-Skala. Das Epizentrum lag bei Cobquecura, in der Nähe von Concepción... und blah blah blah"
"He told everything... the tsunami and all... man, you should see him at the Leverkusener Forum....he was really awesome..."
"You are turned on, man"
"Bullshit" Bernd said.
The erection on Schnix's pants was noticeable. He denied it for almost five minutes.
"I'll prove it" Arturo said.
So the Chilean get Schnix pants down...
"Ja. Nicht als die Wahrheit..."
"Arturo, bitte. Your voice is guilty of everything..."
"Nein, it's your voice" he emphasizes.
Suddenly Arturo gets down Bernd's underwear and takes his cock just for sucking it...touching his hips... he doesn't make a single noise,
which makes Bernd react with hotness saying it aloud.
Stefan was going to leave the place.
"Nee, Steff... stay here, man..."
"It doesn't make sense... keep watching while Arturo is sucking your dick? Is not funny, man..."
"Nee" Schnix moaned.
"Do you wanna be here...oh, Arturo...!"
"Take off your clothes and touch me, kiss me, or whatever..."
Stefan didn't hesitate with it. He lays down behind the couch and removes his clothes till he stands already naked.
"Can I confess you? You're already turning me on, c'mon Phoenix Schnix..."
Schnix kissed Stefan deeply. They made some games with their tongues. Schnix lets himself go as long as he moves his hips while Arturo keep
sucking his dick...
Then, Kießling embraces Bernd and touches Arturo's hairstyle...
"They look so good together..."
Stefan spits on Bernd's arse and massages with a single finger. Schnix moans like crazy. It's a double sensation coming around.
Then, Arturo releases his mouth, standing up and licking Bernd everywhere... he knows that Stefan is around getting action with two fingers
on a Jenaer hole. While licking and embracing Bernd.
"Hey du, Vidal."
"Hey du, Kießling"
Both kiss each other... Bernd hasn't jealousy or other negative feelings. Anyways, Stefan is an awesome and comprehensive guy who's also
horny like any other human being.
While kissing Vidal, the German one takes his cock and fits into Schnix's body. Bernd makes a soft, but hoarse groan. Arturo sucks Bernd's
neck while Kießling performs fucking with him... he's really versatile and now is more than demonstrated.
"Oh, fuck, Stefan...oh, please..."
He embraces Arturo while Stefan keeps doing his manneuver inside Schneider's body. Arturo hugs Bernd and kisses Bernd just for shutting his
mouth up, but kisses stops and he keeps shouting his pleasure loud...
Then, Arturo disappears from Bernd's arms...
"Arturo?" Bernd moans...
"I'm here..." he said while embracing Stefan from behind.
Arturo embraces Kießling and touches his entire body while rubbing his cock among his buttocks.
"I love your hair, Stefan...it's so blonde and so soft...oh, dear.. you're turning me on..."
Stefan moans loud while fucking Bernd. It was for Arturo's cause... three fingers in his hole is enough to feel good...
"Fuck him, Arturo" Bernd said. "I love it..."
"Bernd's right...so right..."
Vidal winks and supports his cock with both hands... and fit in.
Stefan screams out his pleasure loud. His sexual blush was rising around. Bitting his lips he tries to keep fucking Schneider, but he
couldn't do it anymore...
"Aww, Bernd suck it...before I release..."
So Stefan stops and Schnix turns around. Sitting down on the couch he manipulates Kießling's cock just for suck it.
Many 'ja' were released from his lips while keep massaging Bernd's scalp and behind being penetrated by a Chilean cock, knowing perfectly
who's his owner.
After long minutes while Arturo feels better in Stefan's body and embracing him and groaning while licking his back, finally he goes out of
his body, for changing position.
He never felt so good before. So long time ago he didn't made a threesome, but this time wasn't for having justice on their hands. It was a
threesome for the simple pleasure of having a threesome.
Arturo remembers the time when he used to fuck Bruno Labbadia revenging his virginity, so Vidal lays down naked on the floor and using the
touch of his hand for keep going on with that pleasure journey. He expected Bernd to be on top, but Stefan takes his arse with his fingers
and looking behind as a guide, he stands on top and Arturo's cock fit in...
Stefan slides slow while his body is full of adrenaline... but speed increases...
"Oh...Scheiße, la concha de tu madre!" Kießling swears.
"Ja, Stefan..."
Vidal gasps and explodes of pleasure. Meanwhile he was releasing himself, Bernd puts his cock down, so Arturo could lick it...
Both, Stefan and Bernd were moaning loud in different tunes and time...
Then, Bernd at the middle performed a handjob and moaned loud and hoarse.
He releases cum in the middle of Arturo's body.
"Oh, shit..."
Arturo gets his hands busy performing a handjob on Stefan.
"Both hands...aw..."
"Yeah...it's really awesome..."
Shaking it, manipulating it... and release...
Bernd and Stefan's cums are already on Arturo's body.
Then, Stefan released of Arturo's body and while doing it, Bernd was with Stefan in the same position used before.
Arturo kissed Bernd first while performing other handjob.
"Wieder, Bernd...aw!"
Kießling leaves his trace on Bernd's abs.
Schnix whips his scar with Stefan's cum, like some kind of cream...
Then, he decided to release from Stefan's body...
Anyways, he returns to kiss Arturo. The Chilean touches and licks his scar. Literally licking wounds.After that he stands up.
Stefan cannot stand it anymore and is lying down on the floor, but anyways Bernd makes him suck his toes.
Mutual handjob.
"I love that scar..."
"Aber ich liebe dich, Arturo."
"Ich dich auch."
They passionately kiss each other and both moan at two voices...
And they release.
"Oh crap... is the first time ever, man... you make a beautiful couple...huh?"
"So true...so true, it's so true" Bernd answered.
"But if you wanna play for die Nationalmannschaft for real, you must answer a bunch of questions, Arturo."
"It's about German culture."
"Nobody told me that shit, aw, man!"
"Relax, man... you can download it in Spanish from Deutsche Welle website and for the World Cup you'll learn them all..."
"Keine Ahnung" Bernd said. "Oh, man... mierda me hice. Parar yo no puedo."
After more than two hours, they dressed up and kept the party going on till the morninglight.
Arturo deserved it.
He's the best German non-native speaker ever met. He speaks like a Jenaer... he speaks like the love of his life.
Also, they have another reason to celebrate: Stefan will be the only one from Bayer who will integrate German World Cup crew.
tbc. 02-06-2011
* = Dark Dog. Arturo translated the brand of energetic drink. In Spanish is 'Perro Oscuro'
Extracts translated by
karneol_vision .English translation can be found in the previous chapter.